Research Communications Council


14 August 2015

OVCR Updates

New staff are joining the OVCR. Monica Miller has started in her role as the director of the Division of Research Safety. On October 1, Mark Ryan will join the Prairie Research Institute as the executive director. Sharee Robinson will replace Lauren Stokes when she retires from her role as assistant vice chancellor for HR and finance.

The annual Research Report will be completed soon. If you would like a supply for your offices, contact Melissa.

Thank you for everyone’s assistance during Senator Dick Durbin’s visit to campus.

Campus Marketing/Branding Project

Melissa gave a brief project update. The project is on “stand-by” until acting Chancellor Wilson can review the project.

WebTools Calendar

The WebTools calendar tool will be undergoing a makeover and receiving some updates. This is an upcoming project for development at Web Services.

Remember to share your events on the Research calendar!

Research Communications Council Planning

Potential Topics, Speakers, Areas of Interesting for upcoming meetings:

The group discussed possible topics such as FOIA, economic development, safety, and sponsored research. FOIA will be the topic for the next meeting. If you have thoughts or suggestions, please share them with Melissa.

Professional Development Opportunities and Resources:

Melissa opened a discussion about resources for making stronger marketing/communications professionals. Brainstorming included suggestions for “cheat sheets” to explain the role of communicators to faculty, listing of comm. resources such as videographers, and guides on topics such as photography in a research environment. Please continue to think about your skill gaps and who on campus might have expertise in these areas as well as books, workshops, conferences, blogs, etc. that may strengthen us as communicators.

Future Meetings:

We will no longer be providing lunch and wish to not impose on your lunch time. It was the consensus of those present that the second Friday of the month at 9:00 a.m. would be the best time to meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for Sept. 11 at 9:00 in Room 514 IUB.

Info Sharing Highlights

Last paper edition of Inside Illinois was published this week.

New research theme at IGB: Computing Genomes for Reproductive Health

The Mayo Illinois Alliance ( ) is translating data-heavy genomics research into customized clinical care:

Illinois Abroad Day is Sept. 1:

Food and Family Conference in Chicago on Sept. 17:

PRSA event on crisis communication at the iHotel on Sept. 23. We’ll share details when available.

Center for Nutrition, Learning, and Memory hosting event about diet in relation to Alzheimer’s on Sept. 23:

OTM’s Share the Vision technology showcase on Oct. 8:

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Sept. 11 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 514 IUB. We will provide coffee!