RFQ ANT-E-13630 End of Project evaluation

Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the supply of

End of project evaluationANT-E-13630

1About GOAL

GOAL is an international humanitarian agency, currently operating in 17 countries worldwide, dedicated to alleviating the suffering of the poorest of the poor. We are a non-denominational, non-governmental and non-political organisation. For more information on GOAL and its operations please visit

In Syria, GOAL works in Idleb and Aleppo governorates from an office in Harem, supported by an office in Antakya, Turkey. GOAL has been working in northern Syria since October 2012 and focuses on Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Shelter, and Emergency Response. Through these programmes, GOAL reaches households in 178 locations across northern Idleb governorate, as well as supporting 50 bakeries and water networks serving 133 villages and towns.


Line / Item / Date
1 / RFQ published / 29th March 2017
2 / Closing date and time for receipt of quotations / 19th April 2017, 17:30 GMT5th May 2017, 17:30 GMT
3 / Contract award forecast / 8th May 2017
4 / Field data collection end date (if applicable) / 14th June 2017

3Supply Requirement

GOAL Syria is seeking a rigorous external end-of-project evaluation for its two-yearDFID-funded multi-sector response. The evaluation will be organised along OECD evaluation criteria and will assess the extent to which GOAL met its project objectives while providing lessons learned and best practices to inform future programming.

GOAL therefore invites prospective suppliersto submit their quotationfor the End of Project Evaluationin GOAL’s office in Antakya, Turkey.

The detailed description of the service requirement, and guidelines for technical proposal submission can both be found in Appendix 2.

4Terms of bidding

GOAL, acting in its capacity as Contracting Authority, invites bidders from suitably qualified interested parties that wish to participate for the supply of Business Trainer consultancy services.

This competition is being conducted under GOALsRequest for Quotationprocedure. The Contracting Authority for this procurement is GOAL.

Any queries about this RFQ should be addressed in writing to GOAL via email on . Please include the reference number ANT-E-13630 and words “clarification required” in the subject line

5Conditions of QuotationSubmission

Quotations must be completed in English.

Biddersmust respond to all requirements set out in this RFQand complete their offer in the format requested in Appendix 2.

In the event of a contract being awarded to a bidderthat has knowingly withheld relevant information or otherwise misled GOAL in the evaluation process in any way, then that contract will be rendered null and void

Any conflicts of interest involving a tenderer must be fully disclosed to GOAL particularly where there is a conflict of interest in relation to any recommendations or proposals put forward by the tenderer

GOAL is not bound to accept the lowest, or any bidsubmitted and can terminate this competition at any stage.

Information supplied by respondents will be treated as contractually binding.

Unsuccessful bidders will be notified.

GOAL’s standard payment terms are by bank transfer within 30 days after satisfactory implementation and receipt of documents in order.

This document is not construed in any way as an offer to contract

GOAL and all contracted suppliers, and their subcontractors, associates or partners must act in all its procurement and other activities in full compliance with donor requirements and the highest ethical standards.

6Submission of Quotations

Quotes must be delivered in one ofthe following ways:

Quotes must be delivered in the following way:

  1. Email to d in the subject field state:
  2. “Quotation for ANT-ME-14013 TPM revised”
  3. Name of your company
  4. Number of emails that are sent e.g. 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3.

Please note that ALL documents attached to emails must either be in PDF format, or scans of hard copy documents. No excel, word or other ‘soft copy’ documents will be accepted and bids submitted using soft copy documents may be rejected.

Proof of sending does not equal proof of receipt. GOAL is not responsible for any technical faults that may prevent reception of your email.

  1. Delivered by hand, post, courier or other physical means to:

Procurement team


12-13 Cumberland Street

Dun Laoghaire

Co. Dublin

A96 HH30

Republic of Ireland.

The quotation envelope must be labelled with your company name and the reference “Quotation for ANT-E-13630 End of Project Evaluation

This office is open from 9am until 5.30pm on normal business working days in Ireland. This office is not open on Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays.

Important: Offers transmitted in any other manner or offers received after the deadline date and time will not be considered.

All responses will be opened by the GOAL Procurement Committee and all Bidders will be notified of the results.

7Submission checklist

Line / Item / Tick attached
1 / Appendix 1filled and signed
2 / Technical proposal in bidder’s own format, conforming to the guidelines for submission in Appendix 2
3 / Financial proposal in bidder’s own format, conforming to the guidelines for submission in Appendix 2
4 / Appendix 3Self-declaration of finance & tax, filled and signed.
5 / Appendix 4 Standard GOAL Terms and Conditions, signed
6 / At least two relevant examples of past programme evaluation reports and other deliverables (can be anonymised/redacted for privacy). These do not need to be Syria based.
7 / CVs of key personnel involved in the monitoring or research.
8 / Company Registration document

8Eligibility, Qualification and Evaluation Process Award Criteria

The first phase of evaluation of the responses will determine whether the tender meets the preliminary eligibility criteria. These are:

Administrative instructions:

  • Bid submission by the deadline.
  • Submission of all supporting documents as outlined above in section 7.
  • All submissions must be in English. Where a supporting document is in another language, please provide an English translation. The translation can be in-house and does not need to be notarised or official.
  • All costs must be quoted in EUR, USD or GBP. Exchange rates will be calculated as of the closing date for quotation submission, as per GOAL’s set internal monthly exchange rate.

