TechComm meeting 11/20/07

In attendance:

Dr. Treadway, Dr. Wright, Phil Zahorsky, KG Greenstein, Deb Parziale, Connie Teshara, Richard Grotegut, Quan Nguyen, Jeff O'Connell, Cheryl Lambert, and Margarita Kitowa (Monitor)

1) Approval of Minutes from 10/16/07

Approved with no changes.

2) Discussion/Approval of the Tech Master Plan

Approved with minor changes. To be presented at faculty senate December 5. Jeff will contact Faculty Senate.

3) Updates –
Web server Upgrades

Cheryl, Jeff and Lesley met with Mike Calegari on 11/1/07. Cheryl expressed her concerns about the state of the web servers and the potential for problems in the future. She also talked about the fact the she was hosting parts of the Ohlone page on her own personal server. After the discussion Mike said the district would pay to have what is currently on her web server hosted somewhere else. Most of the concerns need to be held off until the IT management situation is resolved. Cheryl spoke with Mike at the 11/14/07 College Council meeting and he had not yet gotten a chance to speak with Dr. Treadway about the matter.


Dr Treadway came to discuss accreditation. Jim Wright has made comments on the current document. The version that Jim commented on will be distributed to the committee and we will meet again on 11/27/07 to work on the document. Connie and Jeff will be meeting with Dr. Treadway on Thursday 11/29/07 to discuss the next steps.
Newark & Faculty Computers (For both campuses)

From Ralph:

Bases on faculty feedback we will be ordering a mix of HP Laptops and Tablet PC's for faculty at Newark and Fremont. Additionally we will ordering laptops for the classrooms and labs at Newark.

There was concern about the possibility of waste. Jeff will find out the current plan for these computers and report back on 11/29/07.

IT Management
Has been approved by the board and according to Dr. Treadway they should be on campus by December 1.

4) Gateways in Warehouse

It has been discovered that there are 57 leased Gateway computers in the warehouse, they have been there for almost a year. We need to know what is going to happen to these computers. Most likely this issue will come up at the next deans meeting. Jeff will get an update for the next meeting.

To be done:

Jeff will distribute the version of accreditation that Jim Wright has commented on.

Jeff will contact Andrew to find out the status of the inventory that he did of all computers and technology related items on campus.

Discuss the Tech Master plan twice a year (second meeting of each semester?)