Bill # / Description / Original Sponsor / School District Responsibilities & Opportunities / Current Status
ESHB 1018 / Modifying when a special election may be held.The special election that may be held on the second Tuesday in March is eliminated. Thedate of the February special election is changed to the second Tuesday. The special electiondate in May is restricted to tax levies that failed previously in that calendar year and newbond issues only. After 2011, the May special election date is eliminated.The requirement that a special election be held on the same date as the presidentialpreference primary is removed. Resolutions calling for a special election must be submittedto the county auditor 45 days prior to the special election date. / Appleton / Districts planning to run levies and bonds need to be aware of the change in special election dates. / C 413 L 09
SHB 1110 / Prohibiting advertising and marketing to students receiving home-based instruction.Prohibits school districts from advertising, marketing,and otherwise providing unsolicited information about learningprograms offered by the school district to students and theirparents who have filed a declaration of intent to cause a childto receive home-based instruction under RCW 28A.200.010. It exempts from the prohibition any general mailings sent to all households or material provided at the request of a parent. / Sullivan / Districts are prohibited from sending information to home-school parents about learning programs offered by the district.Exceptions are specified. / C 190 L 09
HB 1113 / Financing the school construction assistance grant program. Authorizes the state finance committee to issue generalobligation bonds of the state of Washington in the sum of onehundred thirty-three million dollars, or as much thereof asmay be required, to finance the school construction assistancegrant program described and authorized by the legislature inthe capital appropriations acts for the 2007-2009 and2009-2011 fiscal biennia, and all costs incidental thereto.Makes appropriations. / Driscoll / None / C 6 L 09
HB 1156 / Creating a preference in the alternative route certification program for veterans and national guard members.Creates a preference in the alternative routecertification program for veterans and national guard members. / Anderson / None / C 192 L 09
HB 1196 / Increasing the dollar limit for small works roster projects.The maximum dollar amount allowed for use of a small works roster process is raised from$200,000 to $300,000, and the dollar amount requiring notification of all contractors on theroster is changed from between $100,000 and $200,000 to between $150,000 and $300,000. / Haigh / None / C 74 L 09
HB 1197 / Regarding Alternative Public Works Contracting Procedures.Requires the Capital Projects Advisory Review Board to develop guidelinesfor the review and approval of design-build demonstration projects thatinclude operations and maintenance services.Allows for 10 design-build projects with a total project cost between $2 and$10 million.
Allows for two design-build projects that include procurement of operationsand maintenance services for a period longer than three years.Requires public bid openings for the general contractor/construction managercontracting method.Expands the use of job order contracting. / Haigh / None / C 75 L 09
ESHB 1216 / Capital Budget 2009-11. / Dunshee / Multiple. Please refer to budget summary. / C 497 L 09
ESHB 1244 / Making 2009-2011 operating appropriations. Makes 2009-2011 operating appropriations.Contains partial veto messages. / Linville / Multiple.Please refer to budget summary / C 564 L 09
HB 1264 / Regarding the creation and registration of entities formed by public agencies.Various business entity statutes are amended to allow governmental entities to serve as a registered agent of the business entity. The provision of the Interlocal Cooperation Act that allows public agencies to enter into joint agreements and create a separate legal entity to carry out the purposes of the agreement (RCW 39.34.030) is reenacted without amendment. / Springer / C 202 L 09
ESHB 1272 / Concerning state general obligation bonds and related accounts. The State Finance Committee is authorized to issue state general obligation bonds to finance$2.2 billion in projects in the 2009 Supplemental and 2009-11 Capital Budgets, and $1.95billion for the State Route 520 corridor projects.The State Treasurer is required to withdraw from state general revenues the amountsnecessary to make the principal and interest payments on the bonds and to deposit theseamounts into the Bond Retirement Account. / Dunshee / C 498 L 09
HB 1288 / Exempting the annual parental declaration of intent to home school from the public disclosure act. Exempts from public disclosure the annual declaration of intent filed by parents under RCW 28A.200.010 for a child to receive home-based instruction. / Upthegrove / School districts must not release Declaration of Intent to Home School” forms during a public records request. / C 191 L 09
