WHEREAS, the State of California is projecting a state budget shortfall of $41.7 billion dollars; and

WHEREAS, the 2009-10 Budget Act represents a $2.4 billion dollar reduction in 2008-09 and a $700 million dollar reduction in 2009-10 for appropriations to school districts, county offices of education and community college districts; and

WHEREAS, the State of California is deferring $2.7 billion dollars of the February 2009 school apportionment to July 2009; and

WHEREAS, the State of California is deferring $1.6 billion dollars of the June 2009 school apportionment to July 2009; and

WHEREAS, the State of California is deferring $1.2 billion dollars of the July 2009 school apportionment to October 2009 and $1.5 billion dollars of the August 2009 school apportionment to October 2009; and

WHEREAS, the [INSERT NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT] (the “District”) desires to request the County Treasurer to make temporary transfers (the “Transfer”) of moniesto meet its current maintenance expenses for fiscal years 2009-2010 and 2010-2011; and

WHEREAS, California Constitution Article XVI, Section 6, provides that the County Treasurer shall have the power and the duty to make temporary transfers of monies, as further specified therein, upon resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors authorizing such temporary transfer; and

WHEREAS, pursuant toCalifornia Constitution Article XVI, Section 6 and Education Code section 42620, the total amount that may be temporarily transferred to the District may not exceed 85% of the anticipated revenues which will accrue to the District during the fiscal year (“FY”); and

WHEREAS, the maximum amount that the District may borrow will be determined by the District’s ending cash balance from the month prior to the date of each borrowing as a percent of total ending cash in the County of Orange Educational Investment Pool, excluding general obligation bond funds; and

WHEREAS, the District has not issued a TRAN for FY2009-10and will not issue a TRAN for FY 2010-2011if the District intends to request a Transfer of monies from the County of Orange Educational Investment Pool; and

WHEREAS, any Transfer to the Districtwill be made from and limited to the County of Orange Educational Investment Pool.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board does hereby:

  1. Find and determine that the Transfers are in the public interest and serve a

valid public purpose.

  1. The District Board of Trustees hereby requests transfers of monies from the

County of Orange Educational Investment Poolto the District to cover the District’s current maintenance expenses for FY 2009-2010 and FY 2010-2011. The Transfer for each FY shall not to exceed the District’s ending cash balance from the month prior to the date of each borrowing as a percent of total ending cash in the County of Orange Educational Investment Pool, excluding general obligation bond funds. This amount shall be certified by the District and approved by the CountyTreasurer. The District [INSERT TITLE OF DISTRICT OFFICIAL] is hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the District to formally request a Transfer in an amount and upon a date designated by the District [INSERT TITLE OF DISTRICT OFFICIAL], not to exceed the limitations to such Transfer as provided herein.

  1. For FY 2009-2010, the District hereby requests that the Transfer be made by

the Treasurer in oneor more installments and not prior to July 1, 2009, nor later than April 26, 2010. The Transfer shall be repaid no later than June 30, 2010.

4. For FY 2010-2011, the District hereby requests that the Transfer be made by the Treasurer in one or more installments and not prior to July 1, 2010, nor later than April 25, 2011. The Transfer shall be repaid no later than June 30, 2011.

5. It is hereby requested that the Treasurer deposit Transfer installments to the District in the [INSERT NAME OF FUND] Fund. AllTransfers installments to the Districtwill be made from and limited to the County of Orange Educational Investment Pool.

6. Repayment of any Transfer installment shall be made from the revenues

accruing to the District before any other obligation of the District is met from such revenue. Interest on any Transfer installment will accrue and be payable by the District at the same interest rate the County of Orange Educational Investment Pool is earning until the entire Transfer is repaid.

7. The Form of Temporary Transfer Agreement is hereby approved in the form

presented, and the District [INSERT TITLE OF DISTRICT OFFICIAL] is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Temporary Transfer Agreement on behalf of the District.

8. The Clerk/Secretary of the Board of Trustees is hereby directed to submit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Orange County Treasurer-Tax Collector.

9. This resolution shall take effect immediately.