Resources for the Sustainability and Education Policy Network (SEPN)

General Resources:


Articles Published:

*Beveridge, D., McKenzie, M., *Vaughter, P., & Wright, T. (2015). Sustainability in Canadian post-secondary institutions: The interrelationships among sustainability initiatives and geographic and institutional characteristics. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 16(5), 611-638.

McKenzie, M., *Bieler, A., & *McNeil, R. (2015). Education policy mobility: Reimagining sustainability in neoliberal times. Environmental Education Research, 21(3), 319-337.

*Included in a Virtual Special Issue dedicated to Environmental and Sustainability Education Policy Research

*Lidstone, L, Wright, T., & Sherren, K. (2015). Canadian STARS-rated campus sustainability plans: Priorities, plan creation and design. Sustainability, 7, 725-746.

*Lidstone, L., Wright, T., & Sherren, K. (2014). An analysis of Canadian STARS-rated higher education sustainability policies. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 17(2), 259-278.

*Vaughter, P., Wright, T., McKenzie, M., & *Lidstone, L. (2013). Greening the Ivory Tower: A Review of Educational Research on Sustainability in Post-Secondary Education.Sustainability, 5, 2252-2271.

Articles In Press:

*Aikens, K., McKenzie, M., & *Vaughter, P. Environmental and sustainability education policy research: A review of geographic and thematic trends over time. Environmental Education Research.

*Will be included in a Virtual Special Issue dedicated to Environmental and Sustainability Education Policy Research once published

*Vaughter, P., McKenzie, M., *Lidstone, L., Wright, T. (in press). Campus sustainability governance in Canada: A content analysis of post-secondary institutions’ sustainability policies. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.

*Vaughter, P., Wright, T., & Herbert, Y. (in press). 50 shades of green: An examination of sustainability policy on Canadian campuses. Canadian Journal of Higher Education.

Articles In Review:

*Beveridge, D., McKenzie, M., *Strobbe, K.M., & *Aikens, K. Sustainability in Canadian K-12 education: Comparing policy initiatives across ministries of education and school divisions. Environmental Education Research.

*Bieler, A., McKenzie, M. Strategic planning for sustainability in Canadian higher education. Sustainability.

*Bieler, A., McKenzie, M. The purpose of higher education in Canada: Representations of sustainability in educational purpose in Canadian post-secondary policy making. Higher Education Policy.

Henderson, J., *Bieler, A., & McKenzie, M. Climate change and the sustainable campus: an analysis of engagement in Canadian post-secondary institutional policies. Policy Futures in Education.

*Koushik, J.R. Considerations of place in sustainability education policy: How local contexts inform the engagement of sustainability in education policy enactment and practice. Journal of Sustainability Education (Special Issue on Place, Learning, and Resiliency).

*McRuer, J. Topical review: Approaches to researching inter-organizational networks to advance collaboration for sustainability and social change. Journal of Environmental Education.

*Vaughter, P., *Aikens, K., McKenzie, M. Global trends in environmental education policy: A geographic review of the research literature. Journal of Environmental Education.

Wilson, A., *Koushik, J.R., & *Maina, N.M. Intersectionality/interconnectivity in sustainability policy in Canadian higher education. Abstract submitted for Journal of Environmental Education special issue.


McCoy, K., Tuck, E., & McKenzie, M. (Accepted and submitted June 2015). Rethinking pedagogies of place from Indigenous, postcolonial, and decolonizing perspectives. Routledge.

McKenzie, M., & *Bieler, A. (forthcoming). Critical education and sociomaterial practice: narration, place, and the social. New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Tuck, E., & McKenzie, M. (2015). Place in research: Theories, methodologies, methods. New York: Routledge.

Conference Presentations:

McKenzie, M., Rickinson, M., Bengtssen, S., Lysgaard, J.G., Van Poeck, K., Loones, J., Wals, A., van Raaij, R., Brummel, M., & Reid, A. (2015, July). Environment, Sustainability, and Education Policy Research. Presented at the 8th Annual World Environmental Education Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Kronlid, D.O., McKenzie, M., Lotz-Sisitka, H., & Dirwai, C. (2015, June). Pluralism and cognitive injustice—A fruitful juxtaposition of epistemic autonomy and plurality in climate change education research and praxis. Presented at the 8th Annual World Environmental Education Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden.

*Young, A. (2015, June). Free for all: An analysis of sustainability in education teacher resources across Canada. Presented at the 8th Annual World Environmental Education Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden.

McKenzie, M.(2014, November). Education policy mobility and materiality: Towards critical understandings of sustainability in higher education. Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.

McKenzie, M. (2014, November). Researching sustainability in education: Exploring design and methodological implications from large-scale collaborative research. Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.

McKenzie, M.,& Ferreira, J. (2014, November). Rethinking the potential of practice in contributing to policy development. Presented at the Australian Association for Environmental Education Conference 2014, Hobart, Australia.

McKenzie, M. (2014, October). Exploring the relationship between politics, economics, and environmental education research. Presented at the 11th North American Association for Environmental Education Research Symposium, Ottawa, Canada.

McKenzie, M., Wals, A., *Hargis, K., Millsip, K., & Chopin, N. (2014, October). Sustainability and education policy: National research on K-12 and higher education in Canada. Presented at the 43rd North American Association for Environmental Education Conference, Ottawa, Canada.

*Lidstone, L., Wright, T., & Sherren, K. (2014, October). Content analysis of sustainability policies and plans from STARS-rated Canadian higher education institutions. Presented at the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education 2014 Conference and Expo, Portland, United States of America.

*Bentham, D. (2014, September). Environmental sustainability education policy in Canadian Aboriginal education contexts. Presented at Wahkohtowin, Saskatoon, Canada.

*Vaughter, P., McKenzie, M., Wright, T., *Lidstone, L., & *Aikens, K. (2014, January). Sustainability in Canadian Postsecondary Education: A Comparative Analysis of How Institutions are Engaging with Sustainability. Presented at the Copernicus Conference, Cheltenham, United Kingdom.

*Vaughter, P. (2013, October). 50 Shades of Green: An Examination of Sustainability Policy on Canadian Campuses. Presented at the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education 2013 Conference and Expo, Nashville, United States of America.

*Lidstone, L., Wright, T., & Sherren, K. (2013, August). Greening the Ivory Tower: An Analysis of Sustainability Policy in Post-Secondary Education. Presented at the Canadian Association of Geographers 2013 Annual Meeting, St. John's, Newfoundland.

Haluza-DeLay, R., McKenzie, M., & *Vaughter, P. (2013, June).A Grounded Approach to Researching Sustainability in Educational Policy and Practice. Presented at the 7th Annual World Environmental Education Congress, Marrakech, Morocco.

Major Projects, Theses, and Dissertations:

*Bentham, D. (2014). Environmental sustainability education policy and practice in Canadian Aboriginal education settings (unpublished major project report). University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

*Lidstone, L. (2014). A content analysis of sustainability policies and plans from STARS-rated Canadian higher education institutions (unpublished masters thesis). Dalhousie University, Canada.

Research Briefs:

Beveridge, R.M., & McKenzie, M. (2015). Campus sustainability governance in Canada: Spotlight on the content of post-secondary education sustainability policies. Research brief published by the Sustainability and Education Policy Network, Saskatoon, Canada.

*Lidstone, L. (2015). Canadian campuses: Assessing sustainability policy and planning in STARS-rated campuses. Research brief published by the Sustainability and Education Policy Network, Saskatoon, Canada.

*Maina, N., McKenzie, M., & Beveridge, R.M. (2015). The state of fossil fuel divestment in Canadian post-secondary institutions. Research brief published by the Sustainability and Education Policy Network, Saskatoon, Canada:

Beveridge, R.M., *Beveridge, D., McKenzie, M. (2014). Sustainability in Canadian post-secondary institutions: The leaders, the laggards and where they live. Research brief published by the Sustainability and Education Policy Network, Saskatoon, Canada:

Beveridge, R.M., *Beveridge, D., & McKenzie, M. (2014). Sustainability in K-12 education: Closing the research gap on understanding national trends. Research brief published by the Sustainability and Education Policy Network, Saskatoon, Canada:

Beveridge, R.M., & *McKenzie, M. (2014). Greenwashing in education: How neoliberalism and policy mobility may undermine environmental sustainability. Research brief published by the Sustainability and Education Policy Network, Saskatoon, Canada:

Beveridge, R.M., & *McKenzie, M. (2014). K-12 environmental certification programs: Building greener schools and environmental citizens. Research brief published by the Sustainability and Education Policy Network, Saskatoon, Canada:


The Sustainability and Education Policy Network. (2014). Infographics: Sustainability in Canadian post-secondary institutions: The leaders, the laggards and where they live. Published by the Sustainability and Education Policy Network, Saskatoon, Canada.

The Sustainability and Education Policy Network. (2014). Infographics: Sustainability in K-12 education: Closing the research gap no understanding national trends. Published by the Sustainability and Education Policy Network, Saskatoon, Canada.

The Sustainability and Education Policy Network. (2014). Infographics: Greenwashing in education: How neoliberalism and policy mobility may undermine environmental sustainability. Published by the Sustainability and Education Policy Network, Saskatoon, Canada.


The Sustainability and Education Policy Network. (2014). Progress Report 2012-2014. Report published by the Sustainability and Education Policy Network, Saskatoon, Canada.


*Young, A. [Sustainability Education Research Institute (SERI)]. (2015, 1 April). SEPN Storyteller [Video file]. Retrieved from

*Young, A. [Sustainability Education Research Institute (SERI)]. (2015, 31 March). SERI Video [Video file]. Retrieved