SHB 1292 / Authorizing waivers from the one hundred eighty-day school year requirement in order to allow four-day school weeks.Declares intent to permit school districts with fewer thanfive hundred students to seek waivers from the school yearrequirement in order to operate on a four-day school week,provided that adequate safeguards are put in place to preventany negative impact on student learning. Some districts will experience a cost savings.Allows the state board of education to grant waivers fromthe requirement for a one hundred eighty-day school year underRCW 28A.150.220 and 28A.150.250 to school districts with underfive hundred students that propose to operate one or moreschools on a four-day school week for purposes of economy andefficiency as provided in the act. / Newhouse / Districts seeking waivers must submit an application that includes the following items, and more:a proposed calendar; an explanation and estimate of economies and efficiencies to be gained; an explanation of the impact on student learning, parents, employees, and child nutrition services. / C 543 L 09
SHB 1319 / Prohibiting school district employees from using public assets for private gain.Prohibits a school district employee from employing orusing any person, money, or property under the employee'sofficial control or direction, in his or her official custody,without authorization, for the private benefit or gain of theemployee or another.Directs OSPI to adopt disciplinary guidelines for violations ofthe act. / Sullivan / Each school district board of directors may adopt policies permitting occasional use, of de minimis cost and value, if the activity does not interfere with the proper performance of public duties. / C 224 L 09
HB 1322 / Repealing scoliosis screening in schools. Repeals the program for scoliosis screening in schools. / Green / Removes scoliosis screening as a responsibility of school districts. / C 41 L 09
SHB 1323 / Providing for coordination of workforce and economic development. Provides for coordination of workforce and economicdevelopment.Requires the employment security department to analyzelabor market and economic data, including the use of input/outputmodels, for the purpose of identifying industryclusters and strategic industry clusters that meet thecriteria identified by the working group convened by theeconomic development commission and the workforce training andeducation coordinating board in RCW 43.330.280.Requires the state board for community and technicalcolleges, in consultation with business, industry, labor, theworkforce training and education coordinating board, thedepartment of community, trade, and economic development, theemployment security department, and community and technicalcolleges, to designate centers of excellence and allocatefunds to existing and new centers of excellence based on acompetitive basis.Requires the workforce training and educationcoordinating board to work with the director of the departmentof community, trade, and economic development and the economicdevelopment commission to ensure coordination among workforcetraining priorities, the long-term economic developmentstrategy of the economic development commission, and economicdevelopment and entrepreneurial development efforts, includingbut not limited to assistance to industry clusters.Directs the state comprehensive plan for workforcetraining and education to identify the strategic industryclusters targeted by the workforce development system.Requires workforce development councils, in partnershipwith local elected officials, to develop and maintain a localunified plan for the workforce development system includingbut not limited to the local plan required by P.L. 105-220,Title I.Requires the workforce training and educationcoordinating board to work with workforce development councilsto develop implementation and funding strategies. / Kenney / None / C 151 L 09
SHB 1347 / Regarding financial education.Changes the name of the Financial Literacy Public-Private Partnership to the Financial Education Public-Private Partnership (FEP) and assigns responsibilities such as communicating financial education standards to school districts, reviewing curriculum, and providing guidance for professional development, to the extent funds are available.Requires an annual report to the Legislature. Modifies the composition and duties of the partnership.Authorizes the partnership and OSPI to implementdemonstration projects if funds are provided. / Santos / If funds are available, up to four school districts may be selected to participate in the demonstration projects. / C 443 L 09
2SHB 1355 / Establishing the opportunity internship program for high school students. Creates the opportunity internship program to provideincentives for opportunity internship consortia to useexisting resources to build educational and employmentpipelines to high-demand occupations in targeted industriesfor low-income high school students.
Requires the higher education coordinating board to workwith institutions of higher education to assure that theinstitutions are aware of the eligibility of opportunityinternship graduates for an award under chapter 28B.92 RCW(state student financial aid program).Requires the workforce training and educationcoordinating board to: (1) In consultation with the Washingtonstate apprenticeship and training council, select thoseconsortia that demonstrate the strongest commitment andreadiness to implement a high quality opportunity internshipprogram for low-income high school students;(2) Place a priority on consortia with demonstratedexperience working with similar populations of students anddemonstrated capacity to assist a large number of studentsthrough the progression of internship or pre-apprenticeship,high school graduation, postsecondary education, and retentionin a high-demand occupation;(3) Place a priority on programs that emphasize secondarycareer and technical education and non-baccalaureatepostsecondary education;(4) Enter into a contract with each consortium selectedto participate in the program;(5) Seek federal funds that may be used to support theopportunity internship program; and(6) Conduct an outcome evaluation of opportunityinternship programs. / Probst / Participating schools will be able to offer low-income students the opportunity to learn about high-demand occupations. Participating high schools will also work with the consortia to incorporate the opportunity internship program into comprehensive guidance and counseling programs. / C 238 L 09
2SHB1373 / Concerning children's mental health services.Requires the department of social and health services andthe children's mental health evidence-based practice instituteestablished in RCW 71.24.061 to collaborate to encourage anddevelop incentives for the use of prescribing practices andevidence-based and research-based treatment practicesdeveloped under RCW 74.09.490 by mental health professionalsserving children under RCW 74.09.521.Eliminates the expiration date for increasing the annualnumber of office visits available to children needingoutpatient mental health therapy in managed care programs andon a fee-for-service basis. / Dickerson / None / C 388 L 09
EHB 1385 / Modifying provisions relating to sexual misconduct by school employees.Protects enrolled school students from sexual misconduct by school employees.Specifically, it provides that a school employee is guilty of sexual misconduct with a minor in the first or second degree when he or she has sexual intercourse or sexual contact with an enrolled student of the same school who is at least 16 years old but less than 21 years old, if the employee is at least 60 months older than the student. / Haler / This bill clarifies misconduct by employees against enrolled students of a public school, or who are receiving home-based instruction. / C 324 L 09
HB 1394 / Changing the timeline for the state comprehensive plan for workforce training and education.Revises the process for developing and updating the state comprehensive plan for workforce training and education. / White / None / C 92 L 09
HB 1395 / Clarifying terms for workforce and economic development.Clarifies terms for workforce and economic development.Expires section 5 of the act on June 30, 2013. / Wallace / None / C 353 L 09
HB 1475 / Requiring state agency rule-making information to be posted on each state agency's web site.Requires each state agency, within existing resources, to maintain a web site that contains the agency's rule-making information. / Orcutt / None / C 93 L 09
ESHB1553 / Addressing claims for damages against the state and local governmental entities.
Amends procedures applicable to claims filed against local governments and the state, including requiring the claim to be presented on a standard tort claim form.Provided that substantial compliance with the procedural requirements of the claim filing statues is satisfactory.Allows an action to be commenced in court within five days after the expiration of the 60-day period in the claim filing statute.Provides that claims involving health care are governed by the medical malpractice statutes. / Takko / None / C 433 L 09
HB 1562 / Changing the requirements for graduating without a certificate of academic achievement or a certificate of individual achievement.Changes the requirements for graduating without a certificate of academic achievement or a certificate of individual achievement. Students graduating through the class of 2012 are no longer required to continue taking the appropriate mathematics assessment annually until graduation.Students are still required to take two math credits after their sophomore year (one credit after their junior year for the class of 2008), but these credits are no longer required to be additional credits. / Liias / Students graduating through the class of 2012 are no longer required to continue taking a mathematics assessment annually until graduation. / C 17 L 09
ESHB 1619 / Concerning the use of capital projects funds by school districts.Authorizes certain school district capital projects fundsto be used for major renovation of facilities and systems whenthe repairs will extend the useful life of the facility orsystem beyond its original planned useful life, majorequipment repair, painting of facilities, and other majorpreventative maintenance purposes. / White / This bill gives school districts flexibility in spending capital projects funds. / C 460 L 09
HB 1675 / Changing the work experience provisions of the alternative route partnershipgrant program.Work experience requirements for teacher candidates pursuing residency teacher certificationthrough alternative certification routes one and two are decreased from three years to oneyear.Work experience requirements for candidates pursuing residency teacher certificationthrough alternative certification routes three and four are removed. / Sells / Allows candidates pursuing residency teacher certification throughalternative certification routes to have fewer years of work experience. / C 166 L 09
ESHB 1694 / Supplemental Operating Budget – 2007- 2009. / Linville / Multiple.See budget summary. / C 4 L 09
ESHB 1741 / Expanding the list of crimes that require dismissal or certificate revocation for school employees. Expands the list of crimes that require dismissal or certificate revocation for school employees.This bill allows superintendents and administrators to file complaints with OSPI regarding certificated individuals, regardless of whether the individual is employed by the complainant. Requires mandatory revocation if a certificate is obtained through fraudulent means.Authorizes recovery of compensation paid to an employee during administrative leave who is eventually terminated for one of the crimes. Requires immediate notification by a superintendent to OSPI regarding the termination of an employee for a conviction or guilty plea of one of the crimes and requires OSPI to keep record of such notices. / Darneille / Superintendents are required to provide immediate notification to OSPI regarding the termination of a certificated employee for any felony crime specified in the bill. / C 396 L 09
SHB 1758 / Expanding options for students to earn high school diplomas. Expands students' options and choices for completing high school by awarding diplomas to students who complete certain postsecondary programs.Individuals enrolled in Running Start or who are over 21 who enroll in a community or technical college and complete an Associate’s Degree are awarded a high school diploma from the college, on written request of the student. / Quall / School districts must include notice of the high school expanded options to pupils in grades 10-12. / C 524 L 09
SHB 1793 / Addressing alternative student transportation. Establishes a safe routes to school program within the Department of Transportation.Requires the Department of Transportation to:(1)Administer a competitive grant program for the safe routes to
school program;(2) Use grant funds to award non-infrastructure grants,which emphasize education, encouragement, and enforcementefforts, only if the grant applicant can establish that thecurrent engineered infrastructure of the school providesadequate safe walking and biking routes within the relevantschool walk boundary;(3) Provide information, resources, outreach, training,and program evaluation support to grantees awarded grantsunder the grant program;(4) Contract with a nonprofit or a consortium ofnonprofits that demonstrate an expertise in alternativetransportation programs and policies, including implementationof the safe routes to school program; and(5) Coordinate evaluation methods and findings with thoseof the national center for safe routes to school in order tostandardize program evaluation, measure Washington's progressto that of other states, and learn from safe routes to schoolprograms across the country. / Williams / None / C 392 L 09
EHB 1824 / Requiring the adoption of policies for the management of concussion and head injury in youth sports.Directs each school district's board of directors to workin concert with the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association to develop guidelines and other pertinentinformation and forms to inform and educate coaches, youthathletes, and their parents and/or guardians of the nature andrisk of concussion and head injury including continuing toplay after concussion or head injury.A youth athlete who is suspected of sustaining a concussion or head injury in a practice or game shall be removed from competition at that time, and will not be allowed to return to play until the athlete is evaluated by a licensed health care provider trained in the evaluation and management of concussion and receives written clearance to return to play from that health care provider. States that the health care provider can be a volunteer and those volunteers are not liable other than for gross negligence or willful misconduct.Requires nonprofit organizations providing sports on school grounds to provide a statement of compliance with these guidelines. / Rodne / Districts are to work in concert with the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) to adopt guidelines and inform coaches, athletes and parents of the dangers concussions and head injuries. / C 475 L 09
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