Salisbury University
Department of Modern Foreign Languages
MDFL 111: Elementary Sign Language I (American Sign Language I)
Instructor: Ms. Rita Campbell
Office Hours: By appointment
Required Texts:
Signing Naturally – Units 1 - 6. Student Workbook and DVD by Smith, Lentz and Mikos, 2008. DawnSign Press.
Deaf in America: Voices From A Culture. Padden and Humphries, 1996. Harvard University Press.
¶NOTE: The instructor will give handouts, also.
Course Description:
Beginning study of American Sign Language including the culture of deaf people. Three hours per week. Meets General Education IB.
This course introduces students to the study of American Sign Language (ASL), the natural language used by Deaf people in North America. The course will focus on the unique and challenging grammatical and linguistic structures of ASL, its history, and its struggle for recognition as a language. Students will develop both expressive and receptive skills of ASL from Units 1 – 6.
MDFL 111 is an “enhanced” course; that is, a course that might traditionally be offered for 3 credit hours, but which, within the context of both the newly reformed Modern Languages program and the Fulton School’s overall curriculum reform initiative, is being offered here in a 4-credit context. The main purpose of the Fulton reform and the courses in it is to engage students more in the individual courses they take and, as a result, provide students with a deeper—and often more active—learning experience and encounter with the subject at hand. All "enhanced," 4-credit courses in the Fulton School will require significantly more—and sometimes different—work than they might (or used to) require as 3-credit courses. For more information on the Fulton reform and "enhanced" courses, and what both mean to you, as a student, please visit the Fulton reform student website at
It is the goal of this class to help students to understand the unique structure of American Sign Language; to achieve expressive/receptive communication skills and to become familiar with the various perspectives on deafness (i.e., cultural, educational, linguistic and political).
In addition to the normal class time, students will be expected to complete 2 Deaf Community event reports. Socializing with Deaf people outside of class will be of great benefit. The course instructor will inform students of opportunities to participate in the deaf community.
The class meets two (2) times a week and students will be expected to attend and participate in each lesson; however, recognizing that there will be occasional conflicts, up to two (2) missed classes will be allowed. The students will have exercises to complete during class time on a regular basis. (See ‘Point System’ on page 3).
ASL Only Policy:
You may not use your voice to ask for assistance or to communicate in class at any time, for any reason. ASL is a visual language. The success of your learning experiences relies on your willingness to immerse yourself in Deaf culture and language.
Make-up Midterm and Final Exams: Midterm and Final exams missed (with very good reasons, along with a doctor’s note or death of family member with proof only) are allowed to be made up within one (1) week either before or after the scheduled dates.
Quizzes: Quizzes may be given on scheduled days during the semester. Any quiz missed is not allowed to be made up. This will be excused with the doctor’s note or death of family member (with proof only).
1.) The instructor will give worksheets to students for homework. The students are required to watch the Signing Naturally – Level One: DVD before answering questions.
2.) The students will type a 6-8-page book report from the book, Deaf in America: Voices From A Culture.
3.) The students will attend 2 Deaf Community Events and type a 1-2-page report of each event.
¶NOTE: All work must be given to the instructor on the assigned due date.
25% Midterm Exam
25% Final Exam
15% Quizzes (6)
10% Homework (Signing Naturally DVD)
10% 2 Deaf Community Events & Reports (5% each)
5% Book Report (Deaf in America: Voices From A Culture)
5% Class Participation (Activities)
5% Attendance
Point System: (total = 30 days):
30 – 28 = 100 (0 – 2 days)
27 – 26 = 90 (3 – 4 days)
25 – 24 = 80 (5 – 6 days)
23 – 22 = 70 (7 – 8 days)
21 – 20 = 60 (9 – 10 days)
19 – 0 = 0 (11 – 30 days)
Salisbury University
MDFL 111: Elementary Sign Language I - Schedule of Assignments
Fall 2010
This schedule of assignments is tentative. Changes in the course may occur due to current events, student interests, time constraints, etc. Any changes to this schedule will be announced in advance.
Assignments are due on the date listed
Week /Date
1 / Tues., Aug. 31 / In-Class: / Course Introduction & Introduction of SignsThurs., Sept. 2 / In-Class: / Unit 1: Introducing Oneself
2 / Tues., Sept. 7 / In-Class: / Unit 1: Introducing Oneself
Thurs., Sept. 9 / In-Class: / Unit 1: Introducing Oneself
3 / Tues., Sept. 14 / DUE:
In-Class: / DVD homework: Unit 1
Quiz #1: Unit 1
Unit 2: Exchanging Personal Information
Thurs., Sept. 16 / In-Class: / Unit 2: Exchanging Personal Information
4 / Tues., Sept. 21 / In-Class:
HOMEWORK: / Unit 2: Exchanging Personal Information & Signs
Discussion on Activity: ‘Fist’, ‘1’, ‘Λ’, ‘2 - 1¯’ & ‘2 hands’.
Handouts: Practice signing 3 actions of ‘fist’, ‘1’, ‘Λ’, ‘2 - 1¯’ & ‘2 hands’ for Tues., Sept. 28rd’s activity.
Thurs., Sept. 23 / In-Class: / Unit 2: Exchanging Personal Information
5 / Tues., Sept. 28 / DUE:
In-Class: / DVD homework: Unit 2
Quiz #2: Unit 2
Signing: ‘fist’, ‘1’, ‘Λ’, ‘2 - 1¯’ & ‘2 hands’.
Unit 3: Talking About Surroundings
Thurs., Sept. 30 / In-Class:
HOMEWORK: / Unit 3: Talking About Surroundings
Handouts: Draw a map where you are living now from this university for practice signing on Thurs., Oct. 7th.
6 / Tues., Oct. 5 / In-Class: / Unit 3: Talking About Surroundings
Thurs., Oct. 7 / In-Class: / Unit 3: Talking About Surroundings
DVD In-class: Worksheet – Unit 3
7 / Tues., Oct. 12 / DUE:
HOMEWORK: / DVD homework: Unit 3
Quiz #3: Unit 3
Review for Midterm Exam: Units 1 - 3
You are required to bring a pencil, small box and paper cup to class on Tues., Oct 21st.
Thurs., Oct. 14 / MIDTERM EXAM /
Exam: Units 1 - 3
8 / Tues., Oct. 19 / In-Class: / Unit 4: Telling Where You LiveThurs., Oct. 21 / In-Class: / Unit 4: Telling Where You Live
9 / Tues., Oct. 26 /
In-Class: / Unit 4: Telling Where You Live
Thurs., Oct. 28 / BOOK REPORT DUE:
In-Class: / Deaf in America: Voices from A Culture
Unit 4: Telling Where You Live
10 / Tues., Nov. 2 /
In-Class: / Unit 4: Telling Where You Live
DVD In-class Worksheet – Unit 4
Thurs., Nov. 4 / DUE:
Quiz #4: Unit 4
Unit 5: Talking About Your Family
You are required to bring pictures of your family members to class and do signing on Tues., Nov. 9th.
11 / Tues., Nov. 9 / In-Class: / Unit 5: Talking About Your Family
Thurs., Nov. 11 / In-Class: / Unit 5: Talking About Your Family
12 / Tues., Nov. 16 / In-Class: / Unit 5: Talking About Your Family
Thurs., Nov. 18 / In-Class: / Unit 5: Talking About Your Family
DVD In-class Worksheet – Unit 5
13 / Tues., Nov. 23 / DUE:
/ DVD: Unit 5
Quiz #5: Unit 5
Thurs., Nov. 25
/ No CLASS / THANKSGIVING14 / Tues., Nov. 30 /
In-Class: / Unit 6: Telling About Activities
Thurs., Dec. 2 / In-Class: / Unit 6: Telling About Activities
15 / Tues., Dec. 7 / In-Class: / Unit 6: Telling About Activities
DVD In-class Worksheet – Unit 6
Thurs., Dec. 9 / DUE:
In-Class: / DVD: Unit 6
Quiz #6: Unit 6
Review for Final Exam: Units 4 - 6
16 / Tues., Dec. 14 / In-Class: / Review for Final Exam: Units 4 - 6
Course Evaluations
Thurs., Dec. 16 / In-Class: /
FINAL EXAM: Units 4 - 6
NOTE: There are some unannounced activities.
Final Exam:
December , 2010 from 4:15 to 6:45p at TETC Room #154
Salisbury University
Department of Modern Foreign Languages
MDFL 112: Elementary Sign Language II (American Sign Language II)
Instructor: Ms. Rita Campbell
Office Hours: By appointment
Required Texts:
Signing Naturally – Units 7 - 12. Student Workbook and DVD by Lentz, Smith and Mikos, 1988. DawnSign Press.
Through DEAF EYES. Baynton, Gannon and Bergey, 2007.Gallaudet University Press.
¶NOTE: The instructor will give handouts, also.
Course Description:
Inter study of American Sign Language including the culture of deaf people. Three hours per week. Meets General Education IB.
This course is to be continued study of American Sign Language (ASL), the natural language which is
used by Deaf people with cultural background. The course will be focused on the most unique
grammatical structure of ASL, its history and its struggle for recognization as a language. Students will
continually develop both new expressive and receptive ASL from Units 7-12.
MDFL 112 is an “enhanced” course; that is, a course that might traditionally be offered for 3 credit hours, but which, within the context of both the newly reformed Modern Languages program and the Fulton School’s overall curriculum reform initiative, is being offered here in a 4-credit context. The main purpose of the Fulton reform and the courses in it is to engage students more in the individual courses they take and, as a result, provide students with a deeper—and often more active—learning experience and encounter with the subject at hand. All "enhanced," 4-credit courses in the Fulton School will require significantly more—and sometimes different—work than they might (or used to) require as 3-credit courses. For more information on the Fulton reform and "enhanced" courses, and what both mean to you, as a student, please visit the Fulton reform student website at
It is the continuing goal of this class to help students to understand the unique structure of American Sign Language; to achieve expressive/receptive communication skills and to become familiar with the various perspectives on deafness (i.e., cultural, educational, linguistic and political).
In addition to the normal class time, students will be expected to complete 3 Deaf Community event reports. Socializing with Deaf people outside of class will be of great benefit. The course instructor will inform students of opportunities to participate in the deaf community.
Attendance: The class meets two (2) times a week and students will be expected to attend and participate in each lesson; however, recognizing that there will be occasional conflicts, up to two (2) missed classes will be allowed. The students will have exercises to complete during class time on a regular basis.
ASL Only Policy:
You may not use your voice to ask for assistance or to communicate in class at any time, for any reason. ASL is a visual language. The success of your learning experiences relies on your willingness to immerse yourself in Deaf culture and language.
Make-up Midterm and Final Exams: Midterm and Final exams missed (with very good reasons, along with a doctor’s note or death of family member with proof only) are allowed to be made up within one (1) week either before or after the scheduled dates.
Quizzes: Quizzes may be given on scheduled days during the semester. Any quiz missed is not allowed to be made up. This will be excused with the doctor’s note or death of family member (with proof only).
Group Skit: Each group is to be formed by 2 – 3 students and they are required to give a 20-minute
signed skits in the class on given schedule day before final exam. Each group will work together on the
skit after this instructor will give the students a list of titles and instructions.
Research Paper: The instructor will give students a list of titles within a month from the first day of class.
The students are required to implement the instructions given by the instructor.
a.) The instructor will give worksheets to students for homework. The students are required to watch
the Signing Naturally – Level One: DVD before answering questions.
b.) The students will type a 8-10-page book report from the book, Through Deaf Eyes.
c.) The students will attend 3 Deaf Community Events and type a 1-2-page of each event.
¶NOTE: All work must be given to the instructor on the assigned due date.
20% Midterm Exam
20% Final Exam
15% Quizzes (6)
10% Homework (Signing Naturally DVD)
10% Group Skit
10% Book Report (Through Deaf Eyes)
10% Research Paper
5% 3 Deaf Community Event reports
5% Class Participation (Activities)
5% Attendance
Salisbury University
MDFL 112: Elementary Sign Language II – Schedule of Assignments
Spring 2010
This schedule of assignments is tentative. Changes in the course may occur due to current events, student interests, time constraints, etc. Any changes to this schedule will be announced in advance.