Quiz for polling station staff at a UK Parliamentary election

NAME ………………………………… Polling Station Number ……………..

Test your knowledge of the polling place processes – please indicate your answers by circling the box of your choice.

Q.1What time does the polling station open?

6am / 7am / 8am

Q.2What is one of the differences between a teller and a polling agent?

A polling agent can enter the polling station at any time / A teller can ask for voters electoral numbers / A polling agent can wear a rosette

Q.3Can a Polling Agent use their copy of the Electoral Register to make notes?

No, not under any circumstances / Yes, they can mark who has voted / Yes, but the register must remain in the polling station till close of poll

Q.4What colour is an accredited observer’s badge?

Blue / Silver / Pink

Q.5What do you write on the Corresponding Number List (CNL)?

Ballot paper number including UIM / Elector’s name including middle initial / Elector’s number including alpha part

Q.6How do you mark the register when you have identified the elector?

With a line through the name / With a line between the electoral number and the name / With a line through the electoral number

Q.7At which polling station can a voter hand in a completed postal vote?

None / The one they normally vote at / Any within the Constituency

Q.8If the elector is not listed on the register, what is the first thing you should you do?

Check whether they are registered to vote at another polling station / Add their name to the register and issue them a ballot paper / Contact the elections office to check if they should be on the register

Q.9An elector is marked with a ‘G’ alongside their entry in the register. What do you do?

Mark the register and the CNL as appropriate, and issue a ballot paper / Issue a tendered ballot paper / Explain to the elector that they are not eligible to vote in the Parliamentary Election

Q.10Can a Commonwealth Citizen vote in the Parliamentary Election?

Yes, if registered / No / Yes, if they are registered and have leave to remain

Q.11Should the ballot paper be folded when handing it to the elector?

Yes, fold in half / No, it should be unfolded / Yes, folded so the so the elector can still see the boxes

Q.12At the end of the register there are some elector numbers with no name just an ‘N’. What are these?

They are a ‘New’ voter but can vote / They are a Non-voter and cannot vote / They are an aNonymous voter and can vote

Q.13A voter makes a mistake on their ballot paper. What do you do?

Tell the voter to put it into the ballot box / Cancel the spoilt paper, place it in the appropriate packet and issue another one. / Issue a tendered ballot paper

Q.14An elector enters the polling station and says they are a postal voter but have lost their ballot paper, can they vote here?

Issue a ballot paper / Tell them no, nothing can be done / If before 5pm send them to the Electoral Office if after issue a tendered ballot.

Q.15Where do you put a spoiled ballot paper?

In packet 6 with the list / In packet 2 with unused papers / In packet 9 with the CNL

Q.16A person arrives to vote as proxy for a registered elector but the elector is marked as having already voted. What is the first thing you do?

Issue a ballot paper to the proxy and inform the elections office / Tell the person that the elector has already voted, and so they are not needed to act as proxy / Issue a tendered ballot paper

Q.17An elector arrives but the register has already been marked as showing them as having voted earlier during the day. What do you do?

The Presiding Officer should put the prescribed questions to the elector and issue a tendered ballot paper if satisfied with the response / Turn the voter away and say you cannot issue them a ballot paper / Rub out the line in the register, replace it, and then issue a ballot paper

Q.18Where would you find an overseas elector on the Register?

At the end of the register marked with an F / At the address they last lived in the UK and marked with an F / On a supplementary sheet marked with an O

Q.19An overseas elector arrives to vote in polling station, are they allowed to vote?

No / Yes, if they are not marked as an A elector / Yes if they have no other letter than an F or with a P and the proxy hasn’t voted for them

Q.18At the close of poll, 10pm, there is a queue of people wanting to vote. What do you do?

Shut the polling station and tell them they cannot vote / Give them a queue ticket, which they give to the PO allowing them to vote / Stop issuing ballot papers only after the last person, including those arriving after 10pm, has received a ballot paper

Q.19As you are clearing up the polling station, you discover a number of poll cards that have been left by voters. What do you do with these?

Put them in the bin / Place them in the blue sack / Give them to any tellers that are outside