Respiratory Care Webkit NHS Prescqipp

Respiratory Care Webkit – NHS PrescQIPP

The PrescQIPP NHS programme produces guidance and tools to support medicines optimisation in primary care.

The Asthma Focus resources were developed following the publication of the national review of asthma deaths report and subsequent update of the British Thoracic Society guidelines. NRAD link here:

The respiratory webkit brings together all the PrescQIPP respiratory resources on a web-based format allowing easy access of tools and ability to select projects to implement.

The Asthma Focus section of the Webkit contains resources to support medicines optimisation for patients with asthma, which include:

·  A bulletin and briefing highlighting key evidence, national guidance, spend on treatments and options for implementation of change.

·  Pathway documents indicating where inhaled therapies fit on the treatment pathway are available for adults, children aged 5 to 12 and children under 5.

·  Tools for healthcare professionals to support inhaler technique assessment are available for different types of inhaler including links to video demonstrations, tips to improve inhaler technique and space for the healthcare professional to provide feedback to the patient in writing.

·  Audit tools and system searches are available to support practices wishing to review at risk asthma patients and those that may be on long-term high dose inhaled corticosteroids.

·  For members, benchmarked prescribing data to help them identify variation in practice. The data also shows a comparison to the 10 closest CCGs.

Link to the PrescQIPP respiratory webkit:

These resources are only accessible by members at the moment- our resources are published for subscribers only for 4 months after which they go on general release. The asthma resources are due for general release in May.