PHONE: 541-917-4762
E-mail is the best way to contact me / CLASS (WOH 205): TR 1:00-3:20pm (CRN 24836) OFFICE HOURS: Mondays 11:00am-12:00pm
Tuesdays 3:30pm-4:30pm
Fridays 11:00am-12:00pm
General Biology 102 is a course designed to help the learner discover the workings of the scientific process from a biological perspective. This course is designed for students at Linn-Benton Community College who are non-science majors. Students typically have little to no science background, yet are enrolled in this course to fulfill requirements needed for a degree. Enrolled students should have a desire to expand their knowledge and appreciation of the biological sciences. This course will fulfill the laboratory science distribution requirements at LBCC. This course focuses on processes of biology including understanding the importance of DNA, synthesis of other biological molecules, cell division, genetics, adaptation and evolution. Along with acquiring a working knowledge of biological systems, an important goal of this course is for students to complete the course with an appreciation for, and enjoyment of, the day-to-day integration of biology into all aspects of their lives.
After successful completion of BI 102, students should be able to:
1. Explain how natural selection drives evolution.
2. Express how changes in the genome can affect the phenotype or traits within a population.
3. Describe the patterns of inheritance.
4. Describe selected key cell processes.
5. Distinguish between the groups of biomolecules.
REQUIRED MATERIAL Laboratory Packet: Biology 102: General Biology LBCC Custom Text: Biology-Life on Earth w/Physiology, Volume 2, Audesirk
BI 102 is taught as a discrete and separate course in biology. It is not necessary to have any other biology course (BI 101 or BI 103) before taking this course.
Your grade will be determined by your performance in several categories. The contribution of each category toward the final grade is shown below:
8 Labs @ 6 points each ...... 48 pointsHomework & Activities ……………………. 57 points
3 Quizzes @ 10 points each ……….…….. 30 points
3 Exams @ 55 points each ...... 165 points
Comprehensive final exam ...... 100 points
Total ……………………...……………………….. 400 points / A = 90 - 100%
B = 80 - 89%
C = 70 - 79%
D = 60 - 69%
F = 59.9% or below
The above distribution of points is only approximate and, as with the course schedule, subject to minor changes. Your grade will be determined by your point standing in the class.
Course assignments, quizzes and exams give you a chance to review and to be challenged by the material you have learned. They help you evaluate how you are doing in the course. During the term there will be 4 quizzes, 3 exams, a comprehensive final, lab activities, in-class activities and a variety of homework assignments. If you know that you are going to miss a class, you can e-mail me your homework (I will send a confirmation response that it was received, if you do not receive a response then I did not get your assignment), you can turn it in the day before or you can give it to someone else to bring to class on the day that the assignment is due. This will give you the best opportunity to earn full credit for your hard work. Late work (homework assignments and labs) will be accepted one day late (next class period), with a 20% point reduction. Missed in-class assignments or labs cannot be made up.
Exams will consist of multiple choice, short answer, and essay questions. Some questions will test your memory while others will require an application of your knowledge to unique situations and problems. If you miss an exam or quiz you need to contact me as soon as possible to schedule a makeup time. NO make-ups will be given after the quiz or exam is handed back. Communication is the key to making certain you have a good opportunity for completing all exams.
As noted on the syllabus there will be 3 quizzes over reading and lecture material. It should be presumed unless your instructor tells you otherwise that the quiz will be over the reading and lecture material covered in the prior class(es). The quizzes will be closed book and closed note. You will be given 10 minutes at the beginning of the lecture day for taking the quiz.
Attending all classes is essential for achieving a good grade in this course. There will be a variety of activities occurring during these meetings including: lecture, discussions, worksheets, active-learning activities, and group work. I encourage you to use your course schedule to identify the topics that we will focus on during class and read the appropriate material in your textbook and study packet before class.
Labs are a critical component for the learning processes in any science class. They provide hands-on experience requiring students to make critical thinking decisions that may influence the outcome of the lab. Students are also required to analyze and interpret data. Therefore, because it is imperative for students to come prepared each lab period, pre-laboratory assignments are to be turned in at the beginning of each lab. The pre-labs are usually the first one or two pages of each lab in the lab packet. Each lab is worth 6 points. There are nine (9) labs in this term but you will only be graded on your 8 highest point total labs. You will be responsible for the material from all nine (9) labs on the exams. Please note that labs 9 & 10 will be combined and completed in week 10 due to the holiday.
There are many study strategies that can help you be successful in this class. These include the following:
· Review class notes each day so you can gauge your understanding and ask questions on material you do not understand. This may include rewriting them in your own words.
· Keep up with the information presented in class by reviewing a little each day.
· Read your textbook when there are areas that we have covered in class that are unclear to you.
· Turn assigned work in on time.
It is very important that you keep up with the material and not get behind. Most students find it helpful to participate in a study group that meets for an hour or two once or twice per week to review material. Use the study group to check your knowledge, to quiz each other, to ask about points you don’t understand, and to help each other learn difficult material. It is important for you to identify areas that are unclear and material you don’t understand before an exam or quiz. If you study and understand each topic as you go, you will have a firmer foundation for learning what comes next.
Additional instructional services, beyond classroom instruction and instructor consultations, are available for all students at the Learning Center.
Moodle will be used as a means for communication and facilitation of success in this course. Lecture materials, supplemental materials, and assignments may be posted to the Moodle site. As such, it is the responsibility of the student to establish their access to the Moodle site and update their email address on the site to ensure they receive any correspondence from me or other students.
Mastering Biology is an online learning platform that is accessible to students who have purchased the required materials for this course. Online assignments will be available throughout the term to help you manage the material presented in this course. Assignments on Mastering will count towards “Homework and Activities” in determination of your course grade. This is an excellent resource for self-assessment as well.
Although collaboration is important in learning, ultimately each student is responsible for demonstrating individual ability. Cheating on exams and copying homework/activities will result in a zero for that activity and may result in further disciplinary action. This includes using your phone at any time during the exam or quiz. Plagiarism is also cheating, it includes turning in someone else’s work as if it were your own, using sources (another person’s ideas, words, or facts) without giving credit to them, not listing sources at the end of a paper or copying a paper off the Internet, etc. Further details about LBCC’s policy on cheating may be found in the Administrative Rule: 7030-02, Academic Integrity. The basis for determining behavior and expectations in this class is outlined in the LBCC Student Handbook.
· Cell phones: As a courtesy to your fellow students and instructor, please turn off all cell phones during class. You may not talk on, text message, or otherwise use your cell phone in class. It must be put away while class is in session. Anyone who answers a phone in class will be considered to be creating a disturbance and treated accordingly. Anyone who needs to have a phone on (emergency only) must clear it with me prior to class.
· Computers: Personal computers will only be permitted for notetaking purposes. Devices being used for any activity unrelated to the course topic for that day will not be tolerated. Students engaging in e-mail, internet surfing/shopping, Facebook, etc. will be immediately required to put the device away.
· Late policy: Being timely is important as entering the classroom late is disruptive to the instructor and to your fellow students. If you are less than 5 minutes late, please quietly find a seat in the back of the class. If you are later than 5 minutes past the beginning of the start of class, and it has not been approved by me, do not disrupt the lecture by entering the classroom. Students demonstrating disruptive behavior will be asked to leave. Likewise, leaving class early is a disruptive behavior so plan to stay for the entirety of the class session. If you must excuse yourself early, please discuss your intention before class whenever possible.
I value the learning experience of every student in my classroom. I ask that we do not tolerate any disrespectful behavior towards anyone else in the classroom. If you have a problem or witness anything in class, please let me know. Maintaining a respectful and peaceful classroom atmosphere is an important component to facilitating your success as students.
The LBCC community is enriched by diversity. Everyone has the right to think, learn, and work together in an environment of respect, tolerance, and goodwill. I actively support this right regardless of race, creed, color, personal opinion, gender, sexual orientation, or any of the countless other ways in which we are diverse.Linn-Benton Community College is an equal opportunity educator and employer.
If you have an emergency medical condition, need special arrangements to evacuate campus, or have a documented disability, please meet with me no later than the first week of the term. We can meet to discuss your needs and review your CFAR accommodation letter. If you have a documented disability that will impact you at LBCC and you have yet to seek accommodations, contact the Center for Accessibility Resources (CFAR) to document your disability. Only students who document a disability and present an accommodation letter to me are entitled to academic accommodation. Each term, when you register, at least 2-3 weeks prior to the start of a term, submit your “Request for Accommodations” form to CFAR. During week 1, pick up letters for your instructors and deliver them in person to each instructor during office hours or by appointment. CFAR may be reached from any LBCC campus or center by email to or by calling (541) 917-4789.
If LBCC campus is open, class will be held as scheduled. Only if the campus is closed will an exam be postponed and this will be made up on the next scheduled class date following the closure. No special exceptions will be made for those who could not make it to class - be prepared for alternate methods. You may visit the college website for closure information.
Tentative Course Schedule
BI 102: General Biology - Fall, 2015
Tuesday / ThursdayWeek
1 / 9/29
Course Introduction, Introduction to Biology, and Macromolecules
Chapter 1: 1-15 & Chapter 3: 35-50 / 10/1
Introduction to Cells and Osmosis
Lab 1: Cells and Osmosis
Chapter 4: 54-72 & Chapter 5: 80-85
2 / Quiz 1* 10/6
Cell Structure, Function and Cell Membranes
Chapter 4: 54-72 & Chapter 5: 76-90 / 10/8
Introduction to Enzymes
Lab 2: Enzymes - Catalase
Chapter 6: 99-105
3 / EXAM 1* 10/13
Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis
Chapter 7: 109-121 & Chapter 8: 125-135 / 10/15
Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis
Lab 3: Photosynthesis
Chapter 7: 109-121 & Chapter 8: 125-135
4 / 10/20
Cell Division & Cancer
Chapter 9: 140-161 / 10/22
Cell Division & Cancer
Lab 4: Mitosis and Meiosis
Chapter 9: 140-161
5 / Quiz 2* 10/27
Inheritance and Chromosomes
Chapter 10: 168-187 / 10/29
Inheritance and Chromosomes
Lab 5: Plant Genetics
Chapter 10: 168-187
6 / EXAM 2* 11/3
Chapter 11: 193-206 / 11/5
The Genetic Code & Making Proteins
Lab 6: Human Genetics
Chapter 12: 210-225
7 / 11/10
Chapter 13: 233-254 / 11/12
Lab 7: DNA Electrophoresis
Chapter 13: 233-254
8 / Quiz 3* 11/17
Principles of Evolution
Chapter 14: 265-273 / 11/19
Principles of Evolution
Lab 8: Natural Selection
Chapter 14: 265-273
9 / EXAM 3* 11/24
Population Genetics
Chapter 15: 278-292 / 11/26
College Closed: Thanksgiving Holiday
10 / 12/1
The Origin of Species
Chapter 16: 296-307 / 12/3
Lab 10: Population Genetics & Fossils
Chapter 15: 278-292
Week / 12/8
Comprehensive Final Exam
*Exams and quizzes are at the beginning of class and will be followed by lecture or activities on new material.