Semester Research Paper – Marking Criteria


Criteria for Assessment

Outstanding to Excellent / The content is well thought out and based on intelligent reading. The sequence of ideas is clearly and logically presented and supported by evidence. There are some signs of original thinking.
Very Good to Good / The content is interesting and relevant. The sequence of ideas is convincing. Evidence is well chosen and properly used
Satisfactory to Adequate / The content is satisfactory. The sequence of ideas is reasonably well sustained, despite some lapses or divergencies. The subject has been understood.
Less than Adequate / There are serious omissions in the content. The sequence of ideas is rarely coherent. There is little use of evidence, and there is a good deal of irrelevant material.
Poor / The work is thin. There is no coherence in the sequence of ideas. There is little or no use of evidence, and the subject seems not to have been understood.
Organisation and presentation
Outstanding to Excellent / The work is exceptionally wellordered, each part being clearly and logically related to the other parts. Presentation is excellent.
Very Good to Good / The work is clearly ordered, although there are occasional failures of logic or structure. Presentation is generally very good.
Satisfactory to Adequate / The semester paper has been quite logically structured, but lacks proportion, as a result of excessive attention to some aspects. There are some deficiencies in presentation.
Less thanAdequate / The development is inadequately planned, so that the argument is not clear. Deficient in presentation.
Poor / A slapdash collection of unorganised elements, poorly presented.
Use of language
This is a positive assessment, dealing with the strengths of the candidate’s work. It does not encompass accuracy, which is assessed separately.
Outstanding to Excellent / A confident command of the language, shown in varied use of lexis and structure, and an appropriate use of idiomatic expression.
Very Good to Good / A good range of lexis, and an ability to handle complex sentences. There is no difficulty in conveying meaning.
Satisfactory to Adequate / A fair range of expression, although there may be the occasional ambiguity caused by misuse of a word or phrase.
Less than Adequate / Stilted. Command of the foreign language is not adequate to allow proper treatment of the subject. Repetition, revealing lack of vocabulary, and excessive use of simple sentences.
Poor / Text difficult to understand. Inadequate in lexis and syntax. Profusion of germanisms.
Accuracy of language
The range of language has already been assessed. In this section the mark is given for the accuracy of the language the candidate has chosen to use, e.g. tenses, agreements, word order, spelling etc.
Outstanding to Excellent / The grammatical structures expected at an advanced level are understood and are used accurately. There is a minimum of errors, and those are of a very minor nature.
Very Good to Good / Basic grammar is sound, tenses and agreement are reliable and errors occur only in the most difficult areas.
Satisfactory to Adequate / The grammatical structures are known but success in applying them is inconsistent, especially in less common structures.
Less than Adequate / There is evidence of gaps in basic grammar, prepositions are not sound and some irregular verbs are suspect.
poor / Errors are elementary and so numerous as to impede comprehension.
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