**Please note that the numbers listed are for character limits including spaces (NOT word limits)

Project Information

Project Title (50)

Life Assist for Java Earthquake Victim (LAJEVI)

Project summary (200)

This project will assist 160Javanese refugees from the Earthquake to rebuild their lives by providing food, nutrient supplement, cook equipment, tent, household tools and mental recovery for children

Project need and beneficiaries (500)

The Sumbermulyo village community and Puspem have identified a programme of life assist such as providing food, beverage, nutrient supplement and providing household tools such as shovel, hammer, mattock etc and provide play tool for children in mental recovery program after earthquake disaster. The programwill be implemented during 3 months.The total participant of this project is50 children and 110 people. This project will benefit more than 160 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)

Project activities (250)

Participatory planning, Micro project preparation, Publishing, Funding received, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation

Donation Options

16870 / 160 people get assist for food and life
4745 / 45 families get tools to clean the house and ruins
3690 / 50 children get play tool and learn together

Potential Long-Term Impact (250)

More than 160 people and children can continue their life, rebuild their house and will recovering their mental and psychology. Created new jobs for local families so they can develop and improve their own skills

Quote (200)

“After a week cried, now we have new hope to rebuild our life. Give us tool and we will do ourselves”

Name of person quoted above (40)

Sisilia Suwarni, Mrs

Title or role of the person quoted above (50)

Local people & program coordinator in Jogja

Project country (choose one)


Project theme (choose one)

- enviroment

Program Designation (100)


Project Timeline (choose one)

- 3 months

Project Activity Type (choose one)

- Charity

Project Continuity (choose one)

- Discrete

Total Cost, US Dollars (maximum budget $1,000,000)

USD $ 25,305

Keywords, separated by a space (244)

Environment – Education – Life – IDPs – Earthquake – Javanese – Puspem – MicroAid–Jogja – Indonesia

Project Leader Information

GlobalGiving is asking that ONLY the project leader be listed as the contact person.

Contact’s Name (40)

Andi Asriadi Rauf

Contact’s Title (50)

Leader of Puspem Foundation

Brief Bio (400 Characters)

Andi Asriadi Rauf is a former consultant of Community Empowering Body in Jakarta Local Government. He has been followed study in Japan and Cairo for empowering community program. Andi has 3 years experiences in education, research and development with local community in Jakarta, Aceh and Sulawesi

Project Staff Awards and Honors (250 Characters)

Best student of empowering community program in Japan, Master degree of social science, Member of study center in Jakarta local government

Contact address, line 1 (50)

Jl. Kembang (Beji) no 58

Contact’s address, line 2 (50)

RT 05 RW 013 Kelurahan Beji

City (25)


State or Province (25)

West Java

Postal or zip code (25)




Phone number (20)


Email address (50)

Web address (100) (OPTIONAL)

Key personnel information

Name, Project Personnel #1 (40)

Andi Asriadi Rauf

Title, Project Personnel #1 (50)

Leader of Puspem Foundation

Brief bio, Project Personnel #1 (400)

Andi Asriadi Rauf is a former consultant of Community Empowering Body in Jakarta Local Government. He has been followed study in Japan and Cairo for empowering community program. Andi has 3 years experiences in education, research and development with local community in Jakarta, Aceh and Sulawesi

Name, Project Personnel #2 (optional) (40)

Sisilia Suwarni

Title, Project Personnel #2 (optional) (50)

Program coordinator at Jogja

Brief bio, Project Personnel #2 (optional) (400)

Sisilia was a social worker with more than 10 years experience and she was a local people born in Jogja. Sisil has experience with online fundraising for street kids project in Jakarta and now she was manage 60 children that lived in orphan house. Now she is a team member in Puspem as program coordinator in Jogja

Name, Project Personnel #3 (optional) (40)

Title, Project Personnel #3 (optional) (50)

Brief bio, Project Personnel #3 (optional) (400)

Web Resources (up to 4)

Name (50)

1)Puspem website

2)Sample of Monitoring report

3)MicroAid website

URL (100)




Other Documentation

Project documentation or business plan (required, less then 1 MB)

Project picture(s) (up to 11)

/ Kids in emergency tent
/ More than 90% houses in Sumbermulyo village are colapse
/ Waskito’s house a day after earthquake
/ Most houses in Sumbermulyo were totally damaged
/ Another view
/ Local people try to find body under the ruin
/ Women & children stayed at emergency tent everyday
/ Most of them have injured
/ They build temporary public kitchen
/ Another view at public kitchen
/ Some women work at ex cow stable

Caption (optional) (500)

Organization Information

Organization’s name (50)

Centre for Community Development Studies (PUSPEM)

Organization’s mission (500)

  • Identification for community basic potential in Indonesia
  • Helping effort of empowering community and increase self-help activities through skill development in technology, economic and management sectors
  • Supporting effort of democracy and open minded as a condition for creativity development, equal rights and opportunity
  • Avocation activities for people

Problems/Challenges (250)

  • Education and empowerment for child and adult
  • Democracy, corruption and voter education

Success Factors (250)

The LISTEN project in GlobalGiving (2005 – 2006). 400 refugee children in Aceh Besar now back to school (child) and 25 women in Tangerang now have small home enterprise with soybean ketchup product (adult).

Organization’s programs (500)

To empower communities in Indonesia with:

  1. Education
  2. Self-help activities
  3. Public avocations
  4. Research and development
  5. Monitoring and evaluation

Organizational Awards and Honors (250)

Accredited status as a Study Center Organization by Democrat Party and PDK Party in Indonesia

Organization’s address, line 1 (50)

Jl. Kembang (Beji) no 58

Organization’s address, line 2 (50)

RT 05 RW 013 Kelurahan Beji

City (25)


State or Province (25)

West Java

Postal code (25)




Phone (20)


Web URL (100)

Geographical Scope (choose one)

- National

Number of paid full/part time staff (6 characters)


Number of volunteers (6 characters)


Year organization was founded

January 14, 2003

Current Annual Budget in US dollars (000,000,000)

IDR Rp 500.000.000 (US$ 50,000)

Previous Year’s Operating Budget(000,000,000)

IDR Rp 560.000.000 (US$ 56,000)

Maximum Historic Budget in US dollars (000,000,000)

IDR Rp 560.000.000 (US$ 56,000)

Overhead percentage (2 number)


Religious Affiliation -- if any (100 characters)


Other Funding Sources (200 characters)

FIA Pasar Malam (France), Jakarta Local Government, UNDP

501c3 status (yes/no)

Board of Directors (500)

Andi Asriadi Rauf – Leader of Puspem Foundation

Usman – Director

Executive Managers (500)

Abdul Wahed – Program Manager in Aceh

Sisilia Suwarni – Program Manager in Jogja

Herni Purnawati – Secretary

Financial Institutions (500)

Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI)

Organization logo (100x100 px) (optional)