Research Concept Paperfor
2010 AHSR New Investigator Workshop
A Concept Paper may address any or all of these topics depending on how far you have thought through your project. The primary purpose of the concept paper is to facilitate a useful discussion between you and the Program Official. The more information you can provide a Program Official, the better the advice you will receive in developing your application. However, try to be succinct and keep your paper to 2 pages or less (single-spaced) with no more than 5 references.
Grant Purpose. Briefly, relate the type of mechanism (R01/R03/R21/R43 etc), amount and duration of the grant, and any institutes/centers/agencies you think might be interested in funding your project.
Introduction. In introductory paragraph(s), clearly articulate your core research concept and include a statement of need.
Aims. State 3-4 aims for the research project
Significance & Innovation.
- Explain why the literature/your research leads you to think this topic needs study and why it is significant.
- Relate the payoff to science AND to public health.
- Mention what makes your project unique and innovative, especially in light of any similar projects identified in CRISP and the refereed literature.
Questions and Hypotheses. Derived from the scientific literature, describe the theories and model(s) that will guide your hypotheses, and specify 3-4 hypotheses or research questions will you test.
Design & Analysis. Describe the population(age range, gender, race, ethnicity, selective characteristics), interventions, controls, measures, etc., that will enable testing your hypotheses. Estimate the required sample and power (N, levels of analysis). Justify the statistical approach that will ensure a fair test of your hypotheses.
Team & Logistics. Indicate how your career stage, expertise, and experience qualify you to lead a project of the size, scope, & technology proposed. Name key collaborators (mentors, co-investigators, consultants, and organizations) who will help the project succeed, specify what each collaborator will add to the project, and how these collaborations will be carried out. Mention the organizations whose cooperation you will need to access subjects/data/equipment/field sites, and indicate any people or organizations who have agreed in writing to participate/support the project.
Other.See Form PHS 398 for guidance in thinking about the review process. For example, look at the five review criteria and think how they can be developed fully in the grant application. NIH is in the process of converting to SF424 (Research and Related [R&R]) forms and electronic submission through Information on this plan and on registering for electronic submission is available at Updates regarding the transition process are at
NIH, NIDA DESPR (rev) 2007-08