Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2010
No. 67 of 2010
table of provisions
Part 1—Preliminary
3Principal Act
Part 2—Amendments to Parts 1 and 4 of the Principal Act
Division 1—Amendments to Part 1—Preliminary
Division 2—Amendments to Part 1—Residential Tenancies—Tenancy agreements
6Application of Act to site agreements
Subdivision 4—Application to site agreements
23AApplication of Act to assignees and transferees
23BSite agreements exceeding 5 years
23CPart 4A site used under contract of employment
23DPart 4A site used primarily as a residence
23EPart 4A site used for holidays
23FPrescribed Part 4A sites and prescribed site agreements
23GCertain provisions not to apply to site agreements
7Application for exemption
8Order of Tribunal
Division 3—Amendments to Part 4—Caravan parks and movable dwellings—Residency rights and duties
9New Division 1AA of Part 4 inserted
Division 1AA—Application of Part
143AAApplication of Part to caravan parks and movable dwellings
Part 3—New Part 4A
10New Part 4A inserted
Part 4A—Site Agreements and Site–Tenant Owned Dwellings
Division 1—General requirements for site agreements
206BRightsof site tenants
206CPart 4A dwelling not a fixture
206DCrown land
206ESite agreements to be in writing
206FTerms of site agreement
206GHarsh and unconscionable terms
206HMinimum terms for site agreements in new parks
206ISite agreement consideration period
206JCooling off period
Division 2—Bonds
206KWhat is the maximum bond?
206LApplication to increase maximum amount of bond
206MTribunal may determine maximum bond
206NNot more than one bond is payable in respect of continuous occupation
206OCondition report
206PCondition report is evidence of state of repair
206QCertain guarantees prohibited
206RMaximum amount of certain guarantees
Division 3—Rents and other charges
206SRent, fees and charges under site agreements
206TLimit on rent in advance
206UReceipts for rent
206VHow much notice is required of rent increase?
206WSite tenant may complain to Director about excessive rent
206XApplication to Tribunal about excessive rent
206YWhat can the Tribunal order?
206ZPayment of increased rent pending Tribunal decision
206ZAAdditional charge
206ZBRent must be reduced if services are reduced
206ZCSite tenant's goods not to be taken for rent
Division 4—Other charges
206ZDFee for supply of key
206ZESite tenant's liability for electricity, gas and water charges
206ZFSite owner's liability for electricity, gas and water charges
206ZHSite owner must not seek overpayment for utility
Division 5—General duties of site tenants
206ZISite tenant's use of site
206ZJSite tenant must not use site for illegal purpose
206ZKSite tenant's duty to pay rent
206ZLQuiet enjoyment—site tenant's duty
206ZMSite tenant must keep site clean
206ZNSite tenant must not erect structures
206ZOSite tenant must notify site owner of and compensate
for damage
206ZPNumber of persons residing on Part 4A site
206ZQSite tenant must observe Part 4A park rules
Division 6—General duties of site owners
206ZRSite owner must give tenant certain information
206ZSPart 4A site plans
206ZTSite owner must provide access
206ZUQuiet enjoyment—site owner's duty
206ZVSite owner must keep Part 4A park clean
206ZWDuty of site owner to maintain communal areas
206ZXSite owner to give additional information
Division 7—Part 4A park rules
206ZYSite owner may make Part 4A park rules
206ZZAmendment of Part 4A park rules
206ZZA What if the Part 4A park rules are thought to be unreasonable?
Division 8—Site tenants' committees
206ZZB Participation in site tenants' committee
206ZZCSite owner's duties to site tenants' committees
Division 9—Assignment and sub-letting
206ZZDAssignment by a site tenant
206ZZESub-letting by a site tenant
206ZZFSite tenant may apply to Tribunal
206ZZGSite owner cannot ask for fee for giving consent
206ZZHSale of Part 4A dwelling
Division 10—Rights of entry
206ZZIEntry of Part 4A site and Part 4A dwelling by site owner
206ZZJGrounds for entry of Part 4A site
206ZZKManner of entry
206ZZLWhat must be in a notice of entry?
206ZZMSite tenant has duty to permit entry
206ZZNWhat if damage is caused during entry?
206ZZOWhat if a person exercising right of entry fails to comply with Division?
206ZZPOffence relating to entering a site occupied by asite tenant
Part 4—Amendments Consequential on New
Division 1—Amendments to Part 5—Compensation and compliance
11Definitions in Part 5
12Breach of duty notice
13Tribunal must hear application urgently
14New section 210B inserted
210BApplication to Tribunal by site tenant or site owner for compensation
15Matters which may be considered by Tribunal
16Orders of Tribunal
17New section 213AA inserted
213AACompensation for unpaid rent under site agreement
18Application for payment of rent arrears or hiring charge arrears from bond
19Application to Tribunal for loss or damage
20New section 214A inserted
214ACompensation for loss of rent under terminated site agreement
21What powers does a court have to award compensation?
Division 2—Amendments to Part 6—Termination
22New Division 3A of Part 6
Division 3A—Termination of site agreements in Part 4A parks
Subdivision 1—When can a site agreement be terminated?
317ATermination of site agreement
317BTermination by agreement
317CTermination by consent
317DTermination after notice to vacate
317ETermination by abandonment
317FTermination if Part 4A site is sub-let
317GTermination if site owner not owner of site
317HTermination by merger
317ITermination by disclaimer
317JTermination by site tenant before occupation or use
317KOffences relating to interference with rights
Subdivision 2—Variations or creations of site agreement
317LCreation of periodic site agreement
317MApplication for new site agreement because of final family violence intervention order
317NTribunal orders for application made under section317M
317OTribunal may determine parties' liability under terminated site agreement
317PCross-examination in proceedings for a new site agreement
317QReduction of fixed term site agreement
Subdivision 3—Notice of intention to vacate or
abandonment by site tenant
317RNotice of intention to vacate
317SNotice to have no effect in certain circumstances
317TReduced period of notice of intention to vacate in
certain circumstances
317UFailure of site owner to comply with Tribunal order
317VSuccessive breaches by site owner
317WOrder of abandonment
Subdivision 4—Notice by site owner or mortgagee
317ZAFailure to comply with Tribunal order
317ZBSuccessive breaches by site tenant
317ZCUse of Part 4A site for illegal purpose
317ZDAssignment or sub-letting without consent
317ZENotice by land owner
317ZFNotice under fixed term site agreement
317ZGNotice under periodic site agreement
317ZHNotice of no effect
317ZINotice by mortgagee of Part 4A park
23Form of notice of intention to vacate
24Form of notice to vacate
Division 3—Amendments to Part 7—Regaining possession—possession orders and warrants
25New section 324A inserted
324AApplication for possession order by site owner
26Application for possession order by mortgagee
27Time for application
28Applications where composite notice to vacate is given
29Order of Tribunal
30Order to be dismissed or adjourned in certain circumstances
31Order not to be made in certain circumstances
32Contents of possession order
33Effect of possession order
34Issue of warrant of possession
35Postponement of issue of warrant in certain cases
36Immediate issue of warrant if failure to comply during postponement
37Offence to re-enter rooming house, site or caravan
Division 4—Amendments to Part 8—Violence on certain premises
38Definitions for Part 8
39What happens if a notice to leave is given?
40Offence to re-enter premises during suspension
41Urgent application to Tribunal
42What can the Tribunal order?
43Offence to allow occupation of premises pending application
or hearing
44Notice to leave prohibited
Division 5—Amendments to Part 9—Goods left behind by tenants and residents
45Goods left behind
46Application of Part 9
47Definitions for Part 9
48What happens if personal documents are left behind?
49Reclaiming personal documents before disposal
50New section 388A inserted
388AWhat must a site owner or Part 4A site agreement mortgagee do about goods left behind?
51Rightful owner may reclaim stored goods before sale
52What if a caravan owned by a resident is abandoned on site?
53New section 390A inserted
390AWhat if a Part 4A dwelling owned by a site tenant is abandoned on site?
54Purchaser takes good title
55What if proceeds of sale are not sufficient to cover costs?
56What if goods or documents are disposed of in contravention
of this Part?
57What if goods or documents are wrongfully retained?
58What if goods or documents are damaged or lost?
59What if stored goods have been sold in accordance with this
60What if personal documents are disposed of in accordance
with section 381?
Division 6—Amendments to Part 10—Bonds and the Residential Tenancies Bond Authority
61Definitions for Part 10
Division 7—Amendments to Part 11—Functions of the Tribunal
62Jurisdiction of Tribunal
63General applications to the Tribunal
64General applications to the Tribunal
65General power of Tribunal to make determinations
Division 8—Amendments to Parts 12 and 13—Administration
and General
66Functions of Director
67Offence to make false representation
68Offence to persuade person not to exercise rights or take proceedings
69Offence to aid, abet, counsel or procure commission of offence
70Certain penalties prohibited
71Service of documents
72Application to Supreme Court, County Court or Magistrates' Court
Part 5—Rooming Houses Amendments
74New section 102A inserted
102ADirector may investigate rent without application by resident
75New section 131A inserted
131ADirector may investigate rooming house without application by resident
76New Division 8 of Part 3 inserted
Division 8—Standards
142BStandards for rooming houses etc.
142CRegulations for rooming houses
77New Division 9 of Part 3 inserted
Division 9—Miscellaneous
142DUnregistered rooming house
78Application for compensation or compliance order for breach
of duty
79New section 289A inserted
289ANotice by owner of building or other person who is
not rooming house owner
80New section 323A inserted
323AApplication for possession order by person entitled to give notice to vacate under section 289A
81Consequential amendments—regaining possession
82New section 399A inserted
399ADirector may make application without consent—
former rooming house residents
83Functions of Director
84Application of provisions of Fair Trading Act 1999
Part 6—Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings
85New section 515A inserted
515AFire safety and emergency management regulations
86New Division 3A of Part 14 inserted
Division 3A—Fire safety and emergency management procedures
518BProvision of fire fighting equipment
518CSpace around movable dwellings and adjacent
518DEmergency management plan and emergency
518EPublic emergency warnings
518FMunicipal council may issue notice
87Authorised persons
88Powers of entry and inspection
89New section 526A inserted
526AReport of inspection
Part 7—Residential Tenancy Databases
90New Part 10A inserted
Part 10A—Residential Tenancy Databases
439CNotice of usual use of database
439DNotice of listing if database used
439EListing can be made only for particular breaches by particular persons
439FFurther restriction on listing
439GEnsuring quality of listing—landlord's obligation
439HEnsuring quality of listing—database operator's obligation
439IProviding copy of personal information listed
439JNotifying relevant non-parties of Tribunal order
about listing
439KKeeping personal information listed
439LApplication to Tribunal for removal or amendment
of listing
439MWhat can the Tribunal order?
Part 8—Miscellaneous Amendments
Division 1—Penalties and offences
91Tenancy agreements to be in standard form
92Copy of agreement to be made available to tenant
93Tenants with children
94What is the maximum bond?
95Not more than one bond is payable in respect of continuous occupation
96Condition report
97Certain guarantees prohibited
98Limit on rent in advance
99Rent in advance under weekly tenancy agreement
100Receipts for rent
101Tenant's good not to be taken for rent
102Application and holding deposits
103Certain charges prohibited
104Landlord must not seek overpayment for utility charge
105Landlord must give tenant certain information
106Landlord cannot ask for fee for giving consent
107Offence relating to entering rented premises
108Notice to resident of residency right
109Consent required for increase in room capacity
110What is the maximum bond?
111Condition report
112Limit on rent in advance
113Receipts for rent
114Resident's goods not to be taken for rent
115Display of statement of rights and house rules
116Owner to give additional information
117Duties relating to house rules
118Offence relating to entering room occupied by resident
119Caravan park owner to notify prospective resident of rights
120Payment of bond
121What is the maximum bond?
122Condition report
123Limit on rent or hiring charge in advance
124Receipts for rent or hiring charge
125Resident's goods not to be taken for rent or hiring charges
126Owner must not seek overpayment for utility charges
127Statement of rights and copy of park rules
128Statement of scale of certain charges, fees and commissions
129Owner to give additional information
130Duties relating to caravan park rules
131Sale of caravan
132Offence relating to entering a site or caravan occupied by a resident
133Section 229 substituted
229Offence to obtain possession etc. of premises
134Prohibition on letting premises after notice
135Offences relating to interference with rights
136Rent payable on termination without notice
137Prohibition on renting after notice
138Offences relating to interference with rights
139Rent or hiring charge payable on termination without notice
140Prohibition on hiring of caravans or renting of sites after
141Offence to re-enter rooming house, site or caravan
142Offence to give notice to leave or purported notice to leave without reasonable grounds
143Offence to remain on premises if given notice to leave
144Offence to re-enter premises during suspension
145Notice to principal registrar
146Offence to allow occupation of premises pending application
or hearing
147Reclaiming personal documents before disposal
148Rightful owner may reclaim stored goods before sale
149Bond lodgement form
150Duty to pay bond to Authority
151Notice of assignment or transfer by landlord
152Notice of assignment or transfer by tenant
153Tenant must not use bond as rent
154Offence to fail to comply with determination of Tribunal
156Offence to make false representation—tenancy agreement or residency right
157Offence to persuade person not to exercise rights or take proceedings
158Offence to aid, abet, counsel or procure commission of
159Offence to give false information
160Certain penalties prohibited
161Application of provisions of Fair Trading Act 1999
163Additional powers
164Compliance notice
165Closure order
Division 2—Miscellaneous amendments to Principal Act
166Definition of GST
167Urgent repairs to rented premises and applications to Tribunal
168Urgent repairs to rooming house and applications to Tribunal
169Urgent repairs to caravans and applications to Tribunal
Part 9—Consequential Amendments to Other
Division 1—Duties Act 2000
171Powers of the Director in relation to proceedings on behalf
of consumers
Division 2—Fair Trading Act 1999
172Powers of the Director in relation to proceedings on behalf of consumers
173Proceedings and costs
Part 10—Repeal of Amending Act
174Repeal of amending Act
Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2010[†]
No. 67 of 2010
[Assented to 28 September 2010]
Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2010
No. 67 of 2010
Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2010
No. 67 of 2010
The Parliament of Victoriaenacts:
Part 10—Repeal of Amending Act
Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2010
No. 67 of 2010
Part 1—Preliminary
The main purpose of this Act isto amend the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 to provide for—
(a)the regulation of agreements between site owners and site tenants in respect of Part 4A sites and Part 4A dwellings; and
(b)increased regulation of rooming houses to improve standards, including further enforcement powers; and
(c)the regulation of residential tenancy databases through the adoption of nationally consistent provisions; and
(d)increased regulation of fire safety and emergency response management of caravan parks and movable dwellings; and
(e)increased penalties for offences under that Act.
s. 2
(1)Subject to subsection (2), this Act comes into operation on a day or days to be proclaimed.
(2)If this Act, except Part 7, does not come into operation before 31 March 2012, it comes into operation on that day.
3Principal Act
Act No.
Reprint No. 5
as at
15 January 2009
and amending
Act Nos 19/2009, 68/2009, 1/2010 and 32/2010. LawToday:
In this Act the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 is called the Principal Act.
Part 2—Amendments to Parts 1and 4 of the Principal Act
Division 1—Amendments to Part 1—Preliminary
s. 4
In section 1 of the Principal Act—
(a)in paragraph (h) for "dwellings."substitute"dwellings; and";
(b)after paragraph (h) insert—
"(i)to provide for the regulation of agreements between site owners and site tenants in respect of Part 4A sites and Part 4A dwellings.".
(1)In section 3(1) of the Principal Actinsert the following definitions—
"annexe means a movable dwelling that—
(a)is attached to a registrable movable dwelling or unregistrable movable dwelling; and
(b)extends the habitable area of that dwelling;
fixed term site agreement means a site agreement for a fixed term;
Part 4A dwelling means a dwelling fully or partially owned by a site tenant—
(a)designed, built or manufactured to be transported from one place to another for use as a residence; or
(b)any other prescribed Part 4A dwelling—
but does not include—
(c)a registrable movable dwelling; or
(d)a registrable movable dwelling with an annexe attached; or
(e)a dwelling that was previously a registrable movable dwellingbut that has been modified to the extent that it no longer satisfies the definition of a registrable movable dwelling, unless it was so modified before the commencement of section 5 of the Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2010;
s. 5
Part 4A park means an area of land where—
(a)sites of land are available for occupation under a site agreement; and
(b)Part 4A dwellings may be situated on those sites; and
(c)common areas or facilities are available for the use of a person occupying a Part4A site—
and includes a caravan park if the caravan park contains Part 4A sites;
Part 4A site means a site that is available for occupation under a site agreement;
periodic site agreement means a site agreement other than a fixed term site agreement;
registrable movable dwelling means a movable dwelling that is or has been registered or is required to be registered under the Road Safety Act 1986;
site agreementmeans an agreement under which a person lets land as a Part 4A site for the purposes of the occupation of a Part 4A dwelling on that land by the Part 4A dwelling owner as a residence;
site agreement provisions means any provisions of this Act to the extent to which they apply to a Part 4A site, a Part 4A dwelling, a site owner or a site tenant;
site ownermeans the person by whom a Part 4A site—
(a)is let under a site agreement; or
(b)is to be let under a proposed site agreement;
s. 5
site tenant means the person to whom a Part 4A site—
(a)is let under a site agreement; or
(b)is to be let under a proposed site agreement;
unregistrable movable dwellingmeans a movable dwelling that—
(a)is constructed on a chassis or in prefabricated sections; and
(b)once installed, is a freestanding dwelling with solid walls and roof; and
(c)is not a registrable movable dwelling.".
(2)In section 3(1) of the Principal Act, in the definition of bond—
(a)in paragraph (b), for "residency;"substitute"residency; or";
(b)after paragraph (b) insert—
"(c)an amount paid or payable by a site tenant to secure his or her performance and observance of the site agreement or any of the provisions of this Act relating to the site agreement;".
(3)In section 3(1) of the Principal Act, in the definition of common area—
(a)for "tenants or residents"substitute"tenants, residents or site tenants";
(b)for "room or site"substitute"room, site or Part 4A site".
s. 5
(4)In section 3(1) of the Principal Act, in the definition of facilities—
(a)in paragraph (l), for "tenants or residents"substitute"tenants, residents or site tenants";
(b)for "tenant or resident"substitute"tenant, resident or site tenant";
(c)for "room or site"substitute"room, site or Part 4A site".
(5)In section 3(1) of the Principal Act, in the definition of rent—
(a)in paragraph (c), for "services—"substitute"services; or";
(b)after paragraph (c) insert—
"(d)in relation to a site agreement, the amount paid to a site owner by a site tenant to occupy a Part 4A site and use facilities and services—".
(c)for "109A or 162"substitute "109A, 162 or206ZE".
(6)In section 3(1) of the Principal Act, in paragraph (b) of the definition of residentafter "person"insert"(other than a site tenant)".
(7)In section 3(1) of the Principal Act, in the definition of visitor—
(a)in paragraph (c), for "the resident."substitute"the resident; and";
(b)after paragraph (c) insert—
"(d)a site tenant, means a person on a Part4A siteor in a Part 4A dwelling or Part 4A park with the permission of the site tenant.".
Division 2—Amendments to Part 1—Residential Tenancies—Tenancy agreements
s. 6
6Application of Act to site agreements
(1)In the heading to Division 2 of Part 1 of the Principal Act, for "and rooming houses"substitute", rooming houses andsite agreements".
(2)After Subdivision 3 of Division 2 of Part 1 of the Principal Act insert—
"Subdivision 4—Application to site agreements
23AApplication of Act to assignees and transferees
This Act applies to a person to whom the rights and duties of—
(a)a site ownerunder a site agreement; or
(b)a site tenant under a site agreement—
have been assigned or transferred or have passed by operation of law in the same manner as this Act applies to the person by whom the rights were assigned or transferred or from whom the rights and duties have passed by operation of law.
23BSite agreements exceeding 5 years
This Act applies to a site agreement whether or not the initial term of the site agreement exceeds 5 years.
23CPart 4A site used under contract of employment
This Act does not apply to a site agreement created or arising under the terms of a contract of employment or entered into in relation to a contract of employment.