Coach Application

Required Certification

Intro to Coach / All Tykes/Dynamite Coaching Staff
NCCP Level / All Coaches
Safety / At least one official registered to team, present at ALL games
Speak Out / All registered officials registered to team
Respect In Sport / All officials registered to team
Checking Skills / Peewee, Bantam, Midget – every Head Coach
Season: 2014-15
Name (Please Print)
Home Phone Cell Phone
Date of Birth (Day/Month/Year)
Current Occupation
Does your work schedule require shift work?

Division and position you are applying for: Please indicate your preference by choice (1st, 2nd, etc):

Division / Head Coach / Asst Coach
Current Certification / Year Completed
None – clinic required
Intro To Coach
Coach Level
Checking Skills
Speak Out
Respect in Sport - Coach
Development I

Coaching Experience:

Year / Division / Position

Playing Experience:

Please indicate the highest level(s) you played

Minor Hockey:____AAA(bantam/midget)_____Junior B____ Junior A:_____ Major Junior (WHL):_____Senior Hockey_____

College Hockey: NCAA Div 1:____NCAA Div III:___

Canadian University (CIS):______Canadian College:______

Minor Pro:_____Europe:______AHL:______NHL:______

Coaching Skills you consider your strengths:


Coaching Skill areas you wish to improve on:


Would you be willing to work with a Coach Mentor? _____

Would you be willing to be a Coach Mentor to other coaches? ____

Have you previously be on a RMHA coaching staff? ____

Please complete the following on a separate page(s):

1. In 1 -2 Paragraphs, please define your coaching philosophy.

2. Scenario A: It is the 3rd period of an important game. You are down a goal late in the game. What do you do?

3. Scenario B: One of the players on your team shows continual discipline and commitment issues. The player has trouble controlling his/her emotions on the ice and bench which is affecting the other players on your team. This player also seems disinterested at times in practice and games. What steps will you and your staff take to deal with these issues?

ALL applicants require a Criminal Record Check to accompanythis application. You must present RMHA ‘letter of request’ – to local RCMP, complete with 2 pieces of identification. Application WILL NOTbe considered without a recent copy of your Criminal Record Check.All Coaches/Trainers must have or be prepared to take the appropriate clinics by NOVEMBER 15 of the current season. Head Coaches/Managers are responsible to ensure that the team has all necessary certification by this date, including Criminal Record Check.

By signing this application, you agree to abide by the Rules and Bylaws as outlined by RMHA

Signature ______Date ______


Re: 2014-15 Minor Hockey Season

To whom it may concern:

Rocky Minor Hockey Association requires any and all individual(s) who choose(s) to devote their time and volunteer as a Board Member, Coach, Assistant Coach, Safety Person or Manager within our Association, must complete and submit a recent Criminal Record Check every two (2) years (Rule D3).

As a volunteer, you will be working with vulnerable youths aged 4 – 18.

You must present this request, along with 2 pieces of identification to the local RCMP office. Completed CRC are usually available for pickup within 5* days from the RCMP.

*some requests could take upwards of 4 months for completion

This is confidential information - A copy (please retain your original) of your completed Criminal Record Check is to be placed in a sealed envelope and forwarded to:



