Class Rules
- Respect Yourself
- Respect Others
- Respect the Learning Environment
School begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 3:05 p.m. A student is considered tardy if they arrive after 8:05 a.m. It is very important that your child is here on time each day. Students will not be dismissed until after the 3:05 bell.
Each student is welcome to eat breakfast in the cafeteria beginning at 7:30 a.m. Breakfast prices: $1.00 paid and 30¢ reduced.
Lunch and Recess
Lunch begins at 12:10 p.m. and is followed by recess until 12:50 p.m. Lunch prices: $1.75 paid and 40¢ reduced. Students may prepay for breakfasts and lunches for the week every Monday morning.
Toys/Personal Belongings
Please do not let your child bring toys or other personal belongings from home. If a child brings a toy to school, and it is out during class time, I will collect it and send it home at the end of the day.
Grading Scale
Below 60%F
Mrs. Jeremiah-Wilson’s Behavior Management Plan
In the classroom I have a colored behavior chart that looks similar to this:
GreenYou are making AWESOME choices!
Warning…Slow down and think about the choices you are making.
You will miss your recess to think about your choices. You will complete an action plan.
You will miss recess. You will complete an action plan. It may be necessary to contact your parents or visit with Mrs. Smith.
Each child will have his or her number on a tag and will begin the day on Green. They will be encouraged to make good choices all day. If a student misbehaves, he or she will receive a warning and must move their tag to Yellow. If the behavior continues, the student must move their tag to Red and will miss their entire recess. The student will also complete an action plan that will go home to be signed by their parent. If the behavior is still not corrected, then I will contact Mrs. Smith and/or the parents and we will work together to correct the child’s behavior. I encourage you to ask your child each day about their behavior at school. This will help make them accountable for their choices. A behavior report will be sent home every Monday.
Classroom Procedures
Entering the Classroom
Students are not to enter the classroom without the permission of the teacher. Students should line up quietly outside the classroom door and wait for the teacher to give them permission to enter. Students should hang up their belongings, check in (move tag to sack lunch or tray), and begin their morning assignment.
Teacher Needs Students’ Attention
If I need the students’ attention I will say, “May I have your attention please,” and raise my hand. The students will:
- Stop what they are doing.
- Look at the teacher.
- Wait for instructions.
Getting the Teacher’s Attention
If a student needs my attention, they are to stay where they are and raise their hand.
Students will be allowed to use the restroom as long as the teacher is not giving instruction or a test. Each student will have two restroom passes per day. They should take one of the tags with their name on it and place it in the container on the teacher’s desk. They should then place the appropriate restroom cup on their desk. Please let me know if there are any medical situations that I need to be made aware of on this matter.
Pencils will be kept in a central location at each group of desks. There are 2 pencil cans behind the teacher’s desk. If the student needs a sharp pencil they will place their dull pencil in the can labeled “Dull” and take a pencil from the can labeled “Sharp.” **All pencils are community property. Special pencils should be left at home. NO mechanical pencils.***
Lining Up
When a student’s group is called they are to stand up, push their chair in, and walk to the line. They are to stand directly behind the person in front of them, facing forward, with their hands low and close to their bodies. There is absolutely no talking in the line.
Walking in the Hall
Students will follow their line procedures at all times: Face forward, hands low and close to their bodies, leaving one square between them and the person in front of them and behind them, and no talking. When stopped, doorways should not be blocked. The last student out of the room should turn out the light and shut the door.
Lunch Procedures
Students will enter the cafeteria in a straight line, in the same order that they left the classroom. Students should only pick up his/her lunch card. Students will carry their trays with two hands at all times.
Visitors in the Classroom
When a visitor enters the classroom students should stay on task. They should only speak to a visitor if they are spoken to. Students should stay in their work area. If the visitor is speaking to the teacher, students should only interrupt in case of an emergency.
When the intercom comes on, students will become silent. The teacher is the only one that addresses the intercom. If the teacher is out of the room, the assigned student (teacher’s assistant) will answer the intercom.
Guided Reading and Reading Choice Time
Students should be engaged in learning discussions. Only interrupt reading groups in case of an emergency.
Small Group Procedures
Students are responsible for their own work and behavior. Students must be willing to help any group member who asks. Students may only ask the teacher for help when everyone in their group has the same question.
End of the Day Procedures
At 3:00 p.m. students will stack their chairs and gather their things to go home. Students will then sit on their spots on the carpet. Students will leave the classroom when the teacher has dismissed them.
Mrs. Jeremiah-Wilson’s Rewards for Good Behavior
Each day that a student remains on Green is worth one “Bullfrog Buck.” The students will write their name on the back of the “Bullfrog Buck” and place it in the basket. Once a month I will draw 10 names from the basket and those students may choose something from the Goody Box.
Examples of things to be purchased:
- Pencils
- Ink Pens
- Note Pads
- “No Homework” passes
- “Take Your Shoes Off in the Classroom” passes
- “Eat Lunch in the Classroom” passes
- “Pick Your Place in Line” passes
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this parent handbook. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me anytime.
Please sign and detach the bottom portion of this page.
Thank you so much!
Mrs. Amanda Jeremiah-Wilson
(479) 783-6327
I have read and understand Mrs. Jeremiah-Wilson’s Fourth Grade Parent Handbook.
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
Student SignatureDate