Supplementary material. Representative descriptions of restrictive eating episodes elicited by the Dietary Restriction Screener (DRS)

Type of restriction / Participant example
Reducing portion / Participant 5: “I went to Panda Express and I was going to get the two entrée with rice and I got the bowl instead, which is one entrée and rice...I don't want to get too full on Chinese food because I used to be able to throw up Chinese food very well.”
Participant 86: “I was just upset about my weight and I went to dinner and just grabbed a salad even though I know I really hadn’t eaten much and I had gone to the gym. It was just, like, a small lettuce salad with light dressing on it… When I get upset about my weight I just eat a tiny, tiny portion.”
Participant 88: “Before I go to bed, like, even if I’ve been busy as hell, haven’t been able to eat anything, and was starving, I would restrict myself if I’m going to bed right away...I would probably have a half portion of something that was easy to digest that wouldn’t be as high calorie. Well, I remember one night I had, like, a half cup of rice, and a half of a chicken breast, and a cup worth of green beans… The day before, I had had dinner, but I didn’t have a chance to eat breakfast, because they called me [into work]… and then I worked all day with no food so for like forty-eight hours I had one regular meal and then that one half portion.”
Altering food selection / Participant 57: "Last weekend I went to a barbeque at a friend's house and I, it looked really good, but I just had salad... Pretty much any time I eat salad I'm restricting. I hate salad."
Participant 65: Last night, I was really hungry and instead of eating more like carbs and protein, I had more vegetables... It filled me, but at that time I would have rather have had, like, real food."
Skipping meal or snack / Participant 29: "I can think of a specific instance when I went downstairs in the building I work in and somebody had made brownies and they looked fantastic and someone offered them to me and I specifically said, 'No thank you.' I really wanted one, but I didn't want to be the fat girl that wants the baked goods all the time."
Participant 70: "I'd eaten out the night before, some really gross fast food and then ate breakfast and then, I felt like, I didn't want to eat anything on that day, so I just waited until I was done with work and could eat later that evening."
Avoiding eating beyond a caloric limit / Participant 22: "As opposed to eating something large because I was hungry, I had a trail mix bar and three or four glasses of water... I try not to go over, I want to say, 1,000 [calories] a day-ish."
Participant 33: "I'd already maxed out my calories and then I did yoga and then I was really hungry, but I'd already maxed out. [Experimenter: And how many calories did you max out at?] It was like 1,100 something. [Experimenter: And then you did yoga?] Yeah, for three hours."
Fasting / Participant 67: "I had recently found out that we were going to do a body assessment and a weigh-in for my Community Health Science class so that's what started it. And then, it was the Tuesday, and I didn't eat for four days."
Participant 98: "I had to work 13 hours and, I mean, I could have gotten food, but I decided not to, that it would probably just be kind of good to not have anything that day."