Bidders not conforming to the administrative instructions may have their bids disqualified at this stage, and therefore would not progress to the next stages.

Essential Criteria

  • Be a firm or individual working in academia, social research, or humanitarian evaluation with a background in humanitarian aid, research methods, development economics/studies, and/or other related fields
  • Be a firm or individual with extensive (5 or more years) experience of conducting evaluations along DAC OECD evaluation criteria (experience evaluating DFID projects desirable)
  • Be available to carry out evaluation activities between 1 February to 31 May 2017

The second stage of the evaluation will involve an assessment of the bidders’personal and legal circumstances, economic and financial standing, and technical capacity to fulfil the obligations of the Request for Quotation.

Each proposal that conforms toboth of the above stages will then be evaluated according to the following Award Criteria. Any bids that do not conform to both of the above stages will be rejected at this stage.

Award Criteria

Bidders will be awarded marks under each of the award criteria listed in this section to determine the most economically advantageous tenders. The criteria will be applied in a two stage process, where bidders have to pass a technical review of their proposal and supporting documentation; then a final analysis stage for those shortlisted from stage 1.

Stage 1 Technical review:

  1. Experience in conducting project evaluations relating to GOAL’s programmatic sectors: food security, livelihoods, WASH and shelter.
  2. Experience in conducting project evaluations relating to voucher based, cash and in-kind distribution methodologies.
  3. Overall relevance and feasibility of the technical proposal offered, including timeline and consultant’s personal profile.
  4. Previous experience of conducting project evaluations with NGO/UN/International Organisations.

Stage 2 Final review:

  1. Price.
  2. Proposed timeframe for evaluation.

Marks for price will be awarded on the inverse proportion principle:

Scorevendor = maximum score x (pricemin / pricevendor).

Appendix 1 Company information – this sectionMUST be completed


Company Name
Registration Number
E-mail address
Website address
Year Established
Legal Form. Tick the relevant box / Company
Joint Venture /  Other (specify):
VAT Number (where applicable)
Tax registration number (if different to VAT number)
Directors names and titles
Please state name of any other persons/organisations (except tenderer) who will benefit from this contract.
Parent company
Do you have associated companies? Tick relevant box. If YES – provide details for each company in the form of additional tables in this format.
Yes No
Provide details of contracts of a similar nature carried out in the last two years (please state customer name, delivery location, value of contract, and dates)
Provide details of any applicable Quality Assurance certificates or qualifications your company or employees have:
A statement of overall turnover and turnover in respect to the goods and services offered under the proposed agreement for the last three years as per the following table:
Year / Offered Goods Turnover EUR / Overall Turnover EUR


Please include at least 3 (three) references who may be contacted on a confidential basis to verify satisfactory execution of contracts:
The references should be from past clients (preferably INGO/NGO management staff), including detailed contact details for these individuals. Note: Only current employees with corporate email addresses of the reference organisation will be accepted.
Reference 1
Nature of supply
Approximate value of contract
Reference 2
Nature of supply
Approximate value of contract
Reference 3
Nature of supply
Approximate value of contract
By submitting an offer under this request for quotation ANT-E-13630 the bidder hereby asserts that the following statements are correct at the time of submission; and further undertakes to inform GOAL of any changes in status of these matters.
The bidder is not bankrupt or is being wound up, neither are its affairs are being administered by the court nor has entered into an arrangement with creditors or has suspended business activities or is in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure under national laws and regulation.
The bidder is not the subject of proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy, for an order for compulsory winding up or administration by the court or for an arrangement with creditors or of any other similar proceedings under national laws and regulations.
Neither the bidder, a Director or Partner, has been convicted of an offence concerning his professional conduct by a judgement which has the force of res judicata nor been guilty of grave professional misconduct in the course of their business.
The bidder has fulfilled all its obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions in Ireland or any other state or country in which the tenderer is located or doing business.
Neither the bidder, a Director or Partner has been found guilty of: fraud, money laundering, corruption; convicted of being a member of a criminal organisation; nor of serious misrepresentation in providing information to a public buying agency
The bidder has not contrived to misrepresent its Health & Safety information, Quality Assurance information, or any other information relevant to this application.
Additional query / Response
1 / This evaluation is funded by DFID. Please confirm whether you are currently contracted directly by DFID (including sub-contracting for another organisation), or anticipate to be, during the proposed evaluation.

I confirm that my bid has a validity of 90 of days. If your bid does not have this validity, please state what bid validity you offer.

I confirm that the proposal and the costs provided to accompany it are an accurate reflection of the costs that will be charged to GOAL according to the information provided in this request for quotation; and that there are no other costs associated with using the service that my company offers. I also confirm that I have the authority to sign on behalf of the company that is bidding.

Print name: / Position:
Company Name: / Date:

Appendix 2:

Service specification and technical proposal submission requirements:

1Definitions and Scope

1.1. Project Objectives

The proposed impact of the project is “Vulnerable men, women and children in Syria protect and sustain themselves against the effects of the Syria conflict.” This would be achieved if “urgent and medium-term needs of vulnerable people in Idleb, Syria are met.” Through this project GOAL sought to achieve this result through four sectors – food security and livelihoods (FSL), water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), shelter/NFIs, and humanitarian coordination. Within each sector, GOAL employed a variety of modalities including cash and voucher-based assistance, direct in-kind distributions, and support to systems and infrastructure. GOAL implemented this project directly in the field and through its partners.

As part of the project strategy, these objectives are measured through the following indicators, as well as a number of tracking and counting indicators:

  • % households with an adequate diet diversity
  • % targeted households reporting a child under 5 had an episode of diarrhoea in the past 2 weeks
  • % beneficiaries reporting that they had sufficient stocks to meet household needs in the previous 7 days
  • % target population citing mains water as their main source of water
  • % vouchers redeemed
  • Average litres of water per person per day in targeted areas

1.2.Evaluation Purpose

The purpose of this evaluation is to assess GOAL’s performance and delivery of the DFID-funded project according to OECD evaluation criteria. The evaluation will help GOAL to improve its future programming through lessons learned and best practices generated through this project.

1.3.Evaluation Scope

The research project should be organised around OECD evaluation criteria as follows, with suggested research questions provided.

Relevance: Under which conditions and constraints are each of GOAL’s modalities most appropriate among the most vulnerable populations? Did this programme effectively reach the most vulnerable households? Did the project address the highest priority needs of the affected population?

Effectiveness:To what extent did the project meet the stated project objectives? Was the programme sufficiently adaptable to a fluid and insecure context to deliver outputs in a timely fashion and sufficiently achieve targets? Were the selected modalities effective at meeting the project objectives? Were the monitoring mechanisms effective in providing timely data to inform programming decisions? To what extent did the project meet its targets and deliver outputs?

Impact: To what extent did this project achieve the intended outcome and impact? What was the performance against the stated indicators? Are there any ill effects or unplanned impacts as a result of this project?

Efficiency: Are there any efficiencies gained or lost in the overlap and geographic distribution of project activities? To what extent were project thematic areas cohesive or complementary? What level of cohesiveness and complementary did the project have with other implementing agency projects? Were the various modalities cost-effective? Was the value-added by the programme in line with DFID Value for Money principles (DFID Value for Money in Humanitarian Programming)? Were adequate human and financial resources applied to delivering project outcomes? Were outputs delivered in a timely fashion?

Sustainability: What aspects of GOAL’s relief and early recovery programmes are ‘sustainable’ for target communities? To what extent has this project affected households’ using negative coping strategies?To what extent does the project support the recovery of markets and market systems? What recommendations can be drawn from the experience of water users/operators and GOAL staff on the longer term sustainability of the water provision in Idleb?

1.4.Evaluation Project Tasks

  1. Refine the evaluation objectives and primary research questions in consultation with GOAL Syria’s technical and management teams
  2. Incorporate specific research questions regarding strategic programme areas and activities undertaken during the programme
  3. Devise and test a methodology and evaluation tools to address the specific objectives and individual research questions of the evaluation
  4. Conduct secondary data collection and research, including using GOAL’s existing project monitoring data, to identify gaps in data coverage and knowledge
  5. Collect primary data in Syria to establish and quantify GOAL’s performance against selected programme indicators
  6. Collect primary data in Syria and through various stakeholders in Turkey and Syria to address the specific research questions of the evaluation
  7. Provide a draft report to programme management that will be incorporated into ongoing programme planning and evaluation, as well as recommendations for maximising social impact
  8. Facilitate a workshop to validate the findings of the evaluation with GOAL and partner staff and other stakeholders
  9. Incorporate GOAL feedback into a draft report and prepare a final report. The final report should both describe the results of the evaluation, and provide actionable recommendations for improving GOAL’s programme


A recommended methodology is outlined below, but the final methodology and tools to be used is to be determined by the evaluation team and will be contingent on the above tasks. GOAL recommends a mixed methods approach that can quantify impact and achievement against targets and indicators. Experimental design is encouraged.

At the time of the evaluation, GOAL will have final evaluation reports on a similar food security programme funded by a separate donor, an economic analysis of food security modalities, and a variety of partial or full internal assessment and evaluation reports.


Before arriving in country the evaluation team will do the following:

  • Review key internal and external documents
  • In partnership with the GOAL Syria MEAL Coordinator and Assistant Country Director for Programmes, refine and finalise the specific evaluation questions to be explored from the scope described above
  • Propose to the MEAL Coordinator and programme team the appropriate methodology to be developed for the Syrian context to evaluate the DFID project and address the OECD evaluation criteria
  • Prepare an outline of the data collection methods that are required and the relevant survey templates and participatory data collection guides to be used for data collection
  • Develop a work plan consisting of key milestones required for data collection in order for logistics to be arranged by the MEAL Coordinator

On arrival in-country, the evaluation team will: