JPN Linguistics
2nd Rev. 1992
I. Syntax and Semantics
Reading List
Students taking the MA comprehensive exam are expected to be able to provide an accurate description of major syntactic and semantic issues that have been raised for Japanese and to be able to discuss at least one approach that has been proposed for the analysis or explanation of each issue. Students taking the PhD qualifying exam are expected to meet the MA expectations and to further explain, discuss, and evaluate differing analyses of the issues.
Required readings for MA and Ph.D. students
Grimshaw, J. and Mester. 1988. Light verb and theta-marking. Linguistic Inquiry 19, 181-205.
Haig, John. 1996. Subjacency and Japanese Grammar: A functional account. Studies in Language, 20 (1), 53-92.
Harada S.I. 1976. Honorifics. In Shibatani (Ed.), Syntax and Semantics 5: Japanese Generative Grammar (pp. 499-561). New York: Academic Press.
Jacobsen, Wesley M. 1992. The transitive structure of events in Japanese. Tokyo:Kuroshio.
Kageyama, Taro. 1999. Word Formation. In N. Tsujimara (Ed.) The Handbook of Japanese Linguistics. Blackwell Publishers: Malden, MA.
Kishimoto, Hideaki . 1996. Split intransitivity in Japanese and the unaccusative hypothesis. Language 72.2.
Kuno, Susumu & Etsuko Kaburaki. 1977. Empathy and syntax. Linguistic Inquiry 8: 627-72.
Kuno, Susumu. 1973. The structure of the Japanese language. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Kuno, Susumu. 1983. Shin-nihongo Bunpô. Tokyo: Taishûkan
Miyagawa, Shigeru. 1987. Lexical categories in Japanese. Lingua 73. 29-51.
Miyagawa, Shigeru. 1989. Syntax and Semantics vol. 22: Structure and Case Marking in Japanese.
Shibatani, Masayoshi. 1976. Causativization. In Shibatani (Ed.), Syntax and Semantics 5: Japanese Generative Grammar (pp. 239-94). New York: Academic Press.
Shirai, Yasuhiro. 1998. Where the progressive and the resultative meet: A typology of imperfective morphology in Japanese, Korean, Chinese and English. Japanese/Korean Linguistics.
Tsujimura, Natsuko. 1990. Unaccusative hypothesis and noun classification. Linguistics 28, 929-75.
Tsujimura, Natsuko. 2007. An introduction to Japanese linguistics. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Uehara, Satoshi. 1996. Nominal adjectives in Japanese (and in Korean?). Japanese Korean Linguistics vol. 5, 235-250.
Chapters from the following books used in JPN602.
Teramura, Hideo. 1982. Nihongo no shintakusu to imi I. Tokyo: Kuroshio
Teramura, Hideo. 1982. Nihongo no shintakusu to imi II. Tokyo: Kuroshio
Required for Ph.D. students only
Imai, Takashi & Mamoru Saito, eds. 1986. Issues in Japanese linguistics. Dordrecht: Foris.
Fukui, Naoki. 1995. Theory of projection in syntax. Tokyo:Kuroshio.
Iwasaki, Shoichi. 2002. Japanese. Amsterdam/Philadelphia:John Benjamins.
Mihara, Kenichi. 1994. Nihongo no tôgôkozô. Tokyo: Shôhakusha
Other useful references
Martin, Samuel E. 1987. A reference grammar of Japanese, revised ed. Rutland & Tokyo: Tuttle.
Kokuritsukokugokenkyûjo. 1978. Nihongo no bunpô (jo). Tokyo: ôkurashôinsatsukyoku.
Kokuritsukokugokenkyûjo. 1978. Nihongo no bunpô (ge). Tokyo: ôkurashôinsatsukyoku