Appendix VII.

Research publications of the faculty of COF ( Last Five years)

Books ( Since inception)

  1. Tajudeen, E.,Anoop, E.V.and Jacob, S. 1996. Teak. Kerala Agricultural University Publication. p. 59.
  2. Nameer, P O.1999. Monkeys and Man. National Book Stall, Kottayam.31p. (Children’s literature in Malayalam)
  3. Nameer, P.O. 2000. Checklist of Indian Mammals. Kerala Forest Department 90 + xxv pp.
  4. Santhoshkumar, A.V. and Musthafa, K. 2002. Vithulpadhanavum samyojitha keed roga niyanthranavum nelkrishiyil( Seed production and Integrated pest management in paddy). KVK, Palakkad and Kerla Minor Irrigation Project.
  5. Gopikumar, K., Gopakumar, S. andAnoop, E.V.2003.Forestnursery and tree husbandry. International book distributors,Dehra Dun. p.71.
  6. Kumar, B. M., P. O. Nameer and Luckins C. Babu. 2003 (Eds.). Natural Resource Management: changing scenarios and shifting paradigms. Kerala Agricultural University. 103p.
  7. Gopikumar,K.,Gopakumar,S and Anoop.E.V 2003. Forest Nursery and Tree husbandry. International Book Distributors, Dehra Dun
  8. Jacob John.,Anoop, E. V, Rageena, S., Geetha, K., Krishnakumar, V., Joy, M., Kiran, K. G. and Jomy, T. G. 2004. Vrikshangal purayidakrishiyude sampathu (Trees- Wealth of Home gardens). Published by KAU and NATP,New Delhi. P.63.
  9. Anoop, E.V.,Antony, F., Bhat, K.V., Davis, L. A. and Babu, L. C. 2005. Anatomical key for the identification of important timbers of Kerala. KAU and KSCSTE p. 126.
  10. Grimmet, R. Inskipp, T. and Nameer,P.O. 2007. Birds of Southern India. Helm Field guide series, New Delhi. 241pp.
  11. Gopikumar,K .2007.Arboriculture-Principles and practices, Khanna Bhandu, Publishers, Dehra Dun
  12. Kumar, B.M. 2008 (Tr.). Krishi Gita (Agricultural Verses) [A treatise on indigenous farming practices with special reference to Malayalam desam (Kerala)]. Asian Agri-History Foundation (AAHF), 47 ICRISAT Colony-1, Brig. Sayeed Road, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India, 111p.
  13. Kumar, B.M. and Nair, P.K.R. (eds). 2011. Carbon Sequestration in Agroforestry: Processes, Policy and Prospects. BM Kumar and PKR Nair (eds). Volume in the Book Series “Advances in Agroforestry”. Springer Science, The Netherlands, (in press).

Chapter in books/ boooklets

1.Molur S, Nameer, P.O. and S Walker (Eds). 1998. Report of the Workshop "Conservation Assessment and Management Plan for Mammals of India", BCCP-Endangered Species Project), Zoo Outreach Organisation, Conservation Breeding Specialist Group, India, Coimbatore, India. 176p.

2.Vijayakumar, N.K. andAnoop, E.V.1998. Breeding and Wood Quality. Chapter in Text book on Forest Genetics. ICAR,New Delhi. p. 215.

3.Nameer, P.O. 2001.Richness of Avifauna in the sholas of Munnar, Idukki District. In: (Eds.) Nair KKN, SK Khanduri & K Balasubramanyan, Shola forests of Kerala: Environment and Biodiversity”. Kerala Forest Department & Kerala Forest Research Institute. Pages - 365-394.

4.Nameer, P.O. 2003. Wildlife resources of Western Ghats. In: pages 13 – 19, (Eds.) Kumar, B. M., P. O. Nameer and Luckins C. Babu; Natural Resource Management: changing scenarios and shifting paradigms. Kerala Agricultural University.

5.Vivek Menon. 2003. A Field Guide to Indian Mammals. Dorling Kindersley & Penguin Books, India. 201pp. (Dr. Nameer was amember, editorial boardofthis book)

6.Nameer, P.O. 2003. Birds of Idukki Wildlife sanctuary - a survey report. Report submitted to the Kerala State Forest Department

7.Nameer, P.O. 2003. Report of the Asian Waterfowl Census in KeralaState. Report submitted to Asian Wetlands Bureau, Malaysia

8.Sudhakara, K 2003. Cryopreservation of plant genetic resources. In Natural Resource Management: Changing scenarios and shifting paradigms. Eds. B. M. Kumar, P. O. Nameer, L.C. Babu. Kerala Agricultural University, College of Forestry, Thrissur, Pp: 93-98

9.Kumar, B. M. 2003. Homegardens as a livelihood security system in the humid tropics with special reference to Kerala. In: Agroforestry: Potentials and Opportunities. Pathak P.S. and Ram Newaj (eds.) Agrobios, Jodhpur, pp 121–142.

