Scheduled Carcinogens: User Notification Record

Please read notes prior to completing this form:
  • Only one (1) Scheduled Carcinogen to be listed per form.

  • A Risk Assessment MUST be completed and approved by the supervisor and safety officer and must be attached to this document. Refer to Monash University Risk Management Programme

Part A - Personal Information
Full Name:
First / Middle / Surname
Staff/Student ID Number:
Date of Birth:
Residential Address:
Part B - Details Of Use
VWA License Number:
Name of Scheduled Carcinogen being used:
Describe the use of the scheduled carcinogen substance and for what purpose:
List the laboratory and fume cupboard to be used:
List the amount of Substance Used in (g):
List the type of gloves that will be used:
Proposed Periods of use:
From (Date) / To (Date)
1. / 1.
2. / 2.
3. / 3.
4. / 4.
5. / 5.
Part C - Health Surveillance
Is Health surveillance required as indicated in the risk assessment? / Yes / If Yes, please contact the OHS Branch on 990 51014.
No / If No, complete the remaining fields on this form.
Part D - Authorization
The below signatories have reviewed the risk assessment and discussed the proposed procedures to be implemented whilst handling the named scheduled carcinogen and to the best of their knowledge are satisfied that appropriate health and safety precautions have been taken.
Supervisors Name:
Supervisors Signature: / Date:
Safety Officers Name:
Safety Officers Signature: / Date:
Completed copies of these documents should be provided to the OHS branch, the nominated user and kept on file in the academic/administrative unit.
The HR Services Collection Statement can be found on

Scheduled Carcinogens: Exit Statement

Full Name:
First / Middle / Surname
Staff/Student ID Number:
Date of Birth:
Residential Address:
Name of Scheduled Carcinogen/s Used at Monash University: / 1. / 4.
2. / 5.
3. / 6.
Period of time worked with the scheduled carcinogen/s:
From (Date) / To (Date) / Duration (Months)
Health surveillance: / Health surveillance has been a requirement during the period of using the scheduled carcinogen. / Yes No
Yes / Contact the OHS Branch on 990 51014 for further information.
No / No further follow up required, unless specifically requested. An employee may contact their general practitioner for advice.
Authorisation: / Head of Academic/Administrative Unit:
Signature: / Date:
The HR Services Collection Statement can be found on

Scheduled carcinogen user record, v1.1Responsible Officer: Manager, OHSPage 1 of 2

Date of first issue: August 2011Date of last review: September 2014Date of next review: 2017

For the latest version of this document please go to: