International Research and Research Training Fund (IRRTF)
FINAL REPORT TEMPLATE: Research Network and Consortia
All recipients of IRRTF Awards in the category of Research Network or Consortia are required to submit a final report three months after the nominated end date of the project. The completed report must be signed by the appropriate Head of Department and submitted in PDF format with a financial report to . Hard copy reports are not required.
1) UoM Lead Investigator (Duplicate as required)
Title / NamePosition
Department / Faculty
Telephone / Email
Additional UoM Participants (Duplicate as required)
Title / NamePosition
Department / Faculty
Telephone / Email
International collaborators (Duplicate as required)
Title / NamePosition
2) Details of Grant
Project TitleThemis Agreements ID no.
Award Year (e.g. 2013)
Project Start Date / Project End Date
3) Summary of Expenditure* (For duration of award)
Award Year 1: …………. / Award Year 2: …………. / Award Year 3: ………….Awarded/ Committed / Actual Expenditure / Awarded/ Committed / Actual Expenditure / Awarded/ Committed / Actual Expenditure
UoM IRRTF Funds / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $
UoM Faculty contributions / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $
Partner 1:
……………………. / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $
Partner 2:
……………………. / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $
Partner 3:
……………………. / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $
Other: (specify)
Totals / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $
*Please provide a financial report/statement of expenditure. This report must be prepared by the responsible Faculty(s) Finance team, and any unspent funds must be returned.
4) Plain Language Project Summary
Please supply a 100 word summary of the research network and consortia and specific research outcomes that have arisen from the award. Summary must be suitable for release on the Melbourne Research Website. Avoid using technical terms or jargon.
5) Project Participants
A. Detail the number of domestic and international participants involved in the Research Network:
Numbers of Participants / Domestic / InternationalCollaborator(s)
UoM / Other
Postdoctoral Fellows:
Research Assistants:
Graduate Research Students:
Graduate Research Students (with formal co-supervision):
Industry collaborators :
Government collaborators:
Other collaborators (please describe)
Attendees at University and or Public Seminars
B. Detail the involvement of Graduate Research Students in the RNC, including its impact in attracting high quality PhD students and/or co-supervisions of PhD students.
6) Project Outcomes
A. i. List the initial aims, objectives and intended research activities of the RNC including the specific research goal(s).
ii. Comment on the extent to which the aims and objectives of the project have been achieved, including successful completion/deviations to the:
· Planned/ anticipated network and consortia research activities and milestones (summarised in plain English);
· Collaborating partners (explain any changes in the group of participating researchers that occurred during the duration of the award, and the impact if any on the project outcomes);
· Project expenditure; and
· Outcomes and deliverables of the research activities.*
*Please note it is a condition of award to complete or to have made substantial progress on proposed deliverables and activities specified in the application proposal (such as joint applications and publications). Please provide full details if deliverables have not been met.
B. iii. In the below table, list all planned/existing grant applications and/or grant awards that have arisen from this award. Detail if any of the applications/ awards include the international collaborators from the IRRTF research network:
External Funding Agency(domestic or international) / Scheme
(e.g Project Grant/ Future Fellowship) / IRRTF Co-Participant? Yes/ No / Submission Date / Awarded (Y/N)
Add additional rows if required
iv. In the below table, List all publications planned or arising from this award. Detail if the publications will/include co-authors with international collaborators from the IRRTF research network:
Publication / IRRTF Co-Author?Yes/No
Add additional rows if required
C. All recipients of RNC awards are expected to create and maintain an external webpage with project and partner information including joint research activities, researcher biographies, student projects, seminar information and other relevant joint activities.
i. Provide the URL of the website, and describe the impact of the website on the development, sustainability and success of the research network and project outcomes.
ii. Provide details of other media that may have arisen from the RNC such as articles, press releases, brochures etc. List any web links below, and provide copies of any other media with the PDF progress report.
D. i. Comment on the impact of the IRRTF Award on the track record and research success of all participants in the RNC including:
· Potential to be involved in joint funding applications to an international sponsor and/or potential to involve the international collaborators on future Australian grant applications.
· Providing opportunities for new high quality journal publications and similar research outputs
ii. Provide details of the likelihood of further research collaboration with the international project collaborators(s), and what impact (if any) the international collaboration has had on existing research network(s) and opportunities.
7) Signature of University of Melbourne Lead Investigator
Signature: Date: …./…./….
8) Certification of University of Melbourne Head of Department
(Please duplicate if project includes investigators from more than one Faculty)
Signature: Date: …./…./….
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