10.Rajendran, P.,Santhoshkumar,.A.V.,2003. "Paruthikkavu Nellulpadaka Padasekhara Samithy" - a case study. In : Private Extension : Indian Experiences (ed). P. Chandra Shekhara . National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management,Hyderabad,India. pp 97-102

11.Ashokan, P.K. and Lalitha Bai, E.K. 2004. “Cassava” In Land and Crop – India Ed Peter , K.V. National; Book Trust, new delhi

12.Islam, M. Z. and Rahmani, A.R. 2004. Important Bird Areas in India: Priority sites for conservation. Indian Bird Conservation Network: Bombay Natural History Society and Birdlife International (UK). 1133pp. (Had contributed on 24 IBA’s of KeralaStateinthis book)

13.Nameer, P.O. 2004. Report of the Asian Waterfowl Census in KeralaState. Report submitted to Asian Wetlands Bureau, Malaysia

14.Kumar, B. M. 2004. Homegardens in agroforestry research: Methodology for field investigation. In: Methodologies in Agroforestry Research. Rai, P. and Handa, AK (eds). National Research Centre for Agroforestry. Jhansi, UP, pp 97–104

15.Rajendran,P.,Santhoshkumar, A.V., Yaminivarma, C.K. Musthafa, K. 2004. Scaling up of “Good extension practices” in rice production systems. Proceedings of teh National symposium on scaling up of “Good extension practices” in rice production systems held at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Pattambi .30/9/2004to1/10/2004.

16.Molur, S., Srinivasulu, C., Srinivasulu, B., Walker, S., Nameer, P.O. and Ravikumar, L. 2005. Status of South Asian Non-volant small mammals: Conservation Assessment Management Plan (CAMP) Workshop report, Zoo Outreach Organisation / CBSG-South Asia, Coimbatore, India, 618pp.

17.Molur, S., Walker, S., Islam, A., Miller, P., Srinivasulu, C., Nameer,P.O., Daniel, B.A. and Ravikumar L. (eds) .2005. Conservation of Western Hoolock Gibbon (Hoolock hoolock hoolock), in India and Bangladesh. Zoo Outreach Organisation / CBSG-South Asia, Coimbatore, India, 132pp.

18.Gopikumar,K .2005. Nursery studies in selected forest tree species. Advances in Forestry Research in India Vol.XXIX:111-129

19.Peter, K.V., Nair, A. M., and Kumar, B. M. 2005. Quality assurance mechanism in agricultural education (Technical session IV). Proceedings National Seminar on Quality of Agricultural Education in India. University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharward, Karnataka, pp 174–179.

20.Kumar, B. M. 2005. Litter dynamics in tropical plantation forestry and agroforestry systems. In: Soil Biodiversity, Ecological Processes and Landscape Management. Ramakrishnan, P.S., Saxena, K.G., Swift, M.J., Rao K.S., and Maikhuri R.K. (eds). Oxford and IBH, New Delhi, pp. 87–111.

21.Kumar, B. M. 2005. Sustainable teak plantations in the tropics: the question of nutrient management. In: Quality timber Products of Teak from Sustainable Forest Management. Bhat, K.M., Nair, K.K.N., Bhat, K.V., Muralidharan, E.M., and Sharma J.K. (eds). Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi and ITTO, Japan, pp. 179–187.

22.Kunhamu, T.K., Kumar, B. M., and Vishwanath, S. 2005. Tree allometry, volume and aboveground biomass yield in a seven year-old Acacia mangium Willd. stand at Thirvazhamkunnu, India. In: Multipurpose trees in the Tropics: Management and Improvement Strategies, Tewari, V.P. and Srivastava, R.L. (eds). Proc. Internat. Symp. on Multipurpose trees in the Tropics: Assessment, Growth and Management, held at Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, pp. 415–421.

23.Nameer P.O. and Praveen, J 2006. Bird diversity of Nellimapathies, southern Western Ghats. Oriental Bird Club, U.K. 42pp.

