Responding to Paintings Worksheet

(Questions 1-4 must be handed in with your paper)

1. First Impressions

What are your first thoughts about the work? List the first words that come to mind.

2. Description

List the words and phrases that describe what you see, as if you were making an inventory list. Do not give your personal opinions at this stage.

3. Analysis

What has (have) the artist(s) done to achieve the effects you described above? How have the various elements and principles that we have learned in this course been used? Be sure to use the vocabulary which you have learned in this course in your analysis.

4. Background Information

What do our books or the lectures tell us about the work and the artist(s) involved in its creation?

5. Informed Judgment

Look back at your first impressions and support your initial opinions of the work based on your analysis and interpretation. Or, if you have changed your mind since your first impressions, write down and support your new opinion. Consider the context of the artwork (its time period, place of origin, purpose, and cultural meaning) as part of your conclusion.


Your response papers will consist of—

Ø  Handwritten responses to questions 1-4

Ø  1½ page typewritten response to question 5

The question 5 portion must be typed with 12-point font in either Times Roman or Arial.

The heading for your response to question 5 will be single-spaced, starting at the very top of the paper. There will be no more than three spaces after the heading before the start of the paper. Do not title the paper! For example--

Your Name

HUM 210 Sec ____

Paper #____

First line of paper……

Due dates and subjects:

Paper #1--- Jan. 22nd, 2002 La Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat

Paper #2--- Feb. 5th, 2002 Bedroom at Arles or Self-portrait by Van Gogh

Paper #3--- Feb. 19th, 2002 Your choice (include title and painter in first paragraph)

Notice that the titles of paintings are italicized (or underlined if your computer can’t italicize).

Consider these papers to be formal papers. That is, they must be written in full sentences with correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Only the answers to questions 1-4 may be hand-written.

These papers are worth up to 5 points.