Minerva Local Schools

Resident Educator YEAR TWO Mentoring Activities

The following suggested activities are in conjunction with the Ohio Department of Education Resident Educator Program as of July 2011.

This booklet list the activities that the mentor should attempt to usewith the RE each month, followed by a comment section and time validation. At the end of the year, the mentor will submit this booklet as verification of mentor services. The mandatory ODE – created documents for the RE mentor process can be found on the Ohio Department of Education website.

This booklet belongs to Mentor______

Please list all of the year II Resident Educators in your cohort:

Total number of hours that you spent in the Resident Educator process this year: ______

Minerva Local / Year Two / Mentor Log: August-September
Standard of Teaching / RE Strand / Activity / Date / Comments
6c, 7b / Introduce yourself to your Resident Educator (RE) to become familiar with their needs, personality, work habits, etc.
Establish a relationship that is positive, personal and professional from the start!
6a, 6b / Prepare your RE for “Meet the Teacher” night!
7b / Self –Assessment; Goal Setting / Review the Formative Progress Review the RE and their mentor completed at the culmination of last school year. Begin informally discussing goals for this year based on the contents of that document.
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 / Self –Assessment / The RE should complete the ODE form: Resident Educator Year 2 Self-Assessment. The RE should have similarities between this document and their year-end self- assessment from last school year from Minerva Local Schools Evaluation. Make sure RE makes notes in the Evidence column of the document.
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 / Self –Assessment / Following completion of the First-Year Residents’ Self-Assessment, the RE, with the mentor’s assistance, should complete the ODE form: Resident Educator Year 2 Self -Assessment Summary.
7b / Goal Setting / Overview the information from both te RE Self-Assessment, from last year and last year’s FPR. Complete the ODE form Goal Setting Template. This form includes two smart goals which should match the two goals you submit for the Minerva Local Teacher Evaluation (PGP). You, the RE and your building principal should discuss these goals once they have been determined.
6b / Make sure RE has necessary passwords: i.e. Progress Book, TestingWerks, Battelle For Kids and has completed the My Password registration on SPARCC site and ODE Safe Account.
7b / Self-Assessment; Goal Setting / Make sure your RE understands their required professional development year and building/district calendars.
Standard of Teaching / RE Strand / Activity / Date / Comments
5a, 5b, 5c / Assessment of Student Learning / Discuss and plan for classroom management: physical arrangement and discipline plan. If the RE had decided to make any changes in policies for this year, this is a great time to discuss those changes.
1d, 1e / Assessment of Student Learning / Together with the RE, complete the ODE form: Data Measures Inventory with the RE. Data to complete the form can be found on the building/district report card.
3a, 1a, 1e / Assessment of Student Learning / Together with RE, complete the ODE form: Class Profile. Use the data in TestingWerks, Intervention and RtI folders, etc.
1b, 3b, 4a, 4c / Assessment of Student Learning / Discuss instructional groupings with your RE and brainstorm based on the data for the RE’s classroom some possible grouping arrangements that might best meet student learning needs. Complete the ODE form: Intentional Grouping. The last section of this form should be completed after the grouping takes place.
1a, 1c, 1e, 3b, 3c, 3d, 4a / Assessment of Student Learning / Throughout the year, your RE will follow the progress of two students they select from their class. Have your RE select their two students and complete the ODE form: Monitoring Student Learning. The RE will analyze and reflect on these two students throughout the year.
Observations / Complete an informal observation of your RE if possible. As this is an informal observation, the mentor does not need to remain in the classroom for the entire duration of the lesson.
6a, 6b / Prepare your RE for Parent/Teacher Conferences. Complete the ODE form Collaborative Conversation: Engaging Parents following your discussion.
5a, 5b, 5d / Toward the end of the month, have a collaborative conversation with your RE about classroom management. Use the ODE form T Chart: Classroom Management.
Minerva Local / Year Two / Mentor Log: October
Standard of Teaching / RE Strand / Activity / Date / Comments
1a, 1b, 1e, 2a, 2b, 3b, 3d, 4a, 4c / Instructional Planning/Assessment of Student Learning / RE and Mentor should complete the ODE document: Year 2 Instructional Cycles 1, 2, 3 forms. This will be Cycle 1. The purpose of the 2nd Year of the RE program is to examine instruction in a more meaningful way. This document has two parts. The second portion is a reflection piece that will be completed following the grading of student work.
4b, 4d, 4e, 6b, 6c / Instructional Planning/Assessment of Student Learning / To complete the reflection portion of Instructional Cycles 1, 2, 3, the RE should evaluate the graded work samples of the two students from the Analyze Student Learning form completed in September. These work samples should be saved for the Year 2 portfolio.
6c / Instructional Planning/Assessment of Student Learning
Collaborative Conversation / Complete a collaborative conversation with the RE around the completed instructional cycle. You may use the ODE form, The Question Matters: Examining Student Work to make notes about the conversation.
1a, 1e, 2b, 3b, 4c / Observation / Plan your first formal observation of your RE. Prior to the observation, the RE should complete the ODE form: Pre-Observation Notes Template.
