Requestto extend writing up period and/or maximum period of registration

In exceptional circumstances where a student expects to be unable to submit their thesis by the end of their writing up period, Senate or its delegated authority may permit an extension of thewriting up period, in line with the approved policy. Please read the information below before continuing, and contact the Research Degrees Office and/or Advice and Counselling if you have any questions.

All requests for extensions must be approved by the supervisor and Director of Graduate Studies before they are considered by the Faculty Dean for Research/Deputy Dean. Extensions can be granted in periods of whole months and on one occasion only.Please note that extensions will be considered only if you attach appropriate evidence of your satisfactory progress to date and ability to submit within the requested time period, and will be approved only if the Dean/Deputy Dean for Research determines that (i) your academic progress to date has been satisfactory (ii) circumstances beyond yourcontrol make it impossible for you to complete by your current submission date (iii) you can reasonably be expected to submit your thesis by or before the requested submission date. It is within the Dean’s discretion to approve a submission date other than that requested by the student.

Extensions will not be approved:

  • To allow students to take up training, work placements, teaching opportunities, or non-doctoral research work of any kind.
  • For full-time students who have taken up employment, paid or unpaid, of any kind during the writing up period and where this is the sole reason for the extension request
  • As a means of ‘stopping the clock’ for students who are not making adequate progress.

Requests will only be considered if accompanied by the following:

  • Evidence of your completed work to date: please attach (i) an account of data collected, if appropriate (ii)your completed chapters, whether in final or draft form.
  • An annotated chapter outline, including: (i) a draft abstract, (ii) an outline of the structure of the thesis, (iii)brief summaries of each chapter.
  • Your proposed timetable for completion if the extension is granted.


  • If you hold a Tier 4 visa you may need to apply for an extension of your visa and shoulddiscuss extending your submission date with Advice and Counselling before completing this form.
  • Students who receive funding from Research Councils UKshould check the terms and conditions of their studentships before applying for an extension. The terms and conditions of RCUK studentships always take precedence over the Regulations of the College.

Extensions will be approved retrospectively only under the most exceptional circumstances, and cannot be considered for Research Council funded students. If applying retrospectively, you must explain why you were unable to request an extension in good time.

I do not have writing up status. Can I apply for an extension?

Extensions can normally only be authorised for students who have writing up status. Students who do not have writing up status may be eligible to interrupt, depending on their circumstances. Guidance on how to interrupt your studies is available on the form QMRDO2.If you are experiencing personal difficulties you should discuss your options with your supervisor and Advice and Counselling.

I want to request an extension. What should I do?

Completethisextension requestform and attach all required documentary evidence in support of your request. Yourprincipalsupervisorandthe DirectorofGraduateStudieswill review your materials and, if they support your request, will forward the form and evidencetotheResearch DegreesOffice. Your materials will then be reviewed by the Dean for Research/Deputy Dean, and may also be reviewed by the Research Degrees Programmes and Examinations Board.

Requestto extend writing up period and/or maximum registration period(QMRDO03)

Name of Student:
Student Number:
School: / Funding Body:
If you have ever interrupted your studies, please give details:
My current expected submission date is: / — — / — — / — — / Number of months of extension requested (maximum 12 months)
My requestedsubmissiondeadline is: / —— months
— — / — — / — —
Do you have a Tier 4 visa? / Yes* / No
*If your Tier 4 visa will need to be extended, you must request a new CAS through MySIS andapply to the UKBA. / Have you taken up employment of any kind during your writing up year? / Yes / No
Please tick to confirm that you have attached the following:
Evidence of your completed work to date, including:
(i) an account of data collected, if appropriate
(ii) your completed chapters, whether in final or draft form.
An annotated chapter outline, including:
(i) a draft abstract,
(ii) an outline of the structure of the thesis,
(iii) brief summaries of each chapter.
Your proposed timetable for completion if the extension is granted.
Indicateyourprimary reasonforrequesting an extensionbytickingone ofthefollowing.
 Medical/Health /  Personal /  Financial
 Primary Carer’s leave (inc. maternity) /  Other
Please explain why you are requesting this extensionand confirm that you have attachedevidence (if appropriate) to support your request.
Student’s signature: / Date: / — — / — — / — —
Supervisor’s name and signature: / Date: / — — / — — / — —
Director of Graduate Studies’ name and signature: / Date: / — — / — — / — —

Please returncompletedform and supporting materialstoResearchDegreesOffice,RoomE15,QueensBuilding,QueenMary,UniversityofLondon,MileEndRoad,LondonE14NS. Confidential documents or materials containing sensitive information can be attached in sealed envelopes, marked for the attention of the Dean for Research/Deputy Dean. These will be opened by the Dean/Deputy Dean, but may be reviewed by the RDPEB if the case is referred for its consideration.

For the Dean for Research/Deputy Dean to complete:
The requested extension is approved. RDO to notify student, School and Fees. School to advise funding body, if appropriate.
The requested extension is approved, but with a revised submission date of _ _ / _ _ / _ _, for the reason given below.RDO/Dean to notify student and School. RDO to notify Fees. School to advise funding body, if appropriate.
The requested extension is not approved. RDO/Associate Dean to request further information from the School, as specified below:
The requested extension is not approved for the reason given below. RDO to notify student and School.
For RDO use only:
Form and evidence received
Extension recorded on SITS
Expected submission date amended on SITS
Confirmation sent to student
Confirmation sent to department
Fees office notified
Research Support notified (if applicable)
Funding body notified (if applicable)
TfL notified (if applicable)
UKBA notified (if Tier 4 sponsored student) / Approved by the Dean for Research/Deputy Dean:
— — / — — / — —