24.Nameer, P.O. 2006. Report of the Asian Waterfowl Census in KeralaState. Report submitted to Asian Wetlands Bureau, Malaysia

25.Kumar, B. M. and Nair, P.K.R. (eds). 2006. Tropical Homegardens: A Time-Tested Example of Sustainable Agroforestry. Volume 3 in the Book Series “Advances in Agroforestry”. Springer Science, the Netherlands, 377p,[

26.Gopikumar,K .2007. A manual for soil and Plant analysis. College of Forestry, KAU Vellanikkara

27.Kumar, B. M. 2007. Agroforestry systems and practices of Kerala. In: Puri, S. and Pankaj Panwar (eds.). Agroforestry systems and practices of India. New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, pp 459–483.

28.Kumar, B. M. 2007. Agroforestry systems and practices of Kerala. In: Puri, S. and Pankaj Panwar (eds.). Agroforestry systems and practices of India. New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, pp 459–483.

29.Kumar, B. M. 2007. Homegarden-based indigenous fruit tree production in peninsular India. In: Indigenous Fruit Trees in the Tropics: Domestication, Utilization and Commercialization. Festus K. Akinnifesi, Roger R.B. Leakey, Oluyede C. Ajayi, Gudeta Sileshi, Zac Tchoundjeu, Patrick Matakala and Freddie R. Kwesiga (eds). CAB International Publishing, Wallingford, pp 84–99.

30.Kumar, B. M. 2007. Litter dynamics in plantation and agroforestry systems of the tropics – a review of observations and methods. In: Ecological Basis of Agroforestry, Batish D.R., Kohli, R.K., Jose, S. and Singh, H.P. (eds), CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA. ISBN-10: 1420043277; ISBN-13: 9781420043273, pp181–216.

31.Sudhakara, K., Krishnambika, N.,Vinodkumar, D. K. and Shaji, M. 2007. Swietenia spp. In Advances in Seed Science and Technology, Vol IV Forest Tree Seed Production. Eds. K. Vanangamudi, K. Natarajan, T. Saravanan, N. Natarajan, R. Umarani, A. Bharati, P. Srimathi. Agrobios (India), Agro House, Jodhpur, Pp: 391-400.

32.Kunhamu, T.K., Mohan Kumar, B., Viswanath, S., and Sureshkumar, P. 2008. Root activity of young Acacia mangium Willd trees: influence of stand density and pruning as studied by 32P soil injection technique. Agroforestry Systems. Springer, The Netherlands, (in press).

33.Saha, S.K., Nair, P.K.R., Nair, V.D., and Kumar, B. M. 2008. Soil carbon stock in relation to plant diversity of homegarden systems in Kerala, India. Biodiversity and Conservation (in review

34.Francis, F. Sudhakara, K and Peter, K. V. 2008. Underutilized trees for energy. in. Peter, K. V (ed.) Underutilized and underexploited horticultural crops, Vol. 4, 2008. New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi (India) pp. 379-398

35.Gopakumar, S., Rubin, B. R and Renjith, B. 2008. Plant Taxonomy in the Digital Age: Treading unbeaten tracks. Accepted for publication in the to be published commemorative volume on Prof. K. S.Manilal titled “Plant diversity, morphology, Taxonomy and Ethnobotany: An introspection”.

36.Gowda, H.B.S. and Kumar, B. M. 2008. Root competition for phosphorus between coconut palms and interplanted dicot trees along a soil fertility gradient. In: Towards Agroforestry Design: An Ecological Approach. Advances in Agroforestry Series, Volume 4. Jose, S. and Gordon, A. (eds), Springer Science, the Netherlands, pp 175–193.

37. Kumar, B.M. 2008. Carbon sequestration potential of multipurpose trees: a synthesis. In: Environment, Agroforestry and Livestock Management. Kundu, S.S., Chaturvedi, O.P., Dagar, J.C., and Sirohi, S.K. (eds). International Book Distributing Co., Lucknow, India, ISBN 81-8189-227-5, pp 605–616 (invited).

38. Kumar, B.M. 2008. Commentary on Krishi Gita. In: Krishi Gita (Agricultural Verses) [A treatise on indigenous farming practices with special reference to Malayalam desam (Kerala)]. Asian Agri-History Foundation (AAHF), 47 ICRISAT Colony-1, Brig. Sayeed Road, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India, pp 81–95.

39. Kumar, B.M. 2008. Homegarden-based indigenous fruit tree production in peninsular India. In: Indigenous Fruit Trees in the Tropics: Domestication, Utilization and Commercialization. Akinnifesi, F.K., Leakey, R.R.B., Ajayi, O.C., Sileshi, G., Tchoundjeu, Z., Matakala, P., and Kwesiga, F.R. (eds). CAB International Publishing, Wallingford, UK, pp 84–99 (invited).

40. Kumar, B.M. 2008. Litter dynamics in plantation and agroforestry systems of the tropics – a review of observations and methods. In: Ecological Basis of Agroforestry. Batish, D.R., Kohli, R.K., Jose, S. and Singh, H.P. (eds), CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, pp181–216 (invited).

41. Santhoshkumar , A.V. and Ichikawa, K. 2010. Homegardens: Sustainable land use systems in Wayanad, Kerala, India. In : Bélair C., Ichikawa K., Wong B.Y. L., and Mulongoy K.J. (Editors) Sustainable use of biological diversity in socio-ecological production landscapes. Background to the ‘Satoyama Initiative for the benefit of biodiversity and human well-being.’ Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal. Technical Series no. 52, 184 pages.

42. Kumar, B.M. 2010. Self sustaining models in India: Biofuels, eco-cities, eco-villages, and urban agriculture for a low carbon future. In: Designing Our Future: Local Perspectives on Bioproduction, Ecosystems, and Humanity. Osaki, M., Braimoh, A.K., and Nakagami, K. (eds). United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan (invited). ISBN 978-92-808-1183-4, pp 207–218.

43. Santhoshkumar , A.V. and Ichikawa, K. 2010. Homegardens: Sustainable land use systems in Wayanad, Kerala, India. In : Bélair C., Ichikawa K., Wong B.Y. L., and Mulongoy K.J. (Editors) Sustainable use of biological diversity in socio-ecological production landscapes. Background to the ‘Satoyama Initiative for the benefit of biodiversity and human well-being.’ Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal. Technical Series no. 52, 184 pages.

Research articles in published in National and international journals ( Last five years)

44. Gopikumar, K (2003). Screening of multipurpose tree species for biomass production and nutrient content. Advances in Forestry Research in India.Vol.XXIII:60-78.

45. Gopikumar,K (2003). Seed germination studies in selected farm forestry tree species. Indian journal of Forestry. 25(3):344-346.

46. Gopikumar,K and Mini Chandran (2003). Effect of waste materials on growth and vigour of teak (Tectona grandis) in the nursery. Journal of Tropical Forestry XIX (1&2):6-15.

47.Chandrasekhara, S. and Nameer, P.O. 2003. Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus) in Kerala, India. Zoo’s Print Journal. 18 (10): 1235.

48.Nameer, P.O. 2003. Mammals of South Asia (Insectivora, Scandentia, Rodentia, Lagomorpha and Pholidota) Checklist of non-volant small mammals. Rat-a-tattle, Rilscinsa Newsletter, 3(1):11-14.

49.Nameer, P.O. 2003. Overview of Important Bird Areas of Kerala. Mistnet. 4(2): 8-9.

50.Nameer, P.O.2003. SilentValleyNational Park is no more silent. Mistnet. 4 (1): 9.

51.Nameer, P.O., Naseer, P.O., Ipe M.O. and Ommer. P.A. 2003. Anatomy of Jungle Cat Skull (Felis chaus, Schreber, 1777). Zoo’s Print Journal. 18 (2): 1011-1016.

52.Shanavas, A. and Kumar, B. M. 2003. Fuelwood characteristics of tree species in homegardens of Kerala, India. Agroforestry systems, 58 (1): 11–24, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.

53.Shujauddin, N. and Kumar, B. M. 2003. Ailanthus triphysa at different densities and fertiliser regimes in Kerala, India: Biomass productivity, nutrient export and nutrient use efficiency. Forest Ecology And Management, 180 (1-3): 135–151, Elsevier Science, Netherlands.

54.Thankamoni, C.K., Ashokan, P.K and Kamalam, N.V. 2003. Root distribution pattern of field planted bush pepper, employing radio tracer technique. J Nuclear Agric & Biol. 32(1):23-28

55.Thankamoni, C.K. and Ashokan, P.K. 2003. Evaluation of two bush pepper varieties ( Piper nigram L. ) for photosynthate translocation under water stress. J Nuclear Agric & Biol. 32(2)

56.Thankamoni, C.K. and Ashokan, P.K. 2003. Response of black pepper varieties to water stress. Agricultural Science Digest.

57. Gopikumar K and Viju varghese (2004). Sand culture studies in teak (Tectona grandis Linn.) in relation to nutritional deficiency symptoms, growth and vigour. J. TropicalForest Sci.,16(1):46-61

58.Chakraborthy, S., Srinivasulu, C., Pradhan, M.S. and Nameer, P.O. 2004. Checklist of Insectivores (Mammalia: Insectivora) of South Asia. Zoo’s Print Journal. 19 (2): 1361-1371.

59.Gopikumar,K., Rani, C., Babu, L. C. and Peethambaran ,C.K. 2004. Strategy for conservation of sacred groves .Presented & published at the Institute of Forest Genetics & Tree Breeding Coimbatore from 27th & 28th May ,2004.

60.Kumar, B. M, 2004. Homegardens in agroforestry research: Methodology for field investigation. In: Methodologies in Agroforestry Research. Rai, P. and Handa, AK (eds). National Research Centre for Agroforestry. Jhansi, UP, pp 97–104.

61.Kumar, B. M. 2004. Editorial. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 42(1-2): 1, India.

62.Kumar, B. M. and Nair, P.K.R. 2004. The enigma of tropical homegardens. Agroforestry Systems, 61(1): 135–152. [Also in Nair PKR, Rao MR, and Buck LE (eds), New Vistas in Agroforestry: A Compendium for the 1st World Congress of Agroforestry, Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2004 pp 135–152] One of the most viewed articles as on 16-8-04.

63.Lobo, A., Vidyasagaran,K., Babu, L.C. and Gopikumar, K. 2004. Diversity and distribution of orchids in Nelliyampathy Hills. Advances For. Res. India Vol.XXIX:100-110

64.Nameer, P.O. 2004. Report on visit and training at London, Jersey and Chester Zoo, 2004. Chester visit. Zoos Print. XIX (9): 13-18.

65.Natesha, S.R. andVijayakumar, N. K.2004. Studies on thein vitropropagation ofAilanthus triphysa.J. Tropical For. Sci. 16(4):402-412.

66.Sreenivasan, K., Kunhamu, T.K., and Kumar, B. M. 2004. Root excavation studies in a mature rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell-Arg.) plantation. Natural Rubber Research, 17 (1): 18–22, India.

67.Sreenivasan. K., Kunhamu.T.K. and B. Mohankumar. 2004. Root excavation studies in a mature rubber (Hevea brasiliensis. Muell.Arg.) plantation. Natural rubber research. 17(1):18-22.

68.Srinivasulu C, Srinivasulu, B., Chakraborthy, S., Pradhan, M.S. and Nameer, P.O. 2004. Checklist of Insectivores (Mammalia: Insectivora) of South Asia. Zoo’s Print Journal. 19 (2): 1375-1380.

69.Sudhakara. K and Gopikumar.K. 2004. Effect of top pruning on growth and root growth potential of seedlings of Albizia (Albizia lebbeck L). Sent for publication in Ind. J. Tropiocal For. Vol 22 (I & II): 29-35

70.Thankamoni, C.K. and Ashokan, P.K. 2004. Solute accumulation in black pepper (Piper nigram, L) in response to water stress. Indian J. of Hort. 61(1): 74-78

71.Cyriac, R., P.O. Nameer, S.R. Radhakrishnan and R, Hari. 2005. Diversity of bats in KeralaAgriculturalUniversity campus, Thrissur. Bat Net Newsletter. 6 (2): 12-13.

72.Gopikumar,K 2005. Nursery studies in selected forest tree species. Advances in Forestry Research in India Vol.XXIX:111-129.

73.Kumar, B. M, 2005. Land use in Kerala: changing scenarios and shifting paradigms. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 43 (1-2): 1–12, India.

74.Kumar, B. M, Haibara, K.,and Toda,H.2005. Does Plant litter become more recalcitrant under elevated atmospheric CO2 levels? Global Environmental Research, 9(1): 83–91. Association of International Research Initiatives for Environmental Studies, Tokyo, Japan.

75.Kumar, B. M, Rajesh, G. and Sudheesh, K.G. 2005. Aboveground biomass production and nutrient uptake of thorny bamboo [Bambusa bambos (L.) Voss] in the homegardens of Thrissur, Kerala. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 43 (1-2): 51–56, India.

76.Kumar, B. M, Sudheesh, K.G., and Rajesh, G. 2005. Standing stock of thorny bamboo [Bambusa bambos (L.) Voss] in the homegardens of Thrissur, Kerala. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 43(1-2): 57–61, India.

