“Our Aim as Church is to grow in the love of Christ and witness to His Gospel”
St. Mark’s Parish Pastoral Council Meeting
7117 Fourteenth Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53143-5447
Phone: (262) 656-7373, Fax: (262) 656-7375
Tuesday, April 8, 2014Berg Hall
Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes
(Approved on May 13, 2014)
A joint meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) and the Finance Committee (FC) was called to order at 6:30pm by Chairperson Horace Staples. A group reading of the St. Mark Church Mission Statement commenced followed by an opening prayer by our Pastor, Fr. Carlos. All were welcomed. A roll call of the PCC took place, with the following members present: Fr. Carlos, Jeff Zimmerman, Carmen Perez, Horace Staples, and Secretary Danny Rodriguez. Since only 5 of the 10 members were present, quorum was not established, and the PCC met as a Commission of the Whole, with approval of actions to be established at the May 13th meeting with the approval of the minutes, unless an earlier special meeting of the PCC would meet prior to May 13th.
Minutes of the March 11, 2014 meeting were distributed and approved.
Father Carlos reported to the PCC
(1) Possible plans to move religious education classes to Sunday afternoons, with the classes meeting twice a month.
(2) Reviewed the logistics of our parish’s Holy Week liturgy, and encouraged everyone to read the parish bulletin indicating the schedule as well as liturgical highlights. He noted that there would be time changes in order to encourage better participation, as well as bilingual services on Thursday and Saturday. He mentioned that the Worship Commission would need help in decorating the Church for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, as well as Holy Saturday. Of particular note will be the Easter Vigil celebration on Saturday evening, which will have interpretative readings including a DVD movie, a shadow play, and liturgical dancing, accompanied by two choirs with a wonderful array of music. Palm Sunday would also have some special surprises.
(3) In addition to those receiving the Sacraments at the Easter Vigil, our parish will celebrate First Communion at four different liturgies on the weekend of May 4th, because the parish has over 200 young children receiving the Sacrament.
(4) Fr. Carlos then discussed the new bulletin format, asking for comments and suggestions. The bulletin is wellreceived by all, and is proving to be an adequate substitute for the missalettes formerly used, saving in overall costs.
(5) Our parish will be hosting the Mexican Consulate at our parish to help with Visa registration, Having a Blue Ribbon Campaign, as well as a Habitat for Humanity celebration shower for the Vega Family – details in the Parish Bulletin
(6) After answering any questions, he then excused himself to attend the FC meeting held conjointly in the next room.
The only two commissions that submitted reports this month were Worship (by email) and Human Concerns (distributed). They were each reviewed and discussed with no recommendations.
Communications Ministry: The PCC felt that the parish needs to try harder in keeping everyone in the parish informed through various media, including parish bulletin, newspaper, email, Twitter, Facebook (2 accounts), and Instagram. The parish needs to be transparent in all of its activities, and this can only be accomplished thru open communication. The Parish Communications Ministry Team (Juanita and Ryan) needs additional support through increased volunteers.
Religious Education Ministry: As the parish begins to form small groups for in-home education (domestic church), these may also provide ways to communicate via email.
Stewardship Ministry: Barbara Vite, Archdiocesan Representative on Stewardship, is hosting a District I meeting at our parish on May 21st, entitled “Calling Workers into the Vineyard” which will be a repeat of the meeting held earlier this year attended by Carmen, Danny, Javier, and Kris Meeker, our parish Business Administrator. Preregistration is required through the Archdiocese Milwaukee website.
Festival Update: Horace reviewed the ongoing plans for the Parish Festival, on June 21, and 22, with an additional Rummage sale to begin on Friday, June 20th. Assignments have been made at the weekly meetings, and progress is being made on advertising, save-the-date signs.
Parish Council Elections: Information was lacking in length of terms as well as the Parish Council Norms. Danny said he would research this and report back at the next meeting.
Archdiocesan Synod: The Synod will take place on the weekend of Pentecost Sunday, June 7th and 8th. Final preparations are being made. Danny will check on his request to have Carmen appointed as a second parish delegate, which has been submitted, is pending direct approval of the Archbishop. Carmen asked about activity pricing for families at the festival, suggesting that some consideration should be given to those who have children/large families.
New Hires: The parish is currently advertising for two vacancies: Parish Secretary and Religious Education. Carmela Vega is covering Juanita’s resignation until such a time as a replacement is hired.
At 7:20 pm, both groups (PPC and FC) came together to share the results of their meeting. God’s Word (Scripture passage) was proclaimed, we reflected on Christ in our midst, gave thanks for all of God’s goodness and glory, and adjourned the meeting.
The next meeting of St. Mark’s Parish Pastoral Council will take place on Tuesday, May 13, 2014, at 6:30 PM in Berg Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Danny Rodriguez