Bay District Schools

Licensed Therapist Appraisal

Professional Learning Goal Guidance

PLG Item / Guiding Question/Thoughts / Additional Considerations / Sentence Stem
Student Impact Area
Baseline Data / What student impact data indicates the need for improvement? / Examine data (student impact area) that is related to your professional responsibilities. What weakness is noted by the group? Narrow the focus to what weakness is noted in individuals within the group (student impact area)? When considering development of needs based question, what is the rationale for the strategy chosen?
*Recommended group size of 2-6 students / Upon review of…
After analyzing…
My targeted group is ….
My targeted students are…
Remember that Effective focuses on the group. Highly Effective identifies individuals within the group.
Provide rationale for evidence-based research strategy chosen to implement with your target group.
Needs-based Question / In reflecting on this data, what instructional/performance question comes to mind? / Considering this specific data and input from the therapist self-assessment, formulate a question that will help you improve your professional practice and impact area as it relates to student achievement. / Will implementing (name the specific strategy) enable my (area of impact - students) to achieve (name what you want to achieve as it relates to student achievement)?
Expected Student Impact Area Achievement Goal(s) / What is your expectation of student impact area achievement/performance as a result of your professional inquiry? / Indicate how the impact of your research- based intervention on student achievement will be measured. / I anticipate/expect that (area of impact – students) will result in….
(use *SMART format to frame goal statement, needs to be student achievement related)
Related Continuing Education and Learning Activities / What practice(s) will you need to enhance/develop through research based knowledge and strategies in order to achieve your stated student achievement goal? / Indicate what you need to know through documentation of diverse research-based activities, how you will learn them and when you anticipate completion for each practice. / In order to meet my goals, I will need to enhance/develop (skill) through (activity) by (timeline).
Therapeutic Implementation / How will the practices developed through research-based knowledge and strategies be incorporated into therapeutic activities to achieve your stated student achievement goal? / Indicate how you plan to incorporate your research-based strategy into therapy and the documentation you will provide for each activity. / In therapy, I have implemented (activity)…
Reflection / After examining the student outcomes and reflecting upon the effectiveness of the strategies, what have you learned through this process? / Include a description of how implementation was or was not successful for each student, citing specific implementation examples and mid-course corrections, if applicable. / When reflecting upon the implementation of…
Bay District Schools
Licensed Therapist Appraisal
Professional Learning Goal Scoring Rubric
Unsatisfactory / Needs Improvement / Effective / Highly Effective
0 points / 1 point / 2 points / 3 points
Student Impact Area Baseline Data / Includes:
• No evidence indicating use
of disaggregation to identify
targeted group.
• No data sources used to
identify specific weakness of
targeted group
• No documentation of
analysis of specific weakness
/ Includes:
• Limited use of
disaggregation to identify
targeted group.
• Limited data sources (1
source) used to identify
specific weakness of
targeted group
• Limited documentation of
analysis of specific weakness
provided / Includes:
• Adequate use of
disaggregation to identify
targeted group.
• Adequate data sources (2
sources) used to identify
specific weakness of targeted
• Adequate documentation of
analysis of specific weakness
provided / Includes:
• Ample use of disaggregation to identify
the individuals within the targeted group.
• Ample data sources (3 sources) used to
identify specific weakness of targeted group
• Ample documentation of analysis of
·  specific weakness provided
Multiple data source examples
·  Program evaluation results, therapy data (OT, PT, ST, LI)
·  State/district wide Assessments
·  FCAT (district, school, classroom, cohort, year, subject, trends, proficiency in categories, individual students)
·  DEA (district, school, classroom, cohort, year, subject, trends, proficiency in categories, individual students)
·  SAT10
·  AP / ·  SAT/ACT
·  Discipline
·  Attendance
·  Suspension / ·  AMO Sub-groups
o  ESE
o  Ethnicity
o  Gender
o  ELL
o  Free/Reduced Lunch / ·  Classroom data
o  Product based {journals, worksheets, quizzes, tests, projects, etc.}
o  Observational {running records, group work, demonstrations, experiments, etc.}
o  Conversational {Student-teacher conferences, oral presentations, group work, etc.}
·  Standards based school, team, or teacher assessments
Hints and Guidance:
·  Start with appropriate data to identify trends or needs through review of therapist caseload as well as school and student data,
·  It is acceptable to use one piece of data multiple ways (Effective) or multiple pieces of data (Highly Effective)
·  Reflections occur twice: once at mid-year (cat 3/4) and formative evaluation (cat 1/2) AND for the final PLG review
·  Use current and previous standardized, relevant and/or authentic data in order to establish baseline and track trends
·  Target group size is 2-6 students from therapist caseload. (Note: Therapist group size will NOT be based upon a percentage of the caseload.)
·  If the Target Group changes significantly, therapist includes this in the reflection(s). However, adjustments are made based on new students’ data. The new target group may exhibit the same weaknesses as the original group; therefore, can continue action research on the strategy selected for improving the weakness.
·  It is suggested that a brief rationale for chosen evidence-based research strategy be in the baseline data box.
·  Limited – looks at 1 subgroup to identify target group with greatest need; uses 1 data source; documentation includes a chart/graph and broad weakness area (i.e.reading comprehension, vocabulary, number sense, geometry, etc.)
·  Adequate Evidence – looks at 2 subgroups to identify target group with greatest need; uses 2 distinct data sources (DEA, CFA, etc.); documentation includes a chart and graph or narrative and broad weakness area
·  Ample Evidence – looks at 3 or more subgroups to identify target group with greatest need; uses 3 distinct data sources (DEA, FCAT, CFA, etc); documentation includes a chart, graph and narrative and specific weakness (decoding multisyllabic words, multiplying fractions, etc.)
Needs-based Question / Includes:
· no evidence of reflection on student impact area achievement/performance data
· no relationship to student impact area performance
· no identified instructional/professional strategy and/or practice(s) / Includes:
·  little evidence of reflection on student impact area achievement/ performance data
·  an ambiguous relationship to student impact area performance
·  instructional/professional strategy and/or practice(s) that are not research-based / Includes:
·  reflection on student impact area achievement/ performance data
·  an understandable relationship to student impact area performance
·  researched-based instructional/professional strategy and/or practice(s) / Includes:
·  purposeful and investigative reflection on the meaning of student impact area achievement/ performance data
·  a clear and distinct relationship to student impact area performance
·  specific research-based instructional/professional strategy and/or practice(s) that visibly relates to identified student impact area need
Hints and Guidance:
·  Write the Needs-based Question so that it considers, “Will (strategy X) impact student achievement data (Y)?”
Unsatisfactory / Needs Improvement / Effective / Highly Effective
0 points / 1 point / 2 points / 3 points
Expected Student Impact Area Achievement/
Goal / Includes:
·  no identified results
·  no relationship to needs-based question
·  no identification of student impact area affected by the goal / Includes:
·  results that are not specific nor measurable
·  little relationship to the needs-based question
·  insufficient identification of the student impact area affected by the goal / Includes:
·  specific and measurable results
·  a relationship to the needs-based question
·  an identification of the targeted group of student impact area affected by the goal / Includes:
·  *SMART results (specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable, timely)
·  a clear and distinct relationship to the needs-based question
·  an identification of the individuals within the targeted group of student impact area affected by the goal
Result Source Examples: DEA, Bay Writes, Standards-Based Classroom Assessments, SM6, etc. (see also the list provided under Baseline Data Section) NOTE: WHEN ESTABLISHING THE GOAL, CONSIDER WHEN DATA IS AVAILABLE IN ORDER TO MEET THE TIMELINE FOR PLG COMPLETION.
Hints and Guidance:
·  Results can be gains or proficiency as appropriate for the targeted group
·  While growth and proficiency are the desired outcomes, they are not the measure of Highly Effective.
Related Continuing Education and Learning Activities / Include:
·  no list of trainings and/or learning activities
·  no relationship to the student impact area achievement goal/performance goal / Include:
·  a minimal list of trainings and/or learning activities that are not research-based
·  an insignificant relationship to the student impact area achievement goal/performance goal / Include:
·  list of trainings and/or learning activities that are research-based
·  a relationship to the student impact area achievement goal/performance goal / Include:
·  diverse list of research-based professional training, CEUs and learning activities
·  a clear and distinct relationship to the expected student impact area achievement goal/performance goal
Professional Training and Learning Activities include (diverse is defined as more than one format):
• Professional Development (PD)
·  Clinical Education Units (CEU)
·  Conferences
• Online Learning Tutorials
• Book Study
• Workshops
• Lesson Study
• Professional Learning Community (PLC)
• Summer Workshops/Online Learning Activities
Documentation Examples:
• Sign-In sheets, meeting minutes, conference notes
• Highlighted/tabbed sub-sections of texts, summary paragraph of book study or research findings
• Certificates, handouts, etc.
• One of the following: Therapy Plans/Notes/Data, Student Artifacts, Anecdotal Logs, Medicaid Service Summary
• School-based or district-based offered PD, CEUs
Hints and Guidance:
·  Professional Development (PD), Clinical Educator Units (CEUs), School-based in-services, etc.
·  Effective would be continuing education and learning activity is listed. Highly Effective would also include documentation of how and when the goal should be met.
·  It is expected that 1-2 items from the Therapist Self-Assessment intersect with the student achievement needs and will be reflected in the PLG Expected Student Achievement Goal.
·  CEU activities do not have to be “new.” They can be a review of previous CEU activities with new implementation.
Unsatisfactory / Needs Improvement / Effective / Highly Effective
0 points / 1 point / 2 points / 3 points
Therapeutic Implementation / Include:
·  no planned therapeutic activities for expected student achievement goal (student impact area)
·  no documentation provided
·  no analysis of data linking the therapeutic implementation to student impact area performance / Include:
·  limited planned therapeutic activities for the expected student achievement goal (student impact area)
·  some documentation provided
·  insufficient analysis of data linking the therapeutic implementation to student impact area
·  / Include:
·  planned therapeutic activities for the expected student achievement goal (student impact area) are linked to Related Continuing Education and Learning Activities
·  documentation provided for each activity
·  analysis of data linking the therapeutic implementation to student impact area for the target group
·  / Include:
·  planned therapeutic activities for the expected student achievement goal (student impact area) are linked with a clear and distinct relationship to Related Continuing Education and Learning Activities
·  documentation provided for each activity and mid-course adjustments (if applicable)
·  analysis of data linking the therapeutic implementation to student impact area for each individual within the target group
Documentation Examples:
·  One of the following: Therapy Plans/Notes/Data, Student Artifacts, Anecdotal Logs, Medicaid Service Summary
Hints and Guidance:
·  If using DEA, consider creating a Targeted Group Class in DEA for tracking purposes.
·  The purpose of the collection is for data analysis, the effect on the targeted group, and for making therapy adjustments. Changes are based on data and needs of the targeted group.
·  Data collection should tie back to the needs-based question and should be collected in ‘real time” (as they happen). Going back after the fact is a burdensome process and does not allow the most meaningful analysis.
·  Three-four sample sets are sufficient for data analysis. Consider collecting samples for the beginning, middle, and end. The strategy will be implemented more than 3-4 times, but the sample sets are for analysis of the strategy’s’ impact.
·  When collecting samples, also collect corresponding data (DEA, classroom, etc.) to summarize what was observed in the sample set (trends, impact, etc.)
·  Have at least 2 sample sets to show administrator during mid-year review or formative evaluation.
Unsatisfactory / Needs Improvement / Effective / Highly Effective
0 points / 1 point / 2 points / 3 points
Reflection / Include:
·  no reflection / Include:
·  reflection reads as summary rather than insightful reflection of the strategy/ impact area / Include:
·  reflection is a description of how implementation was or was not successful for the group and should include a statement mid-course correction if needed / Include:
·  reflection is a description of how implementation was or was not successful for each individual student, citing specific implementation examples, next steps and should include mid-course corrections if needed

Rubric for Individual Professional Development Plan Evaluation

Levels / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3
Ratings Used for Each IPDP Component / Unsatisfactory / Needs Improvement/
Developing / Effective / Highly Effective
Category 1, 2, 3, and 4 Teachers / 1 or more rated 0 (Unsatisfactory) / 1 or more meeting rated 1 (Needs Improvement/Developing) / If not meeting HE, D or U, Effective / 6/6 rated
3 (Highly Effective)

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