Foundation For Pennsylvania Watersheds Announces Fall Grants.
At its November 10, 2009 Board of Advisors meeting, the Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds (FPW) awarded grants totaling $113,900 and leveraging more than $350,000 in local, state, and federal funds.FPW also announced their 2010 funding and meeting schedule:
January 26, 2010 Winter Conference Call,
February 27, 2010 Spring Letters of Inquiry Due,*
March 23, 2010 Spring Proposals Due,*
April 27, 2010 Spring Board of Advisors Meeting,
July 27, 2010 Summer Conference Call,
August 27, 2010 Fall Letters of Inquiry Due,*
October 1, 2010 Fall Proposals Due, and *
November 9, 2010 Fall Board of Advisors Meeting.
*All deadlines are considered to be close of business (COB) on specified day. FPW considers this to be 4PM EST.
Groups interested in soliciting FPW funds are encouraged to visit:
Proposals not following the grant procedure will not be reviewed. All proposals must be complete, submitted in electronic and digital formats, and be delivered by the due dates. Express delivery is unacceptable as it increases organization’s expenses, and their carbon footprint.
Lastly, Board of Advisors agreed that all future AMD funding requests will need to provide their sampling data to Datashed ( online repository of sampling data and other system information. FPW has procured funding to assist groups with meeting this criterion.
Art Works in Johnstown $20,000
Through a grant from thePenelec Sustainable Energy Fund of the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies a FeasibilityStudy to explore possible opportunities for green and sustainable design was conducted in 2004. TheBottleWorksEthnicArtsCenter’s sustainability concerns were addressed, with the ultimate goal of LEED (Leadership inEnergy and Environmental Design) Certification. Renovation and restoration goals include: use of a sustainable site, maximizing waterefficiency, optimizing energy efficiency, minimizing the project’s impact on the atmosphere, use of recycled and rapidly renewable resources, and establishing a high quality indoor environment. FPW provided matching funds for the implementation of a green roof, which will assist in reducing stormwater runoff. This was a conditionally approved project, and does not indicate a trend toward developing a Stormwater Program area.
Clearfield Creek WSA $10,500
This project is intended to provide high quality aerial mapping for the Muddy Run Watershed. Currently available mapping is not sufficient for treatment system designing. Once completed, the aerial imaging will be converted into topographic maps, which will assist in treatment system design accuracy. The project is a collaboration among, the watershed association’s engineer, PennState’s Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Clearfield Creek WSA.
ClearWater Conservancy $10,000
This project intends to restore approximately 1,065 linear feet of streambank in Little Fishing Creek. ClearWater has taken a leadership role in protecting State College’s land and water resources. This project builds upon the work of the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, and the Coldwater Heritage Fisheries Program. Funds will be used to assist with installation of agricultural BMPs, and additional watershed project prioritization. This watershed is a tributary to Fishing Creek—a PA DEP designated priority watershed.
Juniata Clean Water Partnership $11,800
Project funds will assist the group in evaluating the organization’s and its partners’ success in implementing the Juniata Rivers Conservation Plan. Additionally, funds will be used to gather information on projects implemented and outlined in the plan. Project findings are intended to inform environmental groups in the drainage about future needs, successes, and short-comings. The project is intended to support the state’s overall Bay objectives of decreased sedimentation and nutrient loading.
Kiski-Conemaugh Stream Team $26,600
Due to the overall impact of this project FPW Board of Advisors agree to award a higher than normal grant amount. This project focuses on providing assistance to the group for continued water sampling and monitoring efforts. The group monitors 150 sites, and collects more than 700 water samples annually. Their monitoring data has leveraged more than $10M in AMD mitigation funding from local, state, and federal sources.
Susquehanna Greenway and West Branch Susquehanna Restoration Coalition (WBSRC) $15,000
Project funds are to be used to support the efforts of two OSM/VISTA members. Members will assist with AMD monitoring, increasing public outreach, and improving public relations’ efforts.
Huntingdon County Conservation District in partnership with
The Trust for Conservation Lands$20,000
This project will support Farm Bill funded Wetland Restoration Program, and provide technical assistance to NRCS. The overall goal is to increase wetland protection, and riparian installation while decreasing stormwater and improving water quality.