Classroom Rules and Regulations

Mr. Van Ranken 2014-2015

Requirements and general description for Chemistry according to the SVHS Course Guide

Chemistry (for students in grades 11 & 12)

1 Credit–Prerequisite:Algebra II or Concurrent Enrollment or Teacher Approval

Chemistry is the science that deals with the structure and composition of substances and the changes in composition, which these substances go through. This introductory level course is designed to help students understand concepts and develop skills through the use of problem solving, laboratory work, demonstrations, and class discussions. Topics emphasized are language of chemistry, chemical calculations, organic chemistry, ionization, periodic table, and the mole concept.

Class supply needs/requirements:

Students do need to come to class prepared to learn each day. The class will be structured as such that you should know what to expect BEFORE you get there in terms of what we are doing on a daily basis. Being a young adult, I do expect you to KNOW what you need to bring to class on a daily basis to be prepared to succeed. Here is a “short list”:

(1) Pencils and/or pens…we have computers BUT you will still need to write, perform mathematical calculations, and other functions conventionally at times. If you need to borrow something from me, expect a “deposit” in order to be able to do so. That way I make sure I get my “stuff” back…

(2) Science notebook: We will discuss how this will work…stay tuned! There is another document that explains how we will do this…should be interesting…

(3) Your computer. This will be essential to your ability to learn in this class BUT if there are issues with you and your machine, they will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. I use a Wiki site for homework and instruction. Much of the supplemental material is on the wiki site that you will want to bookmark for future reference.

We MAY use dropbox this year to share information. If we do there will be plenty of time to get this set up.

(4) Your textbook this will be the course in Edgenuity. We will/may make adjustments throughout the course of the year as it relates to the use of the program but the content will be delivered through Edgenuity in most instances.

(5) Some sort of calculator is required. There are calculators within your applications on your computers BUT…on the tests we still use paper…for now anyway. You will be able to use your computers for most things but there will be times you will need a calculator (EXAMS), as it is easier to do some of the work with those than with the computer. See me about this if you have questions. We will work about this as necessary.

(6) A positive attitude toward learning, working with others, and science. We will address all three!

General Classroom Rules:

I expect you to conduct yourselves as young adults. As a result I have what is called a “Two-rule” policy.

First Rule: You all know how to act in a positive manner that allows you and others to learn. Conduct yourself accordingly to accomplish this goal. Be nice! Play well with others! Follow the “golden rule”. If you break this rule, I generally give you the chance to improve your behavior.

EXCEPTION TO RULE ONE: If it is a clear violation of school rules that has required steps for me to follow or refer to other actions, I will do so. This includes items listed in the student handbook that require reporting or administrative intervention.

Second Rule: If there are issues with rule number one, I will deal with them on an individual basis. This includes student and/or parent conference, detentions with me, office referrals with detentions indicated, or office referrals through which we work with the administration to see a change in behavior.

If you have questions about this, see me and I will be glad to elaborate.

Laboratory rules and regulations are addressed separately when we get to that point. There are SPECIFIC rules that MUST be followed to ensure a safe working environment for all. More will come in this area soon.

Grading, assignments and other learning opportunities:

In relation to grading, the school grading scale (90-80--70-60, etc.) will be followed. There will be two sources that produce a grade, those being within Edgenuity and PowerSchool. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THE OFFICIAL GRADE THAT GOES ON THE TRANSCRIPT COMES FROM POWERSCHOOL NOT EDGENUITY. There will be supplemental activities that we do in class (science notebooks and many of the labs are examples) that are not included in the Edgenuity grade. I WILL keep up on those as we proceed through the application. When it comes to exams you have the opportunity to retake an exam in this class for full credit. In order to do so you must meet certain requirements that shows you have prepared yourself at a higher level for that exam. Those requirements are listed at: See me if you have questions about this process.

In relation to due dates for assignments, school policy will be followed as it relates to late work and grading. Please communicate with me about special circumstances that I need to be aware of to ensure you have a grade that represents your understanding of the subject. There is nothing more frustrating as a student OR a teacher to have a grade that is NOT a reflection of what you know, understand, and can do. I really would hate it become a reflection of what you did not attend to in relation to work. WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR GRADES, ASK FOR PERMISSION, NOT FORGIVENESS. IF YOU COMMUNICATE WITH ME REGARDING WHERE YOU ARE ON AN ASSIGNMENT, I WILL WORK WITH YOU. IF YOU IGNORE YOUR OBLIGATION TO YOUR GRADE AND MAKE THE DECISION TO BE SILENT THINKING I WILL BE FORGIVING, YOU ARE MORE THAN LIKELY MISTAKEN…

Since I am only here two periods per day and am sharing the class with another teacher, it is important that you get assignments to me in class if possible. I will NOT have an “in” box in class but you can turn any paper assignments into my mailbox at the SVHS office. Keep in mind though that I will not be checking that box after I leave here for the day generally as I have my other duties to attend to in the district. Even though I am not in the building, I am generally in the district someplace and can be reached via email or phone at the Central Office (2981) if you have questions or concerns.

We can use the technology to work together as well. I will explain that a bit more during initial class sessions but I do plan to leverage technology a bit to enhance learning AND communication. You are growing up in some exciting times from a technology aspect! Let’s use that to our advantage!

If something was due on that day and you did not get it in for any reason, you would be better served to have made that contact THAT day about it being in my box at the SVHS office (email works best!). If not, it will be considered late and I will, as discussed above, be forced to follow policy in relation to late work and grading. The important thing here is communication. I DO NOT SUBSCRIBE TO THE POLICY “IT IS BETTER TO ASK FOR FORGIVENESS THAN PERMISSION”…(notice how that was said twice?). If you work with me, I will do the same. Please assume responsibility for your learning. See me if you have questions.

Lesson plans will be posted electronically and linked to the SVHS Homework site under my name. I will have these posted on the first day of that week of class. If they are not, feel free to email or otherwise contact me and I will address ASAP. I will also use a district-sponsored blog/wiki site a lot to deliver content and other resources. There are videos and many other resources on that site. The location will be given to you during class.

Final comments:

I am genuinely excited and honored to have the opportunity to teach you this year and look forward to the class. If, at any time, you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me. My email address is: and my office number is 785-227-2981.