Unit I : Federalist Era – Presidents George Washington & John Adams
Theme : Strengthening of the power of the national ( central ) government
A. Washington Administration : ( 1789 – 1797 )
1. Formation of political parties – ______
A. ______( aka. “Republican”, but not today’s Republican Party )
1. Resisted growth of federal power. For states power
2. ______– literal interpretation of the Constitution.
“If it’s not in there then the government can’t do it”
3. Leaders:______
4. Supporters: agrarian (farm) based. ______.
B. Federalist Party:
1. For ______central government
2. ______constructionist view – use “elastic” clause to justify growth of federal
powers ( Ex : ______)
3. Leaders : ______
4. Supporters : urban workers, merchants, manufacturers, bankers ( Northeast )
2. ______Economic Plan : The Report on the Public Credit. Pitted
northern vs. southern interests. Favored manufacturing over agriculture.
A. ______– to establish good credit for future borrowing
B. Pay Revolution War bonds at par(infull)
1. Favored ______who bought them from original owners at a
discount. Angered Jefferson. Led to agreement of southern location for U.S. capital.
2. Tied wealthy business class to survival of the national government.
C. ExciseTaxon ______: goods made in U.S. ( not imports – duty )
1. Led to ______Rebellion by W. Pennsylvania farmers
2. Federal government put down rebellion and demonstrated its authority
D. State Debts Assumed by the National Government
1. ______ Act of 1790
2. Tied interests of the states to the national government
3. Opposed by ______– Southern states had paid off most of their debts
E. National Bank – established 1791
1. Private Bank. Place for federal tax revenues. Issued ______
2. Justified by ______constructionism. Opponents saw it as unconstitutional.
F. Tariffs (Taxes on ______)
1. ______( high ) tariffs rejected by the South.
2. ______(low) tariffs agreed to
3. Foreign Affairs: Goal was to secure the nation from external threats
A. Native American Policy: end attacks on settlers and acquire land
1. Battle of______- defeat of Native Americans in Ohio
2. Treaty of______- opened Ohio to settlement
B. Proclamation of______- Washington said the U.S. would ______in the war between France and Britain that began in 1793.
1. ______Affair – Washington stopped French attempt to
recruit Americans as ______( legalized pirates ) against Britain.
2. Britain seized American ships trading with France
a. ______- Forcible recruiting of American sailors by British navy
b. ______– Avoided war with Britain
1. Helped by defeat of Britain’s Native American allies
2. Britain removed troops from the Northwest Territory
3. Did not agree to end impressment
C______Treaty :
1. U.S. obtained the right of______at New Orleans to transfer goods to
ocean going vessels.
2. U.S. obtained free navigation of the Mississippi River
4. Precedents ( examples ) set by Pres.Washington
A. Foreign policy of______
B. Meeting with the heads of the executive department (______)
C. Voluntary 2 term limit for president
B. Adams Administration : ( 1797 – 1801 )
1. Election of 1796
A. Adams won ______Party )
B. ______was elected Vice president although he represented the
Democratic-Republican Party as he polled the second most electoral votes. This problem
was fixed by the ______Amendment
2. Alien & Sedition Acts
A. Background : France and Britain at war. Both seized U.S. merchant ships
B. Federalist Party favored ______and the Democratic-Republicans favored
C. ______Affair – American representatives were asked for a bribe and a
loan to France to meet with French Foreign Minister Talleyrand. U.S. was offended.
“Millions for defense, not a cent for tribute”
D. “Quasi-War” – undeclared naval war with France
E. Alien & Sedition Acts – response to tensions with France and the fear of being
undermined at home by French agents and sympathizers
1. ______Act – Increased residency requirements to become a
citizen from 5 to 14 years. Hurt immigrants who tended to join the Democratic-
Republican Party
2. ______Act – Made it illegal to criticize the government
3. ______Acts – President could deport politically “dangerous”
immigrants during peacetime or wartime
F. ______Resolutions – Written by
Jefferson and Madison. Proposed ______, that states could ignore
laws they viewed as unconstitutional.
Election of 1800 :
A. Public backlash against the Alien & Sedition Acts caused John Adams to lose the presidency and
the Democratic-Republicans to gain control of both executive and judicial branches. This left
the judicial branch as the “last bastion” (stronghold ) of the Federalist Party.
B. Jefferson and his running mate ______had equal electoral votes
C. The House of Representatives decided Jefferson would be president. Federalist Alexander
Hamilton helped swing votes to Jefferson and began a feud between himself and Burr that
eventually led to ______killing ______in a duel.