Santa Fe Pop Warner Inc.
The name of this corporation is “SANTA FE POP WARNER INC.” a not for profit 501 (c) (3) corporation. In the By-Laws, the corporation shall hereinafter be referred to as the “Corporation”. This Corporation will adhere to IRS Regulations regarding the use of charitable assets, and thus is not permitted to sell confidential volunteer or participant/parent contact information to any entity, whether for or not-for-profit, as it would jeopardize our non-profit status.
Use of name
A) No person or persons affiliated with this Corporation may issue any statement, either written or verbal, to any newspaper, radio, television of any other communication media which might be interpreted to be an official statement, policy or position of this Corporation or any of its affiliates without the expressed permission of the Board of Directors.
B) No person or persons affiliated with this Corporation may use or indirectly imply the name of Santa Fe Pop Warner Inc., this Corporation or any of its affiliates for any other purpose except to further the purposes and objectives as specified herein.
C) The President shall serve as the official spokesperson for this Corporation, except in those instances where the President and the Board of Directors direct other personnel to handle public relations.
D) Fundraising: No person or persons affiliated with this Corporation may use the name of this Corporation for fundraising purposes without permission of the Board of Directors. Money raised in the name of the Corporation may not be held by an individual team or division of the Corporation (i.e. football or cheerleading). Arrangements must be made to transfer funds from a fundraising activity or event to the Treasurer within 72 hours of the completion of the said activity or event.
E) The President or board elected representative shall serve as the official negotiator for goods, services, contracts, and sponsorships.
F) Improper use of the Corporation name,mishandling of funds raised in the name of the Corporation, or unauthorized negotiation on behalf of the Corporation is grounds for disciplinary actionby the Executive Board. Disciplinary action may include censorship, suspension, or expulsion of the member(s) from the Corporation.
The purpose of this corporation/franchise shall be to provide an organized format where our youth are introduced to football, cheerleading and related activities in an atmosphere which communicates sportsmanship, fair play and fellowship, with supervisors emphasizing safety in all coaching techniques. Further, it shall be the policy of this organization to promote academic achievement in allyouth participants. This organization shall be family oriented, community based and supported by all its members to insure the ultimate success of all youth participants.
2.1 Restrictions
Nothing contained in 2.0 herein shall be construed to limit this corporation’s involvement or participation in any other youth sports program. This organization and/or its officers shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian and non-partisan and shall seek to inspire all participants equally with no deference to sex, race, creed, physical handicap, national origin or ability. The organization shall not be conducted or operate for profit and no part of any proceeds from fees, dues or other income shall be used for the benefit of any member or individual.
2.2 Affiliations
This organization shall be an autonomous entity and shall be anAssociation Member of the Putnam Athletic League Inc., herein referred to as “HLA” (Highest Local Authority) and Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc., herein referred to as “National”. As long as this franchise is affiliated with the aforementioned HLA, it shall adhere to and uphold the laws and rules of same insofar as they affect, empower, and prescribe the function of all Pop Warner Association Members. This Corporation will abide by all applicable local, state, and federal laws. This Corporation shall operate as a separate and distinct entity from either HLA or National, and is not required to adopt the Bylaws of either organization as its own. However, in keeping with its affiliation with these organizations, these By-laws are meant to supplement, but not override any rules or policies of the HLA or National. In addition to these By-laws this Corporation will utilize the following documents for guidance in administrative matters and pertinent rules.
A) The complete set of Official Rules published Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc., current edition
B) Pop Warner Little Scholars Administrative Guidelines Manual, current edition.
C) Constitution and Bylaws of the Putnam Athletic League, current revision.
D) National Federation of State High School Associations Football Rule Book, current edition.
2.3 Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of this corporation will begin January 1 and end December 31.
2.4 General Membership
General Membership shall be afforded to all persons who subscribe to the purposes and objectives a specified herein. Memberships begin with the acceptance of registration, and expire at the end of the fiscal year. The General membership shall be comprised of regular, associate, and probationary members as follows:
A) Regular Membership – shall be afforded to persons 18 years of age or older who meet the following conditions:
1. Parents or legal guardians whose children are participants and who reside within our assigned territory.
2. Coaches and/or other individuals with no participants in the program but who donate their time to programs, projects or activities each year at the request and authorization of the Board of Directors.
B) Associate Memberships – shall be afforded to high school and college students that have not attained the age of 18 but who donate their time to programs, projects or activist of the franchise. All associate members must have parental permission to apply for membership.
C) Probationary Memberships – This is a status of membership conferred upon all regular members who fall into one or more of the following classifications:
1. Members whose registration fees have not been paid in full.
2. Members whose registration paperwork requirements have not been met.
3. Members who have been “suspended” or “placed on probation”.
4. Members who have not read signed and agreed to abide by the terms of the Parent’s Code of Conduct
Probationary Membership status shall remain in full force and effect until such time as any of the above conditions are rectified or the probationary period has been successfully completed. While any member is designated as “probationary” they shall have no voting privileges. Probationary members are not considered members in good standing.
Any adjust who has been suspended from Santa Fe Pop Warner or any youth sport organization for a period of one year must apply for reinstatement of his or her child after the sanctioned period. The reinstatement will require the adult to appear in front of the Executive Board to present and discuss the issue. After hearing and reviewing the issue, the Executive Board will decide by majority vote (balloted) on whether the adult and child can be reinstated. If the adult has a second offense, he or she will be permanently banned from the Corporation and the child/children permanently removed from the Corporation.
2.5 Membership – Dues
Annual dues shall be charged to those persons who meet the requirements of membership as set forth herein. The actual dollar amount shall be set annually by the Board of Directors with a majority vote.
3.0 Membership – Board of Directors
The management of the property and affairs of the Corporation shall be vested in the Board of Directors. The number of Directors shall not be less than 3 or more than 20. Any regular member may attend monthly Board of Director Meetings. Any regular member in good standing may apply to be a member of the Board of Directors by annually completing a “Santa Fe Pop Warner Board of Directors Application”, “Pop Warner Volunteer Application”, pass an annual Background check, and are subject to minimum attendance requirements to maintain voting rights. The Volunteer Application must include signed permission from the applicant allowing the Corporation and/or Putnam Athletic League to perform the Pop Warner mandated background check. Refusal to submit a fully completed “Pop Warner Volunteer Application” annually must result in the immediate dismissal or the individual or denial of participation for the applicant.
3.1 Board of Directors- Quorum
A Meeting of the Board of Directors or Executive Board shall be determined to have quorum if a majority of voting eligible members are present.
3.2 Voting rights
Members who have completed a “Santa Fe Pop Warner Board of Directors Application”,“Pop Warner Volunteer Application”, passed an annual Background check six (6) months prior to January 1st (1st day of fiscal year) are eligible for election of voting rights by a majority (balloted) of voting members at the Annual Meeting.
3.3 Attendance Requirements for Maintenance of Voting Rights.
All Board Members regardless of classification are expected to attend all monthly Meetings. Failure of a member to attend three (3) consecutive monthly meetings, or five (5) in any fiscal year (Jan-Dec) shall result in the loss of voting rights. Any Elected Officer of the Board who loses their voting rights, must” vacate” their office. Loss of voting rights shall exclude a member from holding an elected office in the following fiscal year. Voting rights, but not elected office shall be restored after the member has attended two (2) consecutive monthly meetings.
3.4 Classification of Board of Directors
Any regular member in good standing may apply to be a member of the Board of Directors by submitting an official “Pop Warner Volunteer Application” and an official “Santa Fe Pop Warner Board of Directors Application”.
(A) Non-voting member of Board of Directors
(1) Member who has completed a “Santa Fe Pop Warner Board of Directors Application”,“Pop Warner Volunteer Application”, passed an annual Background check, but who has not completed the minimal time commitment by January 1st to vote on acceptance as voting member.
(2) Member who has completed a “Santa Fe Pop Warner Board of Directors Application”, “Pop Warner Volunteer Application”, passed an annual Background check, but has not maintained meeting attendance requirements to maintain voting rights.
(B) Voting members of the board of Directors.
(1) Member who has been a voting member in previous fiscal year, who has completed annual “Santa Fe Pop Warner Board of Directors Application”, “Pop Warner Volunteer Application”, passed an annual Background check and has met attendance requirements to maintain voting status.
(2) Member who has completed annual “Santa Fe Pop Warner Board of Directors Application”, “Pop Warner Volunteer Application”, passed an annual Background check, has met attendance requirements to maintain voting status, and has completed the minimum prescribed time commitment shall be considered for vote by the majority of the Board at its Annual Meeting prior to election of its officers.
3.5 Annual Meeting Procedures
One week prior to the Corporation Annual Meeting (traditionally January or February), the Secretary shall E-mail or make available to all Board Members the Final Sample Ballot for elected officers and list of members eligible for voting rights consideration. The Secretary will also provide an agenda for the Annual Meeting to include but not limited to:
(1)Hear annual reports from out going officers and current standing committees.
(2)Elect Officers for the subsequent year.
