World Religions ~ Bingham High School 2017-2018
Instructor: Mr. Kevin D. Moritz
B.A. University of Utah (2002), M.A.T. University of Phoenix (2007)
Email: Phone: 801-256-5100 Ext. 4151
Best Time to Reach Me: M-F After School (until 3:00)
Emails work the best: I usually respond within 48 Hours after receiving the Email.
Student & Parents/Guardians,
I am excited and look forward to spending the semester with your student. I believe that learning World Religions can be a very exciting and relevant study of human behavior as it relates to society and understanding of the world in general. My goal is to teach students to discover a real world application of what the study of sociology teaches us today. Furthermore, I want to impart on your student the ability to read with comprehension and the skills to think critically about what they learn. I encourage you to support my academic efforts in teaching your child. Support and help inside and outside the classroom develops the cognitive skills of students. Having a strong school and home climate will lead to the intellectual growth of your student. I encourage you to be a part of that process. I also encourage you to contact me without hesitation about any questions or concerns you have about my policies or procedures.
Mr. Kevin Moritz
A) Course Description:
Students will learn about the history and belief systems of the world’s five major religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Students will also learn the legal aspects of religion in public schools in the United States. The purpose of this class is to help students become more aware and sensitive to the diversity that is around them and to help reduce prejudice in our community and society.
(Please Note: In this class, we will be studying Islam without judgement and with total respect).
Besides teaching World Religions, I work to develop skills that will last far beyond this classroom. Those skills include note taking, test taking, organization and personal responsibility. Furthermore, I focus on two types of teaching: pedagogy and cognitive. These two types of thinking allows for factual and analytical development that will come in great use for your students future.
B) Attendance and Punctuality:
Two of the most important factors that affects students learning is regular attendance and punctuality. Bingham High School’s attendance policy is to make sure a student is in school and on time each school day. By doing so, students will receive a quality education that is essential for future success in and out of the classroom. To implement the goals of Bingham High School, Mr. Moritz has constructed the following attendance policy:
a)The award of credit in this class is subject to the conditions outlined in the BHS attendance policy. Mr. Moritz’s attendance policy is the same as the attendance policy outlined by the BHS student handbook.
b)Absences in excess of 3 per class per quarter that are not made up or waived through the appeals process will result in loss of course credit regardless of the course grade.
c)Important note: It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher to find out what work needs to be made up after an absence. (A student is allowed to ask for missing work via Email, and / or after class, and / or after school. NEVER before class when it is about to start).
d)Students missing work due to an absence will be given two days from the day they return to class to complete missed work without penalty (except for sluffs). Emergency extensions may be granted on teacher approval. (Unless the assignment is not due yet; then normal assignment polices still applies).
e)If a student misses the due date for a homework assignment due to an absence, they can turn in the assignment on the day they return to class without penalty. If a student does not turn in assignment that was due on the day (s) they were absent, then they will have two days to turn it in from the day they return to class (However, it will be marked late).
a)Students need to be in class on time. A student is considered tardy / late to class if he or she is not in class and in their assigned seat when the bell rings when the tardy bell rings.
b)If a student is late between 10 and 20 minutes from the ringing of the tardy bell, then the student will be marked Way Tardy, which will count against the student as TWO tardy’s
c)If a student is later than 20 minutes, A conversation with the teacher and student will be held after class to address the students excessive tardy.
d)If a student is tardy or way tardy, it is his or her responsibility to sign the tardy sheet in the back of the room. Important note: Students who do not sign the tardy sheet will be marked absent. (This will not be changed by the teacher later: it will be still be marked as an absence). By signing the tardy sheet, the student documents that he or she is only tardy and not absent.
e)It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of the amount of tardies they have on Skyward. (They may also ask the teacher at the end of class or the school day).
f)Tardiness will be assessed in the following manner:
- Students receive 100 Points each quarter, which will count as Attendance and Participation points. Student receives four free tardies each quarter.
- Every Regular Tardy after the four free tardies will result in a student losing 10 points from their attendance and participation points given each quarter.
- Way Tardies will result in a student losing two of their free tardies. Every Way Tardy after the four three tardies will result in a student losing 20 Points from their attendance points.
