* Profa. Guilhermina Coimbra.
The Brazilian government, with privatization, stopped collecting the original revenue - that which the government receives in its governmental business functions - that is currently lacking.
We must repeat this to exhaustion. Especially when they complain of the lack of money to cover the urgently needed public expenditure.
Because of the privatization - forced by representatives of interests outside Brazil - also known as brokers of public goods in Brazil - the original revenue, that is, non-tax revenue ceased to enter into the Brazilian National Treasury and went on to supply boxes of alien national treasures.
As a consequence, the number of unemployed already exceeds 13 million people. With each of them seeing their reduced resources daily lose value, turning their concerns only to more basic items of consumption.
However, the privatization issue, although it seems to be irreversible - is not.
It must be understood: there will always be the possibility of the Brazilian State reversing the feat, making use of the ius imperium - especially if proven, as it already is, detrimental to the interests of Brazilian taxpayers.
In this context, with the government of Brazil obliged to explore what has not yet been properly explored in Brazil - all the attention is needed with the indecent proposals of the representatives of those perseveringly interested in seizing the territory of Brazil.
As has been said and proven on a daily basis, news, pronouncements, public statements in Brazil are never exactly as they pretend or appear to be.
The word "reserve", for example, has to be read, searched and observed carefully. Reserves may have meant completely contrary to the interests of the Brazilian population.
In terms of mining of energy-generating minerals - the salt of life - almost always, when dealing with reserves, the intention is to reserve such ores for the international energy market.
This is detrimental to the Brazilian population (over 260 million inhabitants) because such minerals are exhausting, it demands complex and time-consuming technology, which is why they must be exploited now, reserving the necessary for the use of future generations of residents.
It is to be observed the intense fight between the interested parties and the Government of Brazil that ended up suspending for 120 days the Decree that had liberated the area in the Amazon to the mining. It intends to have a broad debate with Brazilian society.
But, you have to report sooner. It has to explain: everything demands infrastructure and complex technology; Brazil needs to give useful use to the ores of its subsoil; you should only reserve what is necessary for future generations; and especially, has to explain that Brazil can not be allowed to remain as a market reserve of energy-generating ore for residents outside Brazil - wherever they live.
Nor can it be left to the mercy of the needs of the international market for energy-generating ores (hydrocarbons, oil, gas, nuclear, uranium, niobium, thorium, lithium and others).
The world is watching Brazil.
Close question is precise: Brazil has to give useful destiny to the energy-generating ores that lie in its territory urgently and period.
There are several interested parties, in profiting greatly from the public goods of Brazil, leaving the Brazilian population out of the gains. The population has to be clarified because, when it perceives its own motorcycle, the perception is almost never favorable to the Government.
All the attention is needed. The proposal of the President of Colombia - on World Environment Day, for example - to create an "Ecological Corridor" that would go from the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean, passing through the Amazon - is ambiguous, malicious, advocates interests outside of South America. It means reserves of energy-generating raw material for the international market, regardless of whether they harm the American populations.
"It will be the largest corridor in the world, with 136 million hectares, which we call Triple A, because it would be Andean, Amazonian and Atlantic, going from the Andes to the Atlantic in Brazil," said President Santos of Colombia, in the Official Television Program Agenda Colombia, on 16.2.2017. In the words of the Colombian President, the proposal would serve to "preserve the area and as a contribution of humanity to the discussion on how to stop climate change."
All the attention is needed because the concerns - supposedly environmental of the Project - hide the interests of removing part of the territory of Brazil.
Residents in Brazil are friends and contumacious clients of their friends from the North, the largest market in the world - surely, and many dollars spent outside Brazil. However, the "Ecological Corridor" However, the "Ecological Corridor" is a risk to the territorial integrity of Brazil and, positively, it is not a Corridor because:
- is a ripple that is made in the territory of Brazil;
- is a true occupation of the Brazilian territory;
- ... "At the very least, it is the germ of the occupation of a part of Brazil, with the objective of isolating it from the North, the Caribbean, and South America from the North" .... (In MAESTRI, Rogério , Professor of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Sputnik Magazine, August, 2017);
- fertile territory of sources that generate exhaustible energy is not negotiable and must be out of any negotiation;
- the said "Ecological Corridor" is a territory full of exhaustible energy sources, it can not be the subject of commercial transactions;
- if it is for "environmental" protection and force Brazil to go to the Pacific, logic demonstrates that Brazil can and should go, but - it is going further south, further down the territory of Venezuela;
- Absolutely, it does not matter if Brazil: ... "It will be the largest corridor in the world, with 136 million hectares, that we call Triplo A, since it would be Andean, Amazonian and Atlantic, going from the Andes to the Atlantic in Brazil" , stated Santos, President of Colombia, in the official program of Television Agenda Colombia, on February 16, 2017.
According to the words of the President of Colombia, the proposal would serve to "preserve the area and as a contribution of humanity to the discussion on how to stop climate change."
Decoding: it is inconceivable, illogical, Brazil agrees not to explore the area. It would be a shameful contribution of more than 260 million inhabitants of Brazil, lacking all the necessities, to the benefit of the participants of the rich and aesthetic international market.
Comment that does not want to shut up: A shame, to see President of South American country, strongly advocating interests outside the South American Continent!
If the Amazon exists it is because it has always had the Government of Brazil conserving it well or badly, for its use, of the future generations of residents in Brazil.
It is, therefore, to praise, exalt, give all the honor, all the merit and all the glory - to the care given by the Brazilian Government to the South American Amazon.
The populations of the South American states intelligently realize and recognize that the security of Brazil is of interest to all residents in South America.
In addition, states that deforested, colonized to the maximum, and continue as colonizers - on the part of a world with an eternal underdevelopment status - do not have the moral to speak of Brazil's inability to manage the Amazon.
Finally, as it is not negotiated with fertile territory of exhaustible sources of energy - it is always more than important to zonate to know the types of ores found, in the corridor they claim ecological.
That simple.
Sorry, sorry, very sorry.
Brazil deserves respect.
* Rio de Janeiro Federal Rural University Law Professor, CNPq, CAPES and FGV-Rio researcher.
OBS.: Many Thanks to the Translator Google for Enterprisers and sites.