Name: ______Date: ______Period: ______
For the project of our Ecology unit, you will decorate a tissue box with information about an invasive species you have researched. Choose a species from below or one of your own (your teacher must approve the species you choose)
Atlantic Cordgrass / Glassy-winged sharpshooterFrench or Scotch Broom / European Starling
Pampass Grass / Red Fox
Yellow star thistle / Brown Trout
DUE Japanese wireweed / Asian clam
Mitten crabs / Purple star thistle
Green crabs / Bull thistle
Striped barnacle / Ice plant
Asian overbite clam / Brown headed cowbird
Eastern mud snail / Norway rat
Spotted Goby / Mute swan
Requirements for each side of the Tissue Box:
Top: The top of your tissue box must have your name, date, class period, and the common and scientific name (Genus species) for the species you have chosen.
Sides:Include the following information on the sides of the tissue box:
1.Species Description: Image of the Invasive Species, Identify your species as Plant or Animal, Give a physical description of your species (size, color, etc.)
2. Habitat: Where is your species native to (ie. Where is it from)? (Countries or Continents). , Identify your species as an Aquatic or Terrestrial Pest. Describe the type of habitat this species requires. Include a picture or map.
3. Threat: Why is it a threat or problem in the United States? What are its ‘crimes?’ Where does it occur in the United States? How does it spread?How did it get to the United States? Include a picture or map.
4.Control: What are some ways its population might be controlled? Include an image.
Bottom: Cite the sources you used for this project in MLA format. (Use
Tissue Box Projects will be graded using the score sheet below. This score sheet must be turned in with your project.
3 / 2 / 1 / 0 / POINTS PER SECTIONProject is neat, well organized with colored diagrams/pictures; followed directions.
Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation throughout
DESCRIPTION: Includes appropriate information
HABITAT: Includes appropriate information
THREAT: Includes appropriate information
CONTROL: Includes appropriate information
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Sources are cited in MLA format on bottom of the box.
COLLECT INFORMATION AND/OR SOURCES FOR YOUR TISSUE PROJECT BOX IN THE SPACES BELOW:Tip: Record info from the website into your own words in these boxes. It will help prevent you from plagiarizing. Be sure to keep track of the websites you use!! / 1) Species Description: Image of the Invasive Species, Identify your species as Plant or Animal, Give a physical description of your species (size, color, etc.) / 2) Habitat: Where is your species native to (ie. Where is it from)? (Countries or Continents). , Identify your species as an Aquatic or Terrestrial Pest. Describe the type of habitat this species requires. Include a picture or map.
3) Threat: Why is it a threat or problem in the United States? What are its ‘crimes?’ Where does it occur in the United States? How does it spread?How did it get to the United States? Include a picture or map.
/ 4.) Control: What are some ways its population might be controlled? Include an image. / Bottom: Cite the sources you used for this project in MLA format. (Use