
Maestra: Señorita LeeCorreo electrónico: Tel.: (773)534-6400 ext. 18737

Aula: 179Oficina: 142Curso: 54663 Crédito: 1

Teacher Schedule/Office Hours:

Period / 1 / 2 / 3 / Homeroom / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Spanish 1 / Spanish 1 / 312 / Spanish 1 / Spanish 1 / Spanish 1

Office hours before or after school are also available by appointment.

¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español 1! Welcome to Spanish 1! This syllabus will be your guide to a successful school year in this class. Please read this information thoroughly and if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.

Descripción de la clase (Course Description)

In this course you will be introduced to the Spanish language and culture. We will focus on speaking, listening, reading and writing effectively and confidently by practicing the language inside and outside of the classroom. Do not expect this course to be just about grammar and vocabulary learning.You will also become familiar with the different customs and traditions of various Spanish-speaking countries. At the end of this course, you will become a worldlier person with a wider knowledge of the Spanish language and culture.

Metas (goals)

Using Spanish as the mode of communication (with the teacher and amongst your peers), we will aim to accomplish the following goals:

We will develop basic communicative skills in Spanish. This means that at the end of this course, we will be able to speak in Spanish! We will also develop general knowledge about cultural differences amongst the different Spanish-speaking countries. You will learn the different traditions and customs of these countries, and will find out how similar and/or different they are to your own culture.

Porqué aprender español? (Why learn Spanish?)

  • It’s all around us!
  • The U.S. is home to more than 44.000.000 Spanish speakers. Whether on the media, in your community or school, or in your own home, the Spanish language is probably part of your life in some way. If you plan to travel outside the U.S., remember that Spanish is the official language of 21 countries.
  • It’s a lifelong skill!
  • Do you know what career you plan to pursue? What will you do if you have a Spanish-speaking patient or client? You will be able to better reach out to them if you can speak their language! You will also be open to many more career opportunities if you have the ability to speak and read Spanish.
  • It’s fascinating!
  • Hispanic culture is full of diverse expressions of music, art and literature. You’ll learn about the various customs, traditions, and values in Latin America and Spain.

Expectaciones y pólizas (policies)

  • Behavior

All students will be expected to follow the Westinghouse HS Student Handbook policies and regulations.

We will respect everyone and everything in this classroom. This includes respecting your classmates, yourself, the teacher, and the objects around us. We will listen and respect each other’s turn to speak by raising our hands before contributing our ideas.

Students are expected to be prepared with all materials every day (book, paper, pen, pencil, homework, etc.). Students may NOT return to their locker for forgotten materials, including homework. Points will be deducted from your participation or homework when you arrive to class unprepared.

  • Tardiness, Absences, Make-up work

Students are expected to be on time and seated when the class begins. Bell ringers (daily) and quizzes (weekly) will take place at the beginning of class. If a student is tardy on a quiz day, he/she will not be provided with additional time to complete the quiz. Being tardy will also affect your daily participation points.

In the event of an absence, it is the students’ responsibility to ask the teacher about any eligible make-up assignments upon your return to class. Participation points and make-up work will only be accepted if the absence is excused (doctor’s note or parent contact). The total number of days a student is absent is the same number of days he/she has to make up any missing assignments. If a student is aware that he/she will be absent on the day of an exam, a time must be arranged with the teacher to make up the work. Make-up exams can only be taken after the original exam date.

  • Late Work Policy

It is expected that Westinghouse High School students turn in all assignments on time, completed in their entirety and of the highest quality. Assignments not completed by the due date are automatically late and will only be worth a maximum of fifty percent of its original value. The one exception is if you have an excused absenceyou may turn your work in at the beginning of the period on the day you return to school. Late work will not be accepted after it has been graded and/or reviewed in class. If you miss a class for other than an excused absence (i.e. class cut), any work (including quizzes, exams and major projects) due that day will not be accepted. You will automatically receive a zero on those assignments.

  • Bathroom

The bathroom pass is reserved only for emergencies. From a scale from 1-10, an emergency is considered an 11. Plan on using the bathroom during the passing period or lunch.

  • Language

Spanish will be spoken at all times during class, not only to the teacher, but also to your classmates and visitors. In the hallways is optional, but HIGHLY recommended (a simple ‘hola’ will make me very happy ). I know it will be difficult in the beginning, but all I want is to see some effort and that you are putting to practice what we learn in class.

  • Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty (cheating on exams or quizzes, copying each other’s homework, plagiarism, etc.) will NOT be tolerated, leading to a zero on the assignment.

Any use of a translation device (ie. online translators, Spanish-speaking family member or friend, etc.) will be considered plagiarism. It is not difficult to figure out when an assignment was completed with the help of a translation device. You will not be expected to produce any language that you have not learned in class. Therefore, you will learn more and score higher in this class if your assignments are in your own words.


  • ¡Así se dice 1! Textbook (Glencoe McGraw-Hill 2009)
  • ¡Así se dice 1! Workbook

Note: the loss/damage of the textbook or workbook will result in a mandatory replacement fee.

  • 1’’ or 1.5’’ ring binder and loose leaf paper (no notebooks).
  • 1 black or blue pen
  • 1 green pen
  • 1 pencil and eraser


Breakdown / Grading Scale
Class Work/Binder 25% / 100% – 90% A
Participation 5% / 89% – 80% B
Homework 20% / 79% – 70% C
Projects 15% / 69% – 60% D
Quizzes 15% / 59% – below F
Unit Exams 10%
Final Exam 10%

Class Work/Binder (25%): You will keep a binder with three different sections: 1) class notes and activities 2) completed homework assignments and 3) projects. I will periodically check your binders and will randomly collect the ‘class notes and activities’ section at least once a week.

Participation (5%): Participation is an important component to your final grade and an asset to your learning. If you miss class, no participation points can be awarded for that day, therefore you will receive a zero. Each day I will evaluate your class participation and record a score of 2 points, 1 point or 0 points.

2 points

 Student arrived on time.

 Student was prepared for class with all the required materials and participated in class activities.

1 point

Student arrived late.

Student was not prepared for class (ie. forgetting required materials).

0 points

Student was absent or disruptive (talked to others, did homework for other classes, slept, etc.)

Student refused to participate in class activities.

Homework (20%): Homework will be assigned on a daily basis and will be expected at the beginning of class the next day. I will walk around to see whether the homework has been completed every day. Your assignments will be randomly collected and you will only receive points if you have an 80% or higher on the exercises. Therefore, be sure to give an honest effort to your homework every night. You will receive each night’s homework assignment at the end of each class. Late homework will only be accepted one day late, and it will be worth a maximum of fifty percent of its original value.

Projects (15%): Each unit will consist of at least one project. These projects include several activities including compositions, short presentations, and other hands-on activities. The due date for each assignment will be provide to you when the project is first assigned.

Quizzes (15%): We will have weekly quizzes throughout the year. You must be prepared and review materials before coming to class. These quizzes may or may not be announced ahead of time. You may possibly use your notes in some of the quizzes, so make sure you take notes that will benefit you in the future.

Unit Exams (10%): We will end each unit with an exam. Though these exams will test your knowledge on the content covered in each unit, remember that acquiring a language and succeeding in this class will require cumulative knowledge.

Final Exam (10%): At the end of each semester there will be a final exam. The first final exam will consist of the chapters covered up to the end of the first semester. The second final exam, given at the end of the school year, will be an extension of the chapters covered during the second semester.

¿Cómo puedo sacar una buena nota en Español 1?

How can I get a good grade in Spanish 1?

- Complete your homework assignment thoroughly by the due date.

- Come to class every day (on time) and be prepared to participate in class.

- Practice your Spanish with your teacher and classmates.

- Study and review the material covered in class for exams and quizzes.

- Ask questions when something is not clear.

I understand the syllabus for my Spanish class and will abide the classroom rules and the Westinghouse High School policies. I have discussed this syllabus with my parent/guardian.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Horario (Schedule)

Every unit has been aligned to the PSAE standards/benchmarks as well at the College Readiness standards.

