Required Materials: Each student must bring to class every day:
- #2 pencils (and pencil lead)
- erasers
- a blue or black pen
- a highlighter
- composition book
- planner
- Students will receive a progress report about every two weeks. Progress reports are to be returned, signed by a parent/guardian by Friday of the week they are distributed. If not, they will be considered late.
- Attendance is crucial in the area of mathematics. No textbook can replace our in-class activities and instruction time. If a studentis absent, the studentis responsible to look up missing work on Aeries at and get the needed materials at If students have any questions about the assignment, they need to make an appointment to see me. Students will have two days to make up work for any missed day of school. If an assignment is due on a date a student is absent, the assignment will be due on the day the student returns to school.
- The grade percentages are as follows:
- A 90% or above
- B 80%-89%
- C 70%-79%
- D 60%-69%
- F 0%-59%
ASSIGNMENTS: Assignmentswill be graded for completeness and effort. Students will be assigned to Homework Hall for missing or incomplete assignments. A late assignment will be accepted up to two weeks beyond the due date for 50% credit. Any assignments that are recorded on a previous progress report are beyond the make-up period and will not be accepted. If there are special circumstances, students should bring a parent note and talk to me.
All assignments will be posted at Students will create their own accounts and be notified of all assignments through e-mail reminders, assignments posted in class, and verbally. Parents are encouraged to create a log in and “Subscribe for Updates”, using the appropriate tab, to receive assignment posts and updates.
Planners: Students are expected to use their planners daily to write down all assignments, tests, and quizzes. Parents should check planners for upcoming dates.
Math Help: Every student needs help at some point during the school year. It is the students’ responsibility to come in and ask for help. The factor that will make the difference between success and frustration for students is the ability to communicate questions and concerns to his/her teacher. Students are encouraged make an appointment with me so that they maycome in for extra help at lunch time or after school. I am available at lunch every Tuesday and Thursday in room 25. Do not fall behind—concepts in math build upon previously learned content.
Daily Procedures:
1.Be in line outside of the classroom by the time the bell rings or you will be marked tardy..
2.Bring all required materials to class, take these out while in line outside of the classroom.
3.All bags will be place against the wall of the classroom, away from your desk.
4.All electronic devicesare to be put away at all times. This includes headphones, i-Pods, cellular phones, cameras, portable game systems, etc. An electronic device out in class will be confiscated and turned in to the administration—no questions asked.
5.Complete all of your assignments.
6.Come to class ready to work and learn everyday, and have a positive attitude about learning math. Contribute positively to the learning environment.
7.Follow all school rules (see the Spartan Accountability poster in your handbook).
Behavior Expectations: There are three standards of behavior that are expected from every student. These will allow the teacher to teach and the students to learn. These standards are:
1.Make good decisions.
2.Solve problems.
3.Show respect.
Consequences:Behavior is worth 2 participation points per day. If a student chooses to not follow the behavior standards, the following apply:
1st time:The student will be given a verbal warning to correct the behavior. This will result in the loss of 1 participation point.
2nd time:Student will report to the Refocus Station and complete the Refocus Worksheet. This will result in the loss of the second participation point for that day.
3rd time:The teacher will send student to the administrator with a referral.
This procedure will hold for each week. A student will receive one Refocus Worksheet opportunity per week to respond appropriately. The next need for a Refocus during the same week will result in a referral.
Please feel free to call me or e-mail me any time to check your child’s progress or ask about assignments. My email address is . The school phone number is (559) 665-8070.
Thank you,
Edwin Garcia, Jr.
**Please do not detach**
Parent SignatureDate
Student Signature Date