IU Northwest Research Grants




Revised 2015 (Academic Affairs)


The purpose of the Research Project Initiation Grant at Indiana University Northwest is to facilitate the research and creative activity of Indiana University Northwest faculty, to provide funds necessary to initiate costly aspects of a research project, and to promote research collaboration between individuals on one or more regional campus within the IU system as well as intercampus research projects between individuals on a regional campus within the IU system and an individual from another system. Research is defined broadly similar to Boyer's expanded definition of “scholarship” within the professorate to include discovery, integration, application, and teaching. The funding for Research Project Initiation Grants includes $4,000 from the Office of the Vice President for Research and a $4,000 in matching funds from Indiana University Northwest. This funding will be used to support one or more Research Project Initiation Grant(s).


  1. Full-time faculty employed by Indiana University Northwest are eligible.
  2. Two kinds of proposals will be considered for these funds: 1) requests for funds to initiate costly aspects of a research project and 2) request for funds to support collaborative research projects involving individuals from one or more of the other regional campuses within the IU system and/or from another academic institution. Preference will be given to meritorious proposals based on the related costs of initiating research projects and/or the documented collaboration with partners from other Indiana University campuses or other external entities.
  3. Funding is not renewable for a project previously funded through Research Project Initiation Grant funds unless substantial change or addition to the project has occurred. Preference will be given to submissions with completed applications to an external funding source and to submissions that demonstrate strong potential for external support.
  4. A principle investigator may not hold a Research Project Initiation Grant and a Research Support Fund Grant simultaneously; in other words, a principle investigator cannot be awarded both the Research Support Fund Grant and the Research Project Initiation Grant within the same funding cycle.
  5. Travel to conferences to present research findings are not eligible for funding with this grant.
  6. Awards are contingent on meeting all appropriate research compliance requirements (e.g. animal, biosafety, and human subject approval). An application involving the use of animals must be accompanied by evidence that it has been approved by the Northwest Animal Resource Committee; an application involving the use of human subjects must be accompanied by evidence that it has been approved by the IU Northwest Human Subjects Committee; and an application involving DNA, human fluids or tissues, or other infectious agents must be accompanied by evidence that it has been approved by the Biosafety Committee in Bloomington. For information on the policies related to animal, biosafety, and human subjects approval, the applicant can access the Indiana University policies and forms ( ), and the IU Northwest policies and forms on human subjects ( online.
  7. The recipients of the Research Project Initiation Grant will provide the AVCAA with a report of their grant progress by the September 30th following their receipt of the award. The AVCAA will summarize the progress on the current round of grants, disseminating that summary to the Office of the Vice Provost for Research, the VCAA, and the selection committee.
  8. These funds are intended to enhance the scholarship/creative activity of continuing IU Northwest faculty. A condition for consideration for this grant is a commitment to the university on the part of the applicant to remain at IU Northwest for at least one year following the award date and an agreement to reimburse IU Northwest for all funds expended by the University in the event that this commitment is not honored after the receipt of a grant awarded under this program.
  9. All funds must be used within two (2) years of receipt of the award. Funds not used within that time frame will revert back to the grant program. An annual summary of progress on the grant will be due to the AVCAA Office on September 30th of each year until the project is completed.


  1. Annual announcement of the fund should be sent out to each full-time faculty member the last week in September.
  2. The full-time faculty member must complete the Research Project Initiation Grant application form, and submit it by the deadline (the second Friday in November).
  3. A vitae for each Indiana University Northwest faculty member and all collaborators and personnel participating in the research project must accompany the application form.
  4. The applicant must provide current supporting letters from at least two persons, including the chairperson of the department or unit head as appropriate, and a person from outside the campus who is knowledgeable in the field of the proposed project. Please list names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of persons who will supply references. Letters should be addressed to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, accompany the application, and arrive in Academic Affairs (Lindenwood 329) on or before the deadline.
  1. The deadline for proposals will be the second Friday in November. Applications must be submitted electronically to .
  2. Notice of award should be no later than two months after the proposal deadline.


  1. The Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs will assume responsibility for the application—evaluation process, distributing the proposals and running the meetings.
  2. The Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs will form one selection committee for both the Research Project Initiation Grant and the Research Support Fund comprised of full-time faculty members from the respective units on the Indiana University Northwest campus to maintain a group of evaluators representative of different disciplines. Individuals cannot serve on this committee during a year in which they are applying for funds. The Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs will be invited to review the proposals and attend the evaluation meeting.
  3. Copies of proposals will be read by all members of the committee, evaluated, and ranked in terms of their merit prior to the committee meeting to discuss the proposals. The committee will meet to select the Research Project Initiation Grant recipient(s).
  4. The committee will make its recommendations and send them to the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs who will, then, notify the faculty member.


  1. The Office of Academic Affairs will handle the awarding of the funds, which will be transferred into the respective faculty member’s research account.



Application Form

Revised 2013 (Academic Affairs)

Instructions: The application should be computer generated using the format below: All sections must be completed for the proposal to be considered. One (1) original is to be submitted to Academic Affairs (Lindenwood 329). Also submit a PDF containing the complete application (naming rule – LASTNAME_PI_YEAR) to and .

1.Project Title:

2.Submitted By:




Phone #:


3.Date of Application:

4.Abstract (brief description of project, maximum 250 words):

5.Objective of Research (maximum 200 words):

6.Description of Proposed Research including methods/procedures and rationale for the necessity of items to be covered by grant (maximum two full pages):

*Note: Proposals may have an addendum attached of up to four (4) pages explaining detailed methodology, preliminary data, and background literatureas appropriate. Graphs and figures will not count toward the page limit.

7.Research Location:

8.Research Schedule:

9.Budget (provide a cost breakdown): Cost


Per diemdays:





10.Other funding sources:

11. Attach evidence of approval (where applicable) from the IU Northwest Human Subjects Committee, Biosafety Committee, or the Northwest Animal Resource Committee.

12. Other information you deem important for the proposal, including an explanation of the benefits to the project gained by collaboration(s) with other campuses within the IU system and/or external institutions (maximum one page).

13. Attach a vitae for each principle investigator, all collaborators holding a full-time faculty rank, and all other personnel considered by the applicant critical for the success of the project.

14. Attach supporting letters from at least two persons, including the chairperson of the department or unit head as appropriate, and a person from outside the campus who is knowledgeable in the field of the proposed project.

15. Have you received a Regional Research Grant previously? If so indicate the date and title of the proposal.

I acknowledge and agree that, as a condition for consideration for this grant, I will remain at IU Northwest for at least one year from the award date if I am awarded a grant under this program. ______[initial]

I agree that if I if I am awarded a grant under this program and I fail to remain at IU Northwest for at least one year from the award date, I will reimburse IU Northwest for all funds expended by the University under the grant. ______[initial]





Department ChairDate