Request for Quotes (RFQ)
Highway Design Training
Solicitation Number: 6100040203
PennDOT builds and maintains roads and highways in Pennsylvania. The Department provides training to all those involved highway design so they can follow current, uniform procedures and guidelines for the application and design of safe, convenient, efficient and attractive highways that are compatible with their service characteristics and that satisfy the needs of highway users while maintaining the integrity of the environment.
The objective of this project is to provide training related to Highway Design and to update and revise courses as necessary on behalf of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), Business Leadership and Administrative Services Office (BLASO), Technical Training and Development Section (TTDS).
The term of the contract shall be upon Notice to Proceed through June 30, 2017.
The awarded Contractor shall implement the following when instructing each course:
· Application of Adult Learning Theory throughout delivery.
· Hands-on activities combined with facilitated discussion of essential learning factors with application to a technical environment providing the opportunity for participants to share experiences and solutions.
· PennDOT-related transportation scenarios to stimulate awareness and discussion.
The awarded Contractor shall:
• Not use participant contact information for any reason outside the scope of this project.
• Not subcontract the in-classroom teaching without the expressed knowledge and consent of the TTDS Project Manager.
• Acknowledge that all PennDOT copyright training materials, detailed outlines of program agenda, lesson plans and facilitation aids are property of PennDOT.
• Have the necessary number of instructors available for each class scheduled. This would include a substitute instructor on standby for any unforeseen circumstances.
• For costing purposes, estimate one (1) instructor per course.
• Proofread all necessary course materials for completeness, including all grammatical and punctuation errors.
• Revise the course material which shall include a participant workbook, a PowerPoint presentation, classroom exercises, visual aids, final exam and any other material needed to present each course.
• Provide in an electronic medium, all the printable materials in its original format as well as in a PDF format and a detailed explanation on how the materials shall be put together.
PennDOT shall be responsible for all printed course materials, including any publications where applicable.
• Additional/substitute instructors must be approved by the Project Manager through a written request from the awarded Contractor.
• Provide the TTDS Project Manager with a detailed log of items included in the invoice along with an OS-501 Confirmation of Services form.
A1: Basic Highway Design Skills (Max 35 students per class)
Deliverable: One (1) course offering – Notice to proceed through June 30, 2017.
This is a three (3) day course (22.5 hours) intended for the Project Delivery staff, including Level 1 Project Managers in the Project Delivery and the consultant community. It covers basic geometric design skills and related chapters of Design Manual, Part 2 and the AASHTO Green Book.
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
· Categorize roadways based on the functional classifications used by PennDOT and explain how mobility and land access are related to functional classifications.
· Determine key traffic parameters and variables (given a highway’s functional classification, average running speed, Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) volume on two previous, non-consecutive years, directional split, and various peak hour flow rates collected over consecutive 15-minute intervals.
· Define the term “Design Speed” and explain how it influences roadway design, and list factors that affect its selection;
· Define the term “Running Speed” and describe its relation to traffic conditions, and list factors that affect its selection.
· Use the figures and tables in the workbook to determine the different types of design vehicles and list their respective minimum turning radii and physical dimensions.
· Identify which of the four basic classes of vehicles has the greatest effect on traffic flow and roadway geometric features, and explain why.
· Use the PennDOT design criteria charts in Design Manual 2 (DM-2) to determine the appropriate design parameters (given the functional classification of a roadway).
· Define various terms used in surveying and calculate Turning Point and Height of Instrument elevations.
· Determine the required rate of superelevation for various combinations of horizontal curvature and design speed.
· Determine station limits of pavement widening, passing sight distance and key components of vertical curves.
· List the four categories of sight distance.
· Define perception reaction time, and calculate vehicle stopping distance given an initial vehicle speed and roadway grade.
A2: Advanced Highway Design Skills (Max 35 students per class)
Deliverable: One (1) course offering – Notice to proceed through June 30, 2017.
This three (3) day course (22.5 hours) intended for highway design engineers and consultants who already have a solid understanding of basic principles and are looking for clarification of topics presented in DM-2 and AASHTO Green Book.