Time Frame / Unit / Topics/Themes / Materials / Assessments
Weeks 1-2
(September 8– September 18) / Pre-Unit
Introducción y Saludos
p. 1-17 / The importance of Spanish in the world.
Greetings and introductions.
Participate in formal vs. informal conversations.
Describe numbers, date, time, weather and seasons.
Learn key phrases used in the Spanish classroom. / ¡Así se dice 1!
Spanish binder
1 black or blue pen
1 green pen
1 pencil and eraser
(Other required materials will be announced in class a day prior to its use) / Class attendance and participation
Weekly quizzes
Unit project(s)
Weeks 3-5
(September 21 – October 9) / Unit I
¿Cómo somos?
p. 18-53 / Identify and describe people and things using the verb ‘ser’.
Tell what subjects you take and express opinions about them
Identify cognates.
Talk about Spanish speakers in the United States. / ¡Así se dice 1!
Spanish binder
1 black or blue pen
1 green pen
1 pencil and eraser
(Other required materials will be announced in class a day prior to its use) / Class attendance and participation
Weekly quizzes
Unit project(s)
Unit I Exam: Friday, October 9, 2009
Weeks 6-9
(October 13 – November 5) / Unit II
La familia y la casa
p. 54-87 / Talk about families and pets.
Describe a house or apartment.
Use the verb ‘tener’ and possessive adjectives to describe belongings.
Learn about an Ecuadorian family. / ¡Así se dice 1!
Spanish binder
1 black or blue pen
1 green pen
1 pencil and eraser
(Other required materials will be announced in class a day prior to its use) / Class attendance and participation
Weekly quizzes
Unit project(s)
Unit II Exam: Thursday, November5, 2009
End of First Quarter – November 6, 2009
Weeks 10-12
(November 2 – November 25) / Unit III
En clase y después
p. 88-123 / Use the present tense (-ar verbs, ir, dar, estar) to describe in-school and after-school activities.
Identify school clothes and supplies.
Compare schools in Spanish speaking countries and the U.S. / ¡Así se dice 1!
Spanish binder
1 black or blue pen
1 green pen
1 pencil and eraser
(Other required materials will be announced in class a day prior to its use) / Class attendance and participation
Weekly quizzes
Unit project(s)
Unit III Exam: Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Weeks 13-15
(November 30 – December 18) / Unit IV
¿Qué comemos y dónde?
p. 124-157 / Identify foods and discuss meals.
Talk about places to eat.
Order food or beverage.
Recognize different eating habits.
Use the present tense of –er and –ir verbs; expressions with infinitive verbs. / ¡Así se dice 1!
Spanish binder
1 black or blue pen
1 green pen
1 pencil and eraser
(Other required materials will be announced in class a day prior to its use) / Class attendance and participation
Weekly quizzes
Unit project(s)
Unit IV Exam: Friday, December 18, 2009
Winter Break
Weeks 16-18
(January 4 – January 22) / Review / Review Units I-IV
Further reading and writing skills.
Watch and analyze a film. / ¡Así se dice 1!
Spanish binder
1 black or blue pen
1 green pen
1 pencil and eraser
(Other required materials will be announced in class a day prior to its use) / Class attendance and participation
Weekly quizzes
Final Exam I
Weeks 19-22
(January 25 – February 19) / Unit V
p. 158-191 / Talk about sports.
Describe sport uniforms.
Identify colors.
Use the present tense and verbs such as interesar, aburrir and gustar.
Use stem-changing verbs. / ¡Así se dice 1!
Spanish binder
1 black or blue pen
1 green pen
1 pencil and eraser
(Other required materials will be announced in class a day prior to its use) / Class attendance and participation
Weekly quizzes
Unit project(s)
Unit V Exam: Friday, February 19, 2010
Weeks 23-26
(February 22 – March 16) / Unit VI
El bienestar
p. 192-225 / Describe people’s personality, conditions and emotions.
Explain minor illnesses.
Talk about a doctor’s appointment.
Learn about a literary genre – the picaresque novel.
Use the verbs ser and estar; use indirect object pronouns. / ¡Así se dice 1!
Spanish binder
1 black or blue pen
1 green pen
1 pencil and eraser
(Other required materials will be announced in class a day prior to its use) / Class attendance and participation
Weekly quizzes
Unit project(s)
Unit VI Exam: Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Weeks 26-29
(March 17 – April 16) / Unit VII
De vacaciones
p. 226-261 / Describe summer and winter activities.
Talk about different seasons and their weather.
Discuss summer and winter resorts in Spanish-speaking countries.
Talk about past vacations using the preterite tense of –ar verbs, ser and ir.
Avoid repetition by using direct object pronouns / ¡Así se dice 1!
Spanish binder
1 black or blue pen
1 green pen
1 pencil and eraser
(Other required materials will be announced in class a day prior to its use) / Class attendance and participation
Weekly quizzes
Unit project(s)
Unit VII Exam: Friday, April 16, 2010
Weeks 30-32
(April 19 – May 7)
/ Unit VIII
En tu tiempo libre
p. 262-293 / Talk about hobbies and interests.
Describe a birthday party.
Discuss concerts, movies, and museums.
Discuss Hispanic art and music.
Talk about past events using the preterite tense of –ar, -er and –ir verbs. / ¡Así se dice 1!
Spanish binder
1 black or blue pen
1 green pen
1 pencil and eraser
(Other required materials will be announced in class a day prior to its use) / Class attendance and participation
Weekly quizzes
Unit project(s)
Unit VIII Exam: Friday, May 7, 2010
Weeks 33-35
(May 10 – May 28) / Unit IX
¡Vamos de compras!
p. 294-327 / Talk about shopping for clothes
Talk about grocery shopping
Use the verbs saber and conocer
Make comparisons using comparatives and superlatives / ¡Así se dice 1!
Spanish binder
1 black or blue pen
1 green pen
1 pencil and eraser
(Other required materials will be announced in class a day prior to its use) / Class attendance and participation
Weekly quizzes
Unit project(s)
Unit IX Exam: Friday, May 28, 2010
Weeks 36-38
(June 1 – June 18) / Review / Review Units V-IX
Further reading and writing skills.
Watch and analyze a film. / ¡Así se dice 1!
Spanish binder
1 black or blue pen
1 green pen
1 pencil and eraser
(Other required materials will be announced in class a day prior to its use) / Class attendance and participation
Weekly quizzes
Final Exam II

Note: This schedule is subject to change


Syllabus, Spanish 1, Señorita Lee