Lord Street
Community Nursery School
Overall Objectives of the Post
To assist the Head teacher in all aspects of school life
Supervisory Responsibilities
To whom: The Head Teacher and the Senior Leadership Team
Duties and responsibilities will include
Planning, Teaching and Class Management
- To take a lead role in continuing to raise standards. Planning teaching to achieve progression of learning to ensure that children achieve good or better progress and outcomes
- To have a creative approach towards new initiatives; being prepared to adapt practice where benefits are identified
- Be prepared to support staff to deliver stimulating and challenging opportunities in response to ‘in the moment planning’ within the Early Years environment, providing opportunity for children to develop independence Recording ‘in the moment planning’ responses that have been implemented and their impact.
- Ensuring appropriate differentiation of learning activities to meet the full range of children’s learning needs
- Setting tasks which challenge children and ensure high levels of interest and motivation
- Setting appropriate and demanding expectationsfor both staff and children
- Setting clear targets, building on prior attainment
- Identifying children with special educational/additional needs or very able children
- Ensure effective teaching and best use of available time
Use a variety of teaching methods to:
- Use effective questioning, listen carefully to children, coach and mentor children help to develop sustained shared thinking
- Select appropriate learning resources
- Ensure children acquire and consolidate knowledge, skills and understanding
- Evaluate and reflect on their own teaching critically to improve effectiveness
- Take account of children’s needs by providing learning opportunities which develop the Foundation Stage curriculum
- Encourage children to communicate about their learning, develop self-control and independence, concentrate, persevere, and listen
Monitoring, Assessment, Recording, Reporting
- To play a key role in the strategic development of the school, leading and managing staff and taking responsibility for the effective deployment of staff andresources
- To have responsibility for monitoring progress and achievement across the school including analysis of data to improve outcomes for children
- Assess and record children’s' progress systematically and keep records to monitor strengths and weaknesses, inform planning and recognise the level at which the pupil is achieving
- Using observation and assessments to inform and adapt the continuous provision to meet children’s learning needs
- Monitor and intervene to ensure sound learning and positive behaviour management
- Prepare and present informative reports to parents
Curriculum Responsibility as Part of a Curriculum Team
- Liaise with the Head teacher, staff, parents and relevant outside agencies
- Keep curriculum policies and schemes up to date
- Develop and maintain a curriculum responsibility
- Support other staff with their curriculum knowledge, planning, teaching, learning and assessment
- Liaise with staff and the Head Teacher to organise and identify staff development opportunities
- Coach and mentor students and staff to develop knowledge and skills
- Experience of carrying out appraisal orperformance management
Other Professional Requirements
- Have a working knowledge of teachers' professional duties and legal liabilities
- Operate at all times within the stated policies, practices and ethos of the school
- Follow and ensure others comply with school and local policies and procedures for safeguarding, child protection and health and safety
- Establish effective working relationships and set a good example through their presentation and personal and professional conduct
- Endeavour to give every child the opportunity to reach their potential and meet high expectations
- Contribute to the corporate life of the school through effective participation in meetings and management systems necessary to coordinate the management of the school
- Take responsibility for their own professional development and duties in relation to school policies and practices
- Establish and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues and parents
General to:
- Take on specific tasks related to the day to day administration and organisation of the school
- Take on any additional responsibilities which might from time to time be determined
The appointment is subject to the current conditions of employment for Class Teachers contained in the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document, the School Standards and Framework Act, the required standards for Qualified Teacher Status and Class Teachers and other current legislation.
This job description may be amended at any time following discussion between the head teacher and member of staff, and will be reviewed annually.
Lord Street Community Nursery School
Lord Street, Allenton, Derby DE24 9AX
T: 01332 349363 E:
Headteacher: MrsD Malley