(3)Approve a Certified Public Accountant
(4)Election of Voting rights to eligible non-voting members.
(5)Determination of Monthly meeting day of month (e.g. 2nd Tuesday of month)
(6)To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting.
(7)Begin search for Appointed Officers.
3.6Election Procedures
Not later than thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting, the members of the Corporation shall nominate members to serve each elected office, and determine the time and location of its Annual Meeting. Not later than three (3) weeks prior to the Annual Meeting all Board members shall submit their annual official “Pop Warner Volunteer Application” and an official “Santa Fe Pop Warner Board of Directors Application”. Background checks must be completed prior to drafting final ballot for Annual elections including Election of Officers and those considered for election of voting rights. An Executive Board Hearing to determine the candidacy of any member due to questionable background check results must be held no less than (1) one week prior to the Annual Meeting in order to reconcile the final Ballot. In the event a hearing can not be held or ruling be made for any reason by the Executive Board, the HLA will make final determination of a members’ candidacy based on background check findings.
(A)All previous voting members are eligible to run for an elected position.
(B)In the event that no voting members run for an elected position a non-voting board member may run for said position or the position may be left vacant.
(C)If no current board members are running for an elected position a non-board member may run for office after passing the mandatory background check and confirmed by a majority of the Executive Board.
3.7 Elected Officers
The elected officers of the Board of Directors positions as follows:
1. President
2. Vice President
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Director of Cheerleading
6. Director of Football
7. Scholastic Coordinator
8. Director of Corporate Compliance
The Directors shall, upon election, immediately enter upon the performance of their duties and shall continue in office until their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified. The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Scholastic Coordinator will represent the Corporation at the request of the HLA. In the event that all of the elected offices can not be filled at the time of the Annual Meeting, the position will be considered “vacant” and may be filled by a current elected officer at any time during the fiscal year by recommendation of the President and majority (balloted) vote of the Board of Directors for the remainder of the term. If an officer holds more than one elected position they will still only have one vote counted toward each election.
4.0 Executive Board
The elected officers in 3.7 shall constitute the “Executive Board”.
4.1 Executive Board- Authority
The Executive Board has the power to make rules, regulations, and administrative policies, hear official complaints and preside over any official hearings involving the integrity, reputation, well being, or welfare of this Corporation. The Executive Board shall meet, discuss, and seek resolution if warranted, on issues concerning coaches, participants, or parents, or on issues which arise that may be sensitive in nature or require an environment of confidentiality.
4.2 Executive Board- Meetings
(A) All discussions, proceedings and decisions of the Executive Board shall remain confidential. Any breach of confidentiality by and Executive Board member can and will be considered a violation and could result in disciplinary action up to an including removal from the Executive Board with a 2/3rds majority vote of the Executive Board.
(B) All votes of the Executive Board shall be taken by written secret ballot.
(C) The President will cast a vote only in cases where the Board vote results in a tie.
(D) Executive Board members shall not abstain from a vote with the exception of a direct conflict of interest (i.e.a conflict involving the board member or the board member’s immediate family).
(E) All Executive Board votes are by simple majority unless otherwise stated.
4.3 Appointed Officers
The following officers may be appointed by the President, with consent of the Executive Board (balloted majority vote).
1. Team Parent Coordinator (1-2)
2. Membership Director
3. Football Equipment Manager
4. Cheer Equipment Manager
5. Merchandising
6. Fundraising
7. Special Events Coordinator
4.35 Appointment of Head Coaches
Head Football Coaches will be appointed annually by the Director of Football with the approval of the President. If the President does not approve of a coaching candidate the Director of Football mayseek a majority affirmative vote of the Executive Board or appoint another candidate (with the approval of the President). Head Coaches will select their assistant coaches with approval of the Director of Football.
Head Cheer Coaches will be appointed annually by the Director of Cheerleading with the approval of the President. If the President does not approve of a coaching candidate the Director of Cheerleading mayseek a majority affirmative vote of the Executive Board or appoint another candidate (with the approval of the President). Head Coaches will select their assistant coaches with approval of the Director of Cheerleading.
4.4 Officer’s Charge and Oath of Office
Unless a more elaborate ceremony is planned, the outgoing President shall at the Annual meeting, every year, swear in the newly elected President. In the event a President succeeds himself, he may be sworn in by the Secretary. The incoming or current President shall also swear in all newly elected officers annually. In a more elaborate setting, an HLA officer, local magistrate, mayor or Notary Public may swear in all officers. The following charge shall be given by their person administering the oath prior to giving the oath of office: