Business Education Exploratory 6
Course Code: 7083000
Stephenson Middle School
Teacher: LaToya Maddox / Email:Room Number/s: 106 / Phone Number: 678- 676-4457
Semester: All / Tutorial Days: By Appointment Only
Textbook: Century 21 Jr. Input Technologies & Computer Applications / Tutorial Hours: By Appointment Only
Textbook Price: $45.00 / Tutorial Location: Room#106
Department Philosophy: The Career, Technical and Agricultural Education Department believes that education’s most important function is to provide all students with the skills needed for post-secondary and careers. This is accomplished by providing interest-based programs that meet industry standards.
Course Description: Using project based instruction students are introduced to the principles of business in the 21st century while refreshing their keyboarding skills. This course should also help students to use computers effectively in their lives, thus providing a connection of computer science and business careers.
In this course, middle school students build a knowledge base of computer applications, information systems, internet safety, 21st century skills, and business and computer science careers of the 21st century.
Internet Acceptable Use: Use of the Internet must be in support of education and research and consistent with the educational objectives of the DeKalb County School System. The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in cancellation of those privileges. Any student user not complying with the DeKalb County School System Internet Acceptable Use Agreement shall lose Internet privileges for a period of not less than one week.
FBLA: The development of positive personal qualities and leadership is a vital component in career success. In this course that development is achieved through a variety of methods, which include Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). FBLA is a student organization that is designed to enhance this class. FBLA provides career and leadership development through peer interactions, adult mentoring, and competitions based on knowledge and skills learned in the classroom.
Course Schedule
Week 1 / Unit 1 – Digital Communication Tools / Week 6 / Unit 4 – Word processing, Desktop Publishing, and Document FormattingWeek 2 / Unit 2 - Keyboarding / Week 7 / Unit 5 – Computer Applications
Week 3 / Unit 2 - Keyboarding / Week 8 / Unit 5 – Computer Applications
Week 4 / Unit 3 – Alternative Input Technologies / Week 9 / End of Course Project
Week 5 / Unit 4 – Word processing, Desktop Publishing, and Document Formatting
Georgia Performance Standards: Performance standards provide clear expectations for assessment, instruction, and student work. They define the level of work that demonstrates achievement of the standards. The performance standards isolate and identify the skills needed to use the knowledge and skills to problem-solve, reason, communicate, and make connections with other information.
Standards Covered in this Course:
MSBCS-BCSI-1. Students will identify computer system components.
MSBCS-BCSI-2. Students will identify and demonstrate computer maintenance and safety.
MSBCS-BCSI-3. Students will develop an individual career plan reflecting their personal traits and values.
MSBCS-BCSI-4. Students will develop keyboarding skills by touch with speed and accuracy.
MSBCS-BCSI-5. Students will discuss Internet safety and security issues.
MSBCS-BCSI-6. Students will utilize the Internet as a resource.
MSBCS-BCSI-7. Students will develop and model employability skills.
MSBCS-BCSI-8. Students will utilize word processing software.
MSBCS-BCSI-9. Students will develop and apply basic spreadsheet skills.
MSBCS-BCSI-10. Students will develop and apply basic database skills.
MSBCS-BCSI-11. Students will develop and apply basic desktop publishing skills.
MSBCS-BCSI-12. Students will acquire basic knowledge and skills of multimedia/presentation software.
Grading Scale:
Area / PercentagePre-Assessments (i.e. SLOs or teacher-made pre-test) / 0%
Formative Assessments/ Assessment During Learning / 25%
Guided, Independent, or Group Practice / 45%
Summative Assessments/Post Assessments / 30%
Total / 100%
Required Materials: 1” Notebook and 5-tab Dividers, 16 GB Flash Drive, Pen, Pencil, and Loose Leaf Notebook Paper
Classroom Expectations: Respect yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and school property.
1. All students are expected to arrive to class promptly and prepared. As soon as the last bell rings, students are expected to be in their assigned seats, otherwise a student is considered tardy.
2. It is the student’s responsibility to bring all required materials to class every day.
3. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. If you allow/assist someone to cheat, all parties involved will receive a zero and your parents will be notified immediately.
4. NO gum, candy, food, or drinks are allowed in this classroom/lab at any time.
5. Keep the room clean and respect the equipment and furnishing
6. Absolutely no use of vulgar, profane, or inappropriate language in the classroom
7. Students should use the restroom during class change--you will not be permitted to go unless it is an emergency.
8. Students are not to groom in class, this includes hair, make-up, nails, etc…
9. Electronic devices, cellular phones, MP3 players, hand-held games, cards, or any other material not related to or used in this class should be left at home. Bringing these items to class will result in confiscation. Items will be released only to a parent or guardian.
10. When using the computer lab, NO student is to use the computer for activities that do not relate to this class; therefore, you should not be checking e-mail, chatting, playing games, downloading, uploading, doing research for another class, listening to music, personal browsing, etc….When allowed to use the Internet, visiting websites that are not appropriate for school or not educationally related is PROHIBITED. Violators will face consequences as outlined in the student handbook.
** All students should observe ALL the rules and regulations in the Student Handbook. **
Late Assignments: Students will lose 10 points for late assignments and an additional 10 points for each day it is late.
Make-up Policy: IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO FIND OUT WHAT MAKEUP WORK IS TO BE DONE. If you have an excused absence, you will be allowed the same number of days as your absence in order to make up work missed. Make up work must be done after or before school, NOT during class.
Re-do Policy: If a student turns in an assignment that receives a failing mark, the student has the opportunity to redo the assignment. The following exclusions apply: multiple-choice test and other assignments as decided at the discretion of the instructor. The student must conference with the teacher within one week after receiving the assignment. After conferencing with the instructor, the assignment will be given back to the student to redo. The assignment must be completed and returned within one week after the conference. Once the redo assignment is completed and corrected, it will be averaged with the original grade. It is the student’s responsibility to take advantage of the redo policy. At the end of the 9 week marking period, students no longer have the option to redo assignments.
Acknowledgment of Receipt: By signing below, the student and parent/guardian acknowledge that they have read and understood the contents in this Business and Computer Science syllabus.
Student Name(Print)______Date______
Student Signature______Date______
Parent Name(Print)______Date______
Parent Email Address______Phone______
Parent Signature______Date______