Insert title of project
Research Information Sheet - Interview
Tēnā koe,
My name is [insert name]. I am conducting research on [insert details]. The aim of this research project is to [insert details].
As part of our research we are [insert details of method – i.e., interview etc ]. I would like to interview you for this project to discuss your thoughts on [insert details]. Interviews would take about one hour and would be set at atime and place convenient for you. All information you provide in an interview is confidential and your name will not be used, unless indicated by yourself. If possible we would like to record the interview on audio tape in order to develop clear and full transcripts of the interview. You have the right to among other things to:
- refuse to answer any particular question.
- ask any further questions about the study that occurs to you during your participation.
- withdraw your material and participation at any time.
- receive to change and comment on the summary transcript of your interview.
- be given access to a summary of the findings from the study, when it is concluded.
I expect the major outcome from this research to be a full and complete [insert details – i.e., thesis, research report etc]. A summary of the research findings will be sent out to you.
Thank you very much for your time and help in making this study possible. If you have any queries or wish to know more please phone me or write to me at:
[Your name]
Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao -Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies
Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato - The University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105
Hamilton, New Zealand
Email:[insert details]
Phone:[insert details]
NB. For students you will need to include details for your supervisor (e.g. see below)
For any queries regarding ethical concerns please contact my supervisor:
Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao – Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies
Office phone: