Research Assignment Organizer
by Ms. C.M. Williams, Teacher Librarian

Fill out Big6 # 1-5 before you begin to work on your assignment.

Fill out Big6 #6 before you turn in your assignment. Project Due ______

Name:______Teacher: ______Date:______

Big6 #1 Task Definition What am I supposed to do? Where do I begin?

What information do I need in order to do this? (Consider listing in question form.)

List below information that you feel you need to know at this time. (Attach another sheet of paper if you need more space.)

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

Big6 #2: Information Seeking Strategies Where do I begin looking for information? Don’t forget traditional print and human sources as well.


Primary sources

 Eyewitness/Interviewee______

 Experiment ______

 Observation ______

 Historic Document ______


 Other ______

Secondary sources

 Book(Nonfiction) ______

 Book (Fiction)______

 Dictionary ______

 Encyclopedia ______

 Atlas ______

 Almanac ______

If using web sites, how will I know they are good enough for my project?

 I will use only those sites evaluated and provided by my teacher or librarian.

 I will ask my teacher or librarian for assistance if needed.

 I will find my own web sites.

Big6 #3: Location and Access Where will I find information for my topic?

 School Library

 Public Library

 Personal Library

 Classroom Library


 Internet


What are some keywords that I will use in my search for information?

1. ______2. ______3. ______

4. ______5. ______6. ______

  • Where in the library can I find information about my topic?
  • Write the Call Numbers, titles and page numbers so I won’t forget them.
  • Write down web site addresses.
  • Don’t forget to search Indexes and Tables of Content. (Do this on separate paper and attach.)


Big6 #4: Use of Information How will I gather and record the information that I find?


 Take notes using note cards

 Take notes on notebook paper

 Take notes using a word processor/computer

 Take notes on a thinking map

 Illustrate concepts

 Use a tape recorder, video camera, or digital camera

 Other: ______


I will remember to cite my sources using the guide given to me by my teacher.

(You may use “Citation Wizard” or “Knightcite Citation Service” or “CiteFast.com”)

Big6 #5: Synthesis How will I show the results of my research?


 Written paper

 Multimedia presentation

 Oral presentation

 Other: ______


How will I give credit to my sources in my final project?

 Include a written bibliography (“Works Cited” page in MLA, APA or Chicago format)

 After the presentation, announce which sources I used

 Other: ______

What materials or equipment will I need for my presentation?

How much time do I estimate it will take to find the information and complete the project? ______

Timeline for assignment:

Ideas for project due by: ______

Information searching and note taking due by: ______

First draft due: ______

Completed project due by: ______

Include here any additional information needed to successfully complete the assignment:


Big6 #6: Evaluation How will I know if I’ve done my best?

Before turning in my project, I need to check off all of these items:

 What I created to finish the project is appropriate for what I was supposed to do in Big6 #1.

 The information I found in Big6 #4 matches the information I needed in Big6 # 1.

 Credit is given to all my sources in the bibliography MLA format given to me by my teacher.

 My work is neat.

 My work is complete and includes all required heading and other components (name, date, title, margin, spacing, etc.)

 I would be proud to put my name on this work and for anyone to view this work because I know it represents me.

Ancillary notes