Planning Commission meeting
April 14, 2016
April 14, 2016
1. Chairman Sandi Roberts called the regular meeting of the Florence Planning Commission to order at 6:00 p.m.
2. Roll call - Sandi Roberts - Present
Tammy Stone - Absent
Gail Nelson - Present
John Miller - Present
Matt Bowles - Present
Larry Baker - Present
Mike Patterson - Present
Others present – City Clerk Dena Lozano, City Planner Wade Broadhead, and City Attorney Bryan Fredrickson
3. Approval of minutes – John Miller moved to approve the minutes of the previous meetings held on March 17, 2016 as presented. Motion was seconded by Gail Nelson. Roll Call Vote –4 ayes, 1 absent Tammy Stone
4. Welcome and Introductions:
City Planning Director Wade Broadhead stated that he had no introductions but wanted to let Planning Commission know that Tammy Stone has decided to resign from Planning Commission. City Clerk Dena Lozano stated that she would declare a vacancy at next council meeting.
5. Unfinished Business-
a. Public Hearing for Special Events Permit for 218 West Main Street to allow a professional office in the Central Historic Business District. Chairman Sandi Roberts opened the public hearing. Planning Commission discussed special events permit in detail with property owner. Ms. Roberts closed the public hearing. Gail Nelson moved to approve special events permit. Matt Bowles seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote 4 ayes- 1 absent Tammy Stone
b. Public Hearing for Rezoning of Newly Annexed Land at Florence River Park. Chairman Sandi Roberts opened public hearing. City Planning Director Wade Broadhead discussed rezoning Florence River Park to parks and open space. The Planning Commission discussed rezoning in detail with surrounding property owners. Ms. Roberts closed the public hearing. Gail Nelson moved to approve the rezoning of the newly annexed land at Florence River Park. Matt Bowles seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote 4 ayes- 1 absent Tammy Stone
6. New Business-
a. Quasi Judicial vs Legislative Function-
City Planning Director Wade Broadhead and City Attorney Bryan Fredrickson explained the difference between quasi judicial and legislative function to Planning Commission. City Attorney Bryan Fredrickson stated it is very important the Planning Commission follows these rules.
b. Master Plan Update- City Planning Director Wade Broadhead discussed in detail status of Master Plan. Mr. Broadhead stated that the city has decided to move forward with McCool which was initial second choice. Mr. Broadhead stated there will be more information to come on this at next meeting.
c. Three Mile Plan-
City Planning Director Wade Broadhead discussed the importance of Three Mile Plan and presented rough draft of Three Mile Plan to Planning Commission.
d. Next Meeting Date- City Planning Director Wade Broadhead set the next Planning Commission Meeting for May 18, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.
7. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.