PRESENT: Mickey Thompson, member and Cheryl Cotner, member. Warren V. Nash, president, was not present.

OTHERS PRESENT: Dave Duggins, Paul Speights, Dennis Smith, David Brewer, Michael Hall, David Hall, Joe Ham, Chris Gardner, Chief Juliot, Trent Baker, Alicia Meredith, David Brewer, Trent Baker, Linda Moeller and Mindy Milburn


Mr. Thompson called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m.



Item #1 - IN-AWC re: Street cut permits for 1777 Elmview Drive, Klerner & Briarwood, 1731 Klerner Lane

Mr. Thompson stated that these have already been done.

Ms. Cotner moved to approve, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries

Item #2 - Michael Wimmer with WE Studios re: Permission to place sculpture on sidewalk at 118 W. Main St.

Mr. Wimmer explained that he was approached by the owner of NA Exchange to install a sculpture in front of his business on the sidewalk. He stated that he was told by Mr. Wood to draw up the area and dimension and presented that drawing to the board. He explained that there are two reasons for this and the other is because people are exiting the parking lot by going over the sidewalk and they would like to stop that. He showed the board part of the sculpture which will keep with the restaurant theme and stated that it will not impede the traffic on the sidewalk.

Mr. Thompson asked if he has already designed the sculpture.

Mr. Wimmer stated that he hasn’t.

Chris Koehler asked if he would have at least 5’ of space on the sidewalk.

Mr. Wimmer stated that they will have about 7’

Ms. Cotner moved to take this under advisement for in-house review, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries

Item #3 - Stephanie Griffith with Strandz and Threadz re: Permission to paint pink scissors on the streets and fundraiser walk for Hair Dressers with Helping Hands

Ms. Griffithpresented a board with a map of the participating business and explained that they would like to keep in theme with the forks in the road around New Albany and paint pink scissors in front of the salons around the area. She presented the board with an example of the scissors and explained that they are pink for October and breast cancer awareness. She stated that the fundraiser is for Hair Dressers with Helping Hands is a non-profit to create funds for any stylist that may be off of work for any emergency.

Mr. Thompson asked if they intend to get more participants.

Ms. Griffith stated that they want to start with the downtown and possibly expand.

Mr. Thompson asked if they would need anything for the fundraiser.

Ms. Griffith stated that it will be on the sidewalk so there wouldn’t be any closures and they would like to do it on October 3rd from 6-8 p.m.

Ms. Cotner moved to approve the fundraiser walk, Mr. Thomson second, motion carries

Ms. Cotner moved to take the scissor painting under advisement, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.

Mr. Thompson stated that they will review this in-house and review the impact and let her know what they are going to do with it.

Item #4 - Jason Applegate, Benjamin Moore Paint Center re: Installing sign at 1638 E. Market Street

Mr. Applegate explained that they are opening at the bottom of TSI Paving on Market Street and this location is going to be mostly about retail so signage will be very important for their business.He presented the board with drawing and dimensions of the signs that they would like to install.

Mr. Thompson asked Mr. Brewer if he saw any issues.

Mr. Brewer stated that he does not.

Mr. Applegate stated that they have been approved by Planning & Zoning.

Ms. Cotner moved to approve, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries

Mr. Thompson stated that he will need to go over to Planning & Zoning to let them know it was approve by the Board of Works and get his permit.

Item #5 - Eric Ferree with Vectren re: Street cut permit at 423 E. Daisy Lane, 1443 Slate Run Rd, and sidewalk cut permit at 1711 Grantline Road

No one present

Item #6 - Mickey Thompson re: Street Closure on 10th street for Waste Water

Mr. Thompson stated that this can be removed because it is too wet for them to do the work.


Patricia Watts stated that she is here again about Code Enforcement at 1716 Shelby and 810 Vincennes and nothing has been done about the issues at this property.

Mr. Brewer stated that they are working on this and it is part of a larger problem but they just need her to be patient until they can go through all the proper channels.

Mr. Thompson stated that he did moved the vehicles because he saw them being moved.

Ms. Watts stated that he has moved them back.

Mr. Brewer stated that they are working towards a solution

Eric Smith asked for a street closure in front of 1735 Stone Street for their Fall Fest and Cornhole tournament on September 28th, October 5th, 11th. 12th, 19th and 26th.

Ms. Cotner moved to approve, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.

Jim Silliman from Jacobi, Toombs and Lanz addressed the board regarding a change order for milling and paving that is currently being done by Gohmann Asphalt. He explained that this item had included a few items for sidewalk restoration and it hadn’t been determined where they sidewalks were going to be repaired. He stated that the City has since determined these locations and the DePaul Avenue location was in serious disrepair so there are a few items that needed to be added to cover this work. He stated that it doesn’t add any cost to the budget but just adds the new pay items so it reorganizes the pay items to get the work done properly.

Ms. Cotner moved to approve, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.


Item #1 –Martin Drive Pavement

Chief Juliot stated that they sent a company out to spread some oil dry out on those spots.

Mr. Thompson stated that he would ride out there and look and asked that it be left on old business.

Item #2 - Plat for University Station

Jason Copperwaite stated that he is here to answer any questions they may have.

Mr. Robinson asked about the hydrants and stated that they needed three at that location and the needed to be on a loop system.

Mr. Copperwaite stated that they are on a loop and this is the first time that they have heard of any issues about the hydrants.

Mr. Koehler stated that it is a loop system up to their development and he is satisfied with their plans.

Ms. Cotner moved to approve, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.



Dennis Smith asked for permission for Ralph Hines to use the amphitheater stage on October 2nd to presents some awards for Shop with a Cop and take some photos at 10:00 a.m.

Ms. Cotner moved to approve, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.



Mrs. Moeller presented the claimsdocket for 9/13/2013 – 9/26/2013 for approval:

General Claims (Bank 1):$19,923.05

Fire Department:$10,830.53

Police Department:$10,102.66

Street Department:$4,238.12

Parks Department:$3,360.81

Stormwater/Drainage: $6,932.87

Economic Development:$54,058.54

(Banks- G,H,T,6,111B)

Medical/Drug Fund:$1,929.24

(Bank L)

Payroll Claims:$1,536,340.68

(Bank 2)

Sanitation Fund:$191,181.35

Thursday Utility Claims:$156,616.50

Grand Total: $1,995,514.35

Ms. Cotner moved to approve, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries


Ms. Cotner moved approve the September 17, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes, Mr. Thompson second, all voted in favor.


There being no further business before the board, the meeting adjourned at 10:38 a.m.


Mickey Thompson, Vice PresidentMindy Milburn, Deputy City Clerk

1 Board of Works

September 24, 2013

All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office