3, 4, 5 / Observation / Complete the formal observation of your RE. You may use the ODE form: Observation Template, or you can take your own notes.
Observation/Collaborative Conversation / Conduct a post observation conference with your RE based on what you observed in the lesson. You may use the ODE form Post Observation: Collaborative Log.
Minerva Local / Year Two / Mentor Log: November
Standard of Teaching / RE Strand / Activity / Date / Comments
1a, 1b, 1e, 2a, 2b, 3b, 3d, 4a, 4c / Instructional Planning/Assessment of Student Learning / RE should begin completing the Year 2 Instructional Cycles 1,2,3. This can be a modified version of the first instructional cycle. (This will be Cycle 2; Cycle 1 was in October). You and the RE’s can stretch the completion of this cycle over a two- month period (November and December).
2d, 3a, 4b, 4d / Instructional Planning/Assessment of Student Learning / From the Year 2 Instructional Cycles 1,2,3 have the RE complete the Student Work Analysis. RE should include student work samples from this lesson with their RE Year 2 documentation.
3 / Collaborative Conversation / Block out time with your RE to have a conversation about assessment and assessment practices. Document this experience using the ODE form Examining Assessment Practices (T-Chart).
Minerva Local / Year Two / Mentor Log: December
Standard of Teaching / RE Strand / Activity / Date / Comments
1a, 1b, 1e, 2a, 2b, 3b, 3d, 4a, 4c / Instructional Planning/Assessment of Student Learning / RE and mentor finish Cycle 2 of the Year 2 Instructional Cycles 1,2,3. This activity was started last month.
2d, 3a, 4b, 4d / Instructional Planning/Assessment of Student Learning / From the Year 2 Instructional Cycles 1,2,3,( cycle 2, was started last month) have them complete with your RE the Reflection portion of the form. RE should include student work samples from this lesson with their RE Year 2 documentation.
6c, 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e / Observation / If possible, have the RE observe a peer RE. If this is not possible, find a teacher that is still early in their career in the building to observe. RE can use the Peer Observations and Learning Walks form.
Minerva Local / Year Two / Mentor Log: January
Standard of Teaching / RE Strand / Activity / Date / Comments
7b / Goal Setting / The RE and Mentor should complete the midyear review portion of the ODE form Goal Setting Template. This is the same form the mentor and RE used to determine the two smart goals for the year.
1a, 1b, 1e, 2a, 2b, 3b, 3d, 4a, 4c / Instructional Planning/Assessment of Student Learning / RE should begin Year 2 Instructional Cycles 1,2,3, (Cycle 3.) This is an ODE document that is in two parts. The RE should begin this in January and complete it by March. This document will play into the Year 2 Formative Progress Review for ODE, which the RE will begin in February. This should be cycle 3 the RE is completing. The RE should complete the Instruction Plan portion prior to teaching the lesson.
6,7 / Community and Parent Engagement / The RE and mentor should engage in a collaborative conversation about effective methods for engaging parents in the student learning process.
Minerva Local / Year Two / Mentor Log: February
Standard of Teaching / RE Strand / Activity / Date / Comments
1a, 1b, 1e, 2a, 2b, 3b, 3d, 4a, 4c / Instructional Planning/Assessment of Student Learning / RE should continue the Year 2 Instructional Cycles 1,2,3,(Cycle 3),that they began last month. Completion should include the Reflection portion and the RE should include student work samples from this lesson with their RE Year 2 documentation.
2,3,4,5 / Formative Progress Review / The RE should begin their Year 2: Formative Progress Review and plan on completing it by the end of April.
2,3,4,5 / Formative Progress Review / Review the FPR Guidance Document with your RE. This defines the roles of both you and the RE for the FPR process.
2,3,4,5 / Formative Progress Review / Review the list of FAQ’s regarding Year 2 of the Formative Progress Review as needed.
3,4,5 / Observation / Choose, with your RE, an exemplary teacher for the RE to observe. The RE should use the ODE form: Observation of Exemplary Teacher by Resident Educator.
Minerva Local / Year Two / Mentor Log: March
Standard of Teaching / RE Strand / Activity / Date / Comments
2,3,4,5 / Continue working with your RE on their Year 2 FPR.
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 / Self- Assessment / The RE should complete and print the Self-Assessment form.
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 / Self- Assessment / The RE, with the mentor’s assistance, should complete the ODE form: Self-Assessment Summary for Second Year Resident Educators. To complete the form, he RE should compare the results of the standards for the Self Assessment they just completed to the Self Assessment they completed in August. Discussion should be based around what the RE sees as strengths having over half of the school year completed.
1a, 1b, 1e, 2a, 2b, 3b, 3d, 4a,4c / Assessment of Student Learning/Instructional Planning / RE should finish Year 2 Instructional Cycles 1,2,3, (Cycle 3). This is an ODE document that is in two parts. The RE should have begun this in January.
Minerva Local / Year Two / Mentor Log: April-May
Standard of Teaching / RE Strand / Activity / Date / Comments
7b / Goal Setting / With your RE, complete the End-of-Year Reflection on Professional Goals from ODE. Center your discussion around the items on this paper.
Begin discussions with the RE to prepare for the end of the year as appropriate to the grade level, course or position.
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 / Schedule and conduct an exit interview with each RE individually. Have a collaborative conversation, fully discussing the FPR.
1a, 1b, 1e, 2a, 2b, 3b, 3d, 4a,4c / Finish all activities not completed. Denote these on the back or in the sections provided.
Turn in your completed FPR and Portfolio of Required ODE documents to the Lead Mentor or Program Coordinator.