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Directorate for Consultative WorkQuestionnaire for the CoR Contribution to the High Level Group on Administrative Burdens
Report on good practice in the Member States to implement EU legislation in the least burdensome way /
MemberState of origin: / CzechRepublic
Name of region, local authority: / Karlovarske regional authority
Responsible administrative authority[1]: / Environment and Agriculture Department
Primary contact person: / Ms Jana Harzerová
Email: /
Telephone: / +420353502 595
1. Identification of Good Practice:
Include - if possible - the following information
- Title of the initiative / Advice and consultation prior to the submission of an application for integrated environmental authorisation.
- substantive area[2] / IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control)
- objective(s) of the best practice / 1. in the case of complex procedures within the framework of integrated prevention, consultations take place and initial adjustments are made prior to submitting applications to ensure that the authorisation process is simplified and shortened as much as possible
2. Applicants are only required to submit the supporting documents needed to assess the application (fewer documents than under the legal requirements). Equally, all supporting documents which the applicant has already submitted to the regional authority under other procedures or applications are not required.
- related EU law[3] / 96/61/EC
- related national / regional / local law / Act 76/2002 (current version)
2. Detailed description of Good Practice and its effects:
Include - if possible - the following information
What are its main elements? / Consultation prior to the IPPC authorisation process and active cooperation with the official responsible
What are its effects on business, in particular SMEs?
(who is affected, what procedures are streamlined, how is this achieved) / Regarding point 1
-Reduces the time needed to issue an integrated permit
-Reduces the financial burden (no need for additional or amending information, since comments are sent to the institutions concerned prior to the launch of the procedure itself).
Regarding point 2
-Reduces administrative and financial burden for applicants.
What are its effects on public administrations?
(who is affected, what procedures are streamlined, how is this achieved) / The regional authority, in its capacity as an integrated prevention agency, receives a complete application which has been the subject of prior consultation; this means a reduction in the administrative burden and, accordingly, in the financial cost of processing the application.
Date of implementation / As of 2007
Improvements to former practice
How has the good practice improved the procedure in terms of time, duration and/ or complication? / A clearly positive contribution
How has the good practice improved the procedure in terms of cost? / A clearly positive contribution
E-government elements[4]
Quantifications of cost reductions, where possible
Other possible positive effects of the good practice, e.g. on competitiveness, growth, effects at cross-border level (mobility, freedom of movement of workers, goods, capital and services)
3. Additional information:
Additional information on the Good Practice you may like to share
Website with more information
In case the good practice you submitted refers to a particular directive or regulation, please share any ideas you might have for the possible simplification of this directive or regulation, with a view to reducing administrative burden
[1]If applicable.
[2]See appendix.
[3]If applicable – if your submission concerns a horizontal institutional structure or initiative in your region or city this field can be left blank.
[4]If applicable.