77.Kumar, B. M, Suresh Kumar S., and Richard F. Fisher. 2005. Galangal growth and productivity related to light transmission in single-strata, multistrata and ‘no-over-canopy’ systems. Journal of New Seeds, 7(2): 111–126. The Haworth Press, Inc. USA.

78.Muraleedharan, P.K., Sasidharan, N., Kumar, B. M, Sreenivasan M.A., and Seethalakshmi, K.K. 2005. Non-wood forest products in the Western Ghats of Kerala, India: floristic attributes, extraction, regeneration and prospects for sustainable use. Journal of tropical forest science, 17(2): 243–257, Forest Research Institute, Malaysia.

79.Nameer, P.O. 2005. Report on training in Field techniques on population and distribution studies, conservation Management and public education of bats and rodents in Bangladesh. Zoos Print. XX (9): 12-13.

80.Nameer, P.O. 2005. Report on training in field techniques on population and distribution studies, conservation, management and public education of bats and rodents, 2-6th March 2005, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Bat Net Newsletter. 6 (2): 14-16.

81.Nameer, P.O. 2005. Think bats and rats – in Bangladesh. Rat-a-tattle, RILSCINSA Newsletter. 5 (1): 16-19.

82.Nameer, P.O. 2005. Twilight zone at Chester zoo – a different experience. Bat Net Newsletter. 6 (1): 2.

83.Rosamma,C. A.andVijayakumar, N. K.2005. Mainteiners and restorers for MS lines of rice. Journal of tropical Agriculture 43(1-2): 75-77.

84.Rosamma,C. A.andVijayakumar, N.K.2005. Heterosis and combining ability in rice (Oryza sativa L.) hybrids developed for Kerala state. Indian J. Genet., 65(2): 119-120.

85.Sreelekha,P.T and Gopikumar,K .2005. Municipal garbage as a component of potting media for the growth of rosewood (Dalbergia latifolia) seedlings in the nursery. J.Non -TimberForest Products XIII(3):205-212.

86.Kumar, B. M, 2006. Agroforestry: the new old paradigm for Asian food security. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 44: 1–14, India.

87.Mahmood-ul-Hassan and Nameer, P.O. 2006. Diversity, role and threats to the survival of Bats in Pakistan. J. Anim. Pl. Sci. 16 (1-2): 38 - 42.

88.Nameer, P.O. 2006. Bird diversity of Nelliampathies, southern Western Ghats. Birding Asia. 5: 9.

89.Nameer, PO. 2006. Encyclopedia on the Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh with help from CBSG members. Report on Visit to Bangladesh, May 2006. CBSG South Asia Newsletter. June, 2006: 13-14.

90.Rane, A.D., Kumar, B. M, and Ashokan, P.K. 2006. Mangrove zonation pattern at Puduvyppu in Kochi, Kerala, India. International Journal Of Ecology And Environmental Sciences, 32(3): 287–294, India.

91.Shanavas, A. and Kumar, B. M, 2006. Physical and mechanical properties of three multipurpose trees grown in the agricultural fields of Kerala. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 44: 23–30, India.

92.Sudhakara, K. and Gopikumar, K. 2006. Effect of top pruning on shoot and root growth potential of seedlings of Albizia (Albizia lebbeck L.). Journal of Tropical Forestry. 22: 29-35.

93. Sudhakara, K. 2006. Traditional Trees of Pacific Islands – Their culture, environment, and use, Elevitch C. R. (ed.), Book review In: Journal of Tropical Agriculture 44: 94-95

94. Sudhakara, K., Georgi P. Mathachen, Subhash, K. B. and Abhilash Damodaran. 2006. Field identification key to the tree species of shola forests of Idukki district, Kerala. Indian Journal of Forestry. 29(3): 231-238.

95.Yapa, W.B., Goonthilake, S, Nameer, P.O., Marimuthu, R and Daniel, B.A. 2006. Report on the training in Field techniques for the study of Non-volant small mammals, Randenigala, Sri Lanka. Zoos Print.. XX (9): 12-13.

96.Yapa, W.B., Goonthilake, S, Nameer, P.O., Marimuthu, R and Daniel, B.A. 2006. Report on the training in Field techniques for the study of Non-volant small mammals, Randenigala, Sri Lanka. Rat-a-tattle. 6 (1): 7-8.

97.Yapa, W.B., Goonthilake, S, Nameer, P.O., Marimuthu, R and Daniel, B.A. 2006. Report on the training in Field techniques for the study of Volant small mammals, Randenigala, Sri Lanka. Bat-Net Newsletter. 7 (1-2): 3-8.