- Students cannot make up these points but may receive in-class extra credit or do extra credit assignments to offset their lost points.
g)The only excuse accepted for a tardy, will be a note brought from another teacher or administrator on the day of the tardy. (or in the case of a before class emergency, they may ask permission from the teacher if they can take care of their emergency).
h)Tardies are recorded as a “T” on the Skyward roll book. Way Tardy is recorded as a “W” on the Skyward roll book.
C) Materials: NOTEBOOKS (Binders / Folders)
1)You will need a notebook for this class. In your notebook you will be expected to keep class notes and in-class work. A notebook must have two pockets!! Manila folders will not be accepted!!
2)Important note: Bring your notebook with you every day, no matter what is planned. The notebook will be a portfolio of your work each unit that will be handed in on the day of tests for evaluation and grading. You will have a week to turn it in after the test day WITHOUT penalty. However, notebooks will not be allowed to be turned in after that date.
3)Some assignments are worth 4, 6, 10 or 20 points in the notebook. Notebooks that are not organized using Mr. Moritz’s Table of Contents will be given an automatic ZERO. Portfolios turned in without a Notebook will be given an automatic ZERO. Notebooks not organized using the Table of Contents will receive an automatic ZERO.
4)Notebooks must be turned in within a week after that units test was given and must be turned in by 2:40 on the day it is due on the last day it is due. No notebooks will be accepted after the due date.
D) Classwork and Grading:
1) Make-up of letter Grades: You will receive points for every homework assignment, notebook evaluation and test that you complete and turn in. The points from all these items will be added up and the percentage earned will determine your quarter grade. Grades will be calculated on the following percentage scale:
A =100-93 B-= 80-82 D+= 67-69
A- =92-90 C+ =77-79 D= 63-66
B+= 87-89 C= 73-76 D-= 60-62
B= 83-86 C-= 70-72 F= 59 – Below
2) Approximate grade breakdown: Tests = 30% of grade. Assignments = 30% of grade. Notebook = 30% of grade.Participation = 10% of grade.
3) Tests and test make-ups: If you happen to be absent on the day of the test, you must take the test within one week after the test was given. Important note:Tests can ONLY be made up after school. No before school test makeups. No test make up will be given during class time. Arrangements should be made with Mr. Moritz to schedule make up tests if after school testing is difficult.
4) Bellringers: Bellringers must be completed every day and turned into notebook for later evaluation. Bellringers are worth 4 points each in notebook (2 points per question). Bellringers must be fully answered and must be one complete sentence per question.
5) Beginning of Class: When the tardy bell rings, Students are to be in their seat, done talking and busy working on their bellringers. After the tardy bell, Mr. Moritz will count to 5 verbally and with hand gestures. After Mr. Moritz counts to 5, any student still out of their seat, talking, or not working on their bellringers will lose 10 points from their participation points.
6) Homework and Absences: If you are absent for whatever reason, it is your responsibility to get Bellringers, notes and in class assignments from a classmate. Being absent does NOT excuse a student from missed in class work; (even if it is a school excused absence, the missed work must be made up).
7) Copies of Assignments: Mr. Moritzwill have note outlines and in-class assignments from the previous day available in the class extra copies box at the back of the room. A student must either get these assignments stamped excused by Mr. Moritz, or the work must be copied from another students paper that was in class that day. However, when the extra copies of past assignments in the boxes run out and are missing in the box, then they are gone (I will not make extra copies once this happens). Students will have to get a photo copy from a fellow student or take a zero.
8) Extra Credit: Extra credit will be given at Mr. Moritz’s discretion throughout the year.
9) Due Dates for Assignments:Due dates for homework assignments will be posted on the front board of the Classroom. It is the student’s responsibility to keep note of these due date. Assignments and their due dates are also posted as up to date, as possible, on Skyward.
10)LATE WORK: Students that miss the deadline for an homework assignment have one week after the due date to turn it in but will receive a loss of 5 to 10 points from the assignment, (depending on how much it is worth). After the one week deadline for late work, Mr. Moritz will no longer accept those assignments. Period. No half points….no nothing.
