Teacher: Mrs. R. Gartner
The aim of the mathematics program is to have students develop the understandings and abilities necessary to be confident and competent in thinking and working mathematically in their daily activities, ongoing learning, and work experiences. The intent is to stimulate the spirit of inquiry within the context of mathematical thinking and reasoning.
1. Bring your binder, text, pen, pencil, eraser, and calculator to class each day.
2. Keep all handouts with your notes and keep your binder in chronological order.
3. All summative assessments will be announced at least one week in advance of the due date.
:if you know in advance that you will be absent on that day, you are expected to inform the teacher ahead of time.
:if you are unexpectedly absent, you will complete the assessment the day you return.
4. You are responsible for getting and completing all the work that was missed if you are absent for any reason. If you need help, just ask.
5. Do not be late!!!
:get to class, be seated, open your books, and be ready to work before the bell has rung.
:if you arrive five minutes after the bell, you will require a late slip from the office.
6. Participate in classroom discussions and do not be afraid to ask questions.
7. Respect the rights of others at all times.
8. Do your homework!!!
: all due dates will be clearly communicated.
: all daily work is subject to periodic homework checks.
: students who do not complete the summative assessment pieces by the stated due date will then follow the school intervention plan including use of the learning lab, scheduled opportunities to learn at noon, parent/administration notification, etc.
: all summative assessment pieces must be completed to receive credit for this course.
9. Cell phone usage in the classroom is for educational purposes only. If cell phones are brought
to the classroom they are to be placed in a designated container and only removed with
permission of the supervising staff member.
1. Do the assignments on the day they are assigned rather than on the day they are due.
2. Read directions carefully and complete ALL assigned work.
3. Do all work in pencil.
4. Space your work. Crowded work is difficult to correct and difficult to read when studying.
5. Make all homework corrections and review frequently.
6. Always try a problem more than once!!! If you can not solve the problem after the second or third try, ask for help. Never be afraid to ask the teacher for help!
7. Extra help is always available – just ask!
TEXTS :Foundations of Mathematics 11
:Math A30
:Math 20
The units of study for this course are based on the following mathematical concepts:
1. Inductive and Deductive Reasoning
2. Triangles
3. Quadratic Functions and Equations
4. Systems of Linear Inequalities
5. Proportional Reasoning
6. Statistical Reasoning
Student assessment will be based on outcomes related to these mathematical concepts as outlined
in the curriculum guide.
An overall class mark will be issued as a percentage. This mark will be based on the summative assessment pieces including tests, quizzes, hand-ins, etc. All summative assessment pieces must be completed to receive credit for this course. If you do not hand in a summative assignment, you will receive a grade that is “incomplete” for that course and will not get credit for the class as outlined in the Living Sky School division policy. A final exam will be written in accordance with school and division guidelines and at the discretion of the teacher.
Any re-assessment is at the discretion of the teacher and minimally requires that all daily and/or review material must be adequately completed and/or that you have attended a noon review session. Re-assessment will then be done in a timely fashion.
Assignments have a due date and must be completed and handed in on that date. If the assignment is not complete, I will take in and mark what has been completed. At the teacher’s discretion, you may get a second assignment to complete instead. This will also have a due date. Failure to hand this second assignment in on time will result in me using the mark from your first, incomplete assignment. It is imperative that you complete assignments in a timely fashion and catch up on any missed work.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at the school e-mail address listed below: