Specific action required (decision / approval) /
For information / assurance only
Trust Board
Thursday 28th May 2015
Agenda item: / 15 xii
Report title: / Quality Report
Purpose of report: / Corporate Document – report on the quality of care to be included in the Trust’s Annual Report and also be published as a standalone document
Key issues: /
- Provides update on progress against local and mandatory indicators for 2014/15 and sets priorities for 2015/16
- Required as set out under NHS (Quality Accounts) Regulations 2010
- Content of document has been reviewed and performance indicators have been tested by external auditors in accordance with guidance provided by Monitor
- Board needs to satisfy themselves that the document complies with the requirements
Issue previously considered by: / Previous drafts of the report have been considered by the Quality Committee and the Audit Committee
Recommendation/action required: / To approve the report prior to it being submitted to Monitor on 29th May 2015.
Sponsor/approving director: / Nichola Kenny, Associate Director of Strategy, Contracting & Performance.
Report author: / Nicola Thackray, Strategic Business Planning & Performance Lead
Governance and assurance
Link to Trust corporate objectives*
(please tick) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
/ / / / /
Link to CQC KLOE:
(please tick) / Caring
/ Responsive
/ Effective
/ Well Led
/ Safe
Any relevant legal/statutory issues? / Compliance with the NHS Act 2009 and NHS (Quality Accounts) Regulations 2010
Equality analysis completed?
(please tick)
If this is not relevant please explain why: / Yes / No / Not relevant /
Corporate document developed using guidance from regulators
Key considerations / Details
Confirm whether any risks that have been identified have been recognised on a risk register and provide the reference number: / No requirement for risks to be considered in drafting of the document.
Specify any financial implications:
Explain whether there are any associated efficiency savings or increased productivity opportunities? / Potential impact on contractual income will be considered as part of regular performance reviews e.g. increase in non-conveyance
Are any additional resources required e.g. staff capacity? / None
Is there any current or expected impact on patient outcomes/experience/quality? / Intention is for the quality of services to be improved for patients
Specify whether appropriate clinical and/or stakeholder engagement has been undertaken:
(stakeholders could include staff, other Trust departments, providers, CCGs, patients, carers or the general public) / Internal stakeholder engagement and 30 day external consultation process.
Are there any aspects of this paper which need to be communicated to our stakeholders (internal or external)?
(Please tick – if ‘yes’ then please complete all boxes.Please briefly specify the key points for communication and ensure the Comms team are informed via mailto:) / Yes
/ No / Positive
/ Negative
/ Reactive / Internal
/ External
Progress against last year and priorities for this year to be shared
*The Trust corporate objectives are:
- To have an effective workforce plan that includes the development of skill mix, clinical enhancement and career progression, and one that achieves full establishment levels by September 2016.
- To deliver a programme of cultural change that generates an improvement in staff morale, engagement, evidenced through an improved FFT score, staff survey results and the cultural barometer by March 2016.
- Achieve successful CQC accreditation at good or above through the delivery of our Quality Strategy by March 2016, ensuring we deliver safe, effective care and a positive patient experience
- To develop a comprehensive evidence base for a single operational model through the Integrated Care and Transport pilot that would support full roll out of the model from April 2016.
- To have an effective and responsive Information Technology infrastructure by March 2016 that provides quick access to business intelligence to drive performance improvement activity.
- To improve the level of core income to ensure a sustainable future for NEAS with an established funding structure that incentivises the reduction of hospital conveyances to operate from April 2016.
- To achieve recurrent cost improvement targets through the transformation strategy, waste reduction and application of lean methodology to reduce the impact on the 2016/17 target.
Version / Date / Comments
1.0 / February 2015
2.0 / April 2015 / Minor amendments including addition of communications, risk and previous consideration fields.
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