11)Participation Points: Students must participate during lectures / discussions a minimum of FIVE times per quarter. Participation requires a student to raise their hand, be called upon by the teacher, and must ask a relevant question, expand upon the discussion related to the topic, and / or give clarification to a teachers question. Mr. Moritz may cut-off a days worth of participation points or double the amount of points on any giving day at any time. Participation is worth 10 points each and will be subtracted from a student’s grade at the end of the quarter.
12)Completed Assignments: It is a good idea to keep all assignments until the end of the quarter. This way you will have proof of an assignments completion if any grading mistakes are made by Mr. Moritz. (Although it usually does not happen, sometimes mistakes happen to even the best of us).
13) Missing Assignments on Skyward: Assignments that have been turned in but are not recorded in Skyward need to be looked for by the student in the class graded baskets for verification of completion. If the assignment is not found in the graded basket, Mr. Moritz may allow the student to redo the assignment. I cannot, and I will not, give a student a grade for an assignment that is not found or is missing from the graded basket.
14) Checking your Grade: If you have internet access at home, check skyward regularly to review what assignments you have completed, are missing, and /or due dates for upcoming assignments. You may also use the school or library computers. DO NOTask Mr. Moritz to show your grade or missing assignments.
15) Quarter Projects: For some classes, quarter projects (4 for a yearly class; 2 for a semester class) will be assigned. Students will be expected to complete the project with a partner or by themselves. Students will have ALL quarter to work on this project. However, because of the length of time to work on the project, Mr. Moritz will not allow any projects to be turned in AFTER the due date. If a student is unexpectedly absent for any reason (excused or not) on the day the quarter project is due, it is the students responsibility to have someone drop the work off in Mr. Moritz’s classroom before 2:40 on the due date.
16) Turning assignments in: Assignments, notebooks and quarter projects are NEVER to be turned into my office box. All work being dropped off by a student, a student’s friend, relative, parent must be turned into my rooms assignments baskets, notebook boxes or projects garbage can. If an assignment is turned into my office box, it will NOT be graded.
E) Rules and expectations.
1) Respect for others is essential. – Please treat all class members in the manner that you would want to be treated. Negative comments about race, religion, gender and intelligence has no place in this classroom.
2)Come prepared – Bring books, paper, pencil, notebook and positive learning attitude. Students can not learn if they do not have the means to do so.
3)Take care of personal needs between classes: Hall Passes will be allowed for students to use by the teacher as long as it is not abused. Mr. Moritz has every right to give or deny hall passes to students who need it or has abused it. Permission to use a Hall Pass will be given in cases of Extreme Medical Emergencies.
4)Hall passes are never permitted during lecture and note taking time. Students who ask to use the hall pass during lecture time will be giving a warning. If there is a second time, then the student will not be allowed to use the restroom during class time for two weeks.
5)Do not abuse the hall pass privilege: Students who continually ask to use the hall pass will not be allowed to use the hall pass for two weeks. Students who are using the hall pass for longer than 10 minutes will not be allowed to use the hall pass for two weeks. Of course, in cases of Extreme Medical Emergencies a hall pass will always be allowed.
6)Food and drink should be left in the lunchroom – Food in the classroom that is from the lunch room or from outside of the school campus is prohibited due to health code regulations. Light snacks and drinks are okay as long as it does not become a problem.
7)Keep work areas clean – Students should clean up after themselves. Garbage / paper on the floor, writing on the desk and other forms of property disrespect is not permitted.
8)Academic Honesty means honesty – Students found to be cheating on any assignments and / or tests, will receive no credit (an F grade) for their work and not allowed to make up the work.
9)Class time is NOT Gossip time - Students are to stay engaged and on task during note taking and in-class assignments. Students off task will receive a warning and then they will lose 10 points from their Attendance and Participation points, and eventually separated from their classmates.
10)Dress Code - Students are expected to follow the dress code as determined by Bingham High and Jordan School District. Mr. Moritz will enforce this dress code every day. If need be, a note will be logged by Mr. Moritz into skyward to keep a record of these violations. Students in continual violation, or argues with Mr. Moritz, will be referred to the office.Hats, Beanies, Hoodies and Sunglasses are NEVER allowed in my classroom at anytime.
11)Come well rested– Get a good night sleep the night before class. Class should be learning time, not nap time. Sleepers will be warned once and then asked to stand