Session code 13A15
„Research, new technologies, innovation and information society issues in the National Development Programme (2007-2013) – next generation of structural funds programmes for Poland”
Jacek Guliński
Poznań Science & Technology Park
Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation
Rubież 46, 61-612 Poznań, Poland
The project of National Development Programme for Poland (2007-2013) among 31 main directions includes three topics relevant to research, new technologies, innovation and information society issues:
- the support of the development of knowledge based economy
- commercialization of the research results
- innovation development on the regional level.
From one side Working Group appointed by State Secretary of Ministry of Science and Information Society Technologies prepared first version of Sectorial Operational Programme named “Research, new technologies and information society, 2007-2013”. On the basis of the diagnosis of the present situation SWOT analysis of this sector shows several main weaknesses both on national (low R+D expenses and their improper structure, lack of cooperation between R+D sector and enterprises, lack of initial capital and law regulations, low level of teleinformatic infrastructure) and regional level (diversified regional R+D potential, the limited number of intermediary institutions, limited number and low level of e-services).
The main objective of the above programme is the raising the role of knowledge and innovation in the process of sustainable development of the economy and society via:
1. The raising of the research potential
- improving human resources in R&D sector
- enhancement of scientific organizations structure and equipment
- focus of R&D in the fields linked to regional or national economy development
- synergy with European and worldwide science
2. The enhancement of the science-economy cooperation
- the support of R&D directed to research results commercialization
- the support of the enterprise access to R+D results
3. The development of the information society
- e-economy implementation
- common access to the electronic communication services
- the development of Polish digital resources
- common education toward information society building.
On the other hand the project of Sectorial Operational Programme entitled “Innovations – Investments – Open Economy, 2007 – 2013” prepared in Ministry of Economy and Labour pointed out in its diagnosis low percentage of high-tech products and technologies in Polish economy, low level of innovativeness of our enterprises as well as lack of basic knowledge of industrial property law and shortage of the initial capital for incubation of innovative companies. The main objective of this programme is the enhancement of the role of enterprises in the process of the knowledge based economy building via, in part, the raising the level of innovativeness of the enterprises and entrepreneurs. Among the priorities the support of innovation in the enterprises and creation of the conditions facilitating innovative ventures, are listed.
Typical regional issues in the subjects discussed above should be emphasized in the Regional Operational Programmes, which are going to be prepared in Polish regions very soon. Regions of knowledge – our goal - should be created using both instruments and programmes prepared and implemented on national level and regional one, based on the regional innovation strategy results, regional clusters formation, activity of the technology incubators and academic preincubators, activity of science & technology parks as well regional human resources development ( fellowships, long-life education, grants etc.).
Keeping in mind discussions and debates during preparation of the three different types of the programmes mentioned above – I was lucky to be involved personally in these processes – it maybe concluded that the only way to success is to combine national and regional efforts and to find common understanding in the triangle R&D sector – economy – regional authorities.