Subject Area:
Date of Request:
Please give specific detail on the support required and also
what your expected outcomes are as a result of the SLE support
SLEs can be deployed for a minimum of 1 day
When is the support required?
Contact details of the requesting school:

Please complete this form fully, giving as much details as possible, to enable us to match your needs to our most suitable SLE.

Please return this form to and our Teaching School Administrator will then liaise with the School-to-School support team regarding the brokerage of your SLE support.


Who makes the decision about SLE deployment? / The Teaching School.
What are the priorities for SLE deployment? / Key Performance Indicators.
Which schools are eligible for SLE support? / All schools within All Saints Teaching School Alliance have priority call, however if an SLE is not deployed then a placement outside the Alliance would be considered.
What is the support intended to achieve? / To develop a self-improving school system.
How is the SLE home school to be paid? / The Teaching School will pay the home (supplying school) upon receipt of their invoice in accordance with the amounts stated on the SLE Deployment Form.
The financial arrangements will be handled by All Saints Teaching School Alliance, who will raise an invoice to charge the host school and in turn the home school will invoice All Saints Teaching School Alliance in order to be reimbursed.
Can the Local Authority or other strategic partner block book an SLE(s) to meet its own priorities? / Yes - as long as the deployment is in keeping with the Teaching School priorities.
How many days should an SLE be deployed in one school? / The amount of time is negotiable, as long as the deployment contract is clear and the targets are appropriate/realistic to the timescale. As a guide, teaching schools are looking to deploy their SLEs for 15 days per year.
Should SLEs be available on demand? / SLEs are not for intervention/firefighting. Their deployment should be foreseen and dependent on the whole school improvement plan. However, All Saints Teaching School Alliance may consider such deployment in exceptional circumstances.
What is a reasonable expectation of the flexibility of deployment of an SLE? / SLE’s have timetabled commitments in their schools, therefore receiving schools will have to accommodate this.
How is the impact of SLE deployment to be evaluated? / How the impact of the SLE is monitored will be specified in the SLE Deployment Form.
Is the SLE involved in the initial meetings to discuss the SLE Deployment Agreement? / Not usually – the SLE will be introduced once the diagnostic meeting has taken place and the most appropriate SLE identified.