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
· Understand traffic concepts required for highway design, including AADT, Peak Hour Factors, heavy vehicle percentages and Level of Service. Also understand Maintenance and Protection of Traffic parameters.
· Understand advanced Coordinate Geometry and Surveying concepts
Gain familiarity with PennDOT’s standard typical sections, and basic roadway and roadside elements, including pavement, median, shoulders, curbing, clear zones, roadside barrier, and side slopes.
· Understand Horizontal Alignment and Superelevation features including circular curve layout, spiral curve selection, horizontal sight distance calculation, and traveled way determination.
· Understand Vertical Alignment features.
· Incorporating geometric and MPT requirements into drainage design.
· Designing typical and innovative intersections and interchanges, including
Auxiliary Lanes, Diverging Diamonds, Displaced Left Turn, U-turn Intersections, Continuous T intersections, and Roundabouts.
· Incorporating other elements affecting geometric design including Community Context, “Placemaking,”“Flexible Design,” Public Involvement, sidewalk criteria, 3-R Criteria, and ADA considerations.
· Identification of key highway design elements in DM-2 and the AASHTO Green Book.
A3: DM1C Engineering Procedures (Max 35 students per class)
Deliverable: One (1) course offering – Notice to proceed through June 30, 2017.
This is a two (2) day course (11.5 hours) intended for an audience of PennDOT employees and consultants, at all levels of engineers, designers, and project managers, who will use the Design Manual-Part 1C and are responsible for advancing projects through the Transportation Project Development Process.
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
· Review and describe and explain Pre-TIP and TIP Project Development Activities, including Scoping Field View, Pre-Tip Purpose and Need, Conceptual Alternatives Analysis, and Cost Estimate. (DM-1C Ch2)
· Review and describe the considerations and activities of Preliminary Engineering (PE) procedures required to develop an appropriate project including: (DM-1C Ch3)
o Project Purpose and Need
o Context Sensitive Solutions, Design Flexibility and Fitting Project Scope and Scale
o Project Classification - Oversight Status (DM-1X App. C)
o Safety Review Procedures (DM-1X App. O)
o Design Exception Request (DM-1X App. P)
o Points of Access (DM-1X App. Q)
o Design Value Engineering Review Procedures (DM-1X App. R)
o Bicycle and Pedestrian Checklist (DM-1X App. S)
· Review and describe the procedures, activities, and coordination necessary for Final Design Plan Development including: (DM-1C Ch4)
o Public, Public Official, and Agency Coordination
o Right-of-Way and utility coordination
o Final Design Office Meeting
o Special Provision development
o Cost Containment policy
o Coordination for special purpose project plans such as Transportation Enhancement Projects.
· Review and describe PENNDOT’s construction review procedures including value engineering, innovative bidding techniques and procedures, key construction management techniques, and as-built plans. (DM1C-Ch. 5)
Presentation: Contractors shall provide a unit cost per class for Task A as shown on the Cost Matrix, Attachment B, all inclusive of the contractors cost to provide the courses as described with the exception of materials for students. The presentation cost shall include travel time to the training location, costs incurred for overnight stays, as well as subsistence entitlement.
Travel costing shall conform to the requirements of the most current version of Commonwealth Management Directive 230.10, Travel Allowances which can be found at:
Subsistence costing shall conform to the requirements of the most current version of U.S. General Services Administration rates and are available on the U.S. GSA website at:
Materials: PennDOT’s policy is to print course materials through PennDOT’s Graphic Services Center. No later than forty-five (45) days prior to the first class of each fiscal year, the awarded contractor is to provide, in an electronic medium, all presentation and printable material in its original format, as well as in a PDF format, and a detailed explanation of how the materials are to be put together.
Class Location: The actual location of each course will be determined by the TTDS Project Manager during the validity period of the PO resulting from this RFQ and be based on local need and a rational distribution throughout PennDOT districts. The contractor shall estimate the following locations for costing purposes:
· Fiscal Year 16 (Notice to proceed to June 30, 2017)
o Basic Highway Design Skills - One (1) in the East
o Advanced c Highway Design Skills - One (1) in the East
o DM1C Engineering Procedures - One (1) in Harrisburg
For costing purposes Central class offerings shall be considered Districts 2-0, 3-0, 8-0, or 9-0; Western class offerings shall be considered Districts 1-0, 10-0, 11-0, or 12-0; and Eastern class offerings shall be considered Districts 4-0, 5-0, or 6-0. A map of PennDOT Districts can be viewed at this link:$File/Map_of_Districts.pdf
PennDOT shall provide the awarded Contractor with an instructor packet at each course location. This packet shall consist of name tents, sign-in sheets, student evaluations, an instructor evaluation, tests, bubble sheets for the answers) and a UPS return envelope. The instructor shall administer the exam(s) associated with this course. The contractor shall submit the completed student exams to PennDOT, BLASO, TTDS, 400 North Street, 7th Floor, Harrisburg, PA within two (2) weeks of the end of the course. PennDOT will be responsible for grading the tests and administering any certificates to business partners.
PennDOT will provide a standard classroom setting at each course location with a projector, screen, white board and/or flip charts, markers for both the white board and flip charts.
A brief description and summary of the learning outcomes for each course listed in the statement of work can be found at the PennDOT Training Calendar ( The course materials are available for review during the procurement period. Please send an email to no later than 1:00 p.m. on October 11, 2016 to request a link to the course materials.
When requesting payment for work completed under Task A: Training, the awarded Contractor shall include a list of courses presented to include the date and the location of the training along with an OS-501 Confirmation of Services form.
Deliverables: Two (2) Individuals attending One (1) Mandatory Planning Session – Notice to Proceed through June 30, 2017.
Within three (3) weeks of the Notice to Proceed, a meeting will be scheduled with the awarded Contractor, the TTDS Project Manager, and other PennDOT assigned attendees to confirm a thorough understanding of the project. In Fiscal Year 16, the meeting shall take place at PennDOT’s central office located at 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA, 17120. The mandatory planning session will last no more than two (2) hours.
Cost shall be based on the time of the awarded Contractor’s Project Manager and one (1) instructor or developer. The Contractor shall provide a deliverable cost in the Cost Matrix, Attachment B that includes all costs associated with this task, including travel in FY16. Each deliverable is for one person to attend the mandatory planning session.
Topics of the meeting shall include, but not be limited to:
· Schedule of work to be completed and any issues or clarifications.
· Deployment of a plan to track actual work completed against scheduled work.
· Attendance plans, course location plans, and a tentative course roll-out schedule.
· Invoicing procedures.
When requesting payment for work completed under Task B: Mandatory Planning Session, the awarded Contractor shall include the date of the meeting, along with an OS-501-Confirmation of Services form.
Deliverable: The following deliverables are called for in Task C: Course Revisions and Updates.
C1: Participant Manual, Power Point Presentation, Case Studies and Exam for DM1C Engineering Procedures Training – Notice to proceed through June 30, 2017.
Course revisions should include revising and updating all the Training materials in Task: A3. The revisions should include the following:
· Provide a classroom case study example that illustrates engineering procedures, not engineering design. The current case study illustrates policy in DM-2, design criteria, etc. Use a newer project which requires many review and approval steps. For example, one of the following type of projects can be used: federal oversight interchange reconstruction/reconfiguration with Scoping, Traffic Studies, Alternative analysis, Design Exceptions, Line and Grade, Safety Review, DFV, Value Engineering, structure plans, foundations, Final ROW plans, Utility, FDOM, PS&E, etc. In the new case study example, students should learn how to identify which reviews and approvals are necessary for each step. The project design itself can be simple.
· Organize the course slides per subject matter, not necessarily in the order of DM-1C. For example, if scoping, cost estimates, utilities or value engineering are discussed several times in the DM, then only discuss it once in the classroom and explain that it can happen in several phases of a project.
· Provide more slides on engineering procedures that are frequently used or have recently been updated (Line and Grade, DFV, etc). Skip policy in manuals that is outdated (parts of Chapter 4).
· Provide slides of key DM-1X, Appendices: C, O, P, Q, R, AB, and AC. Highlight key concepts of these Appendices on slides as part of the presentation. Do not leave all contents of appendices until the end; instead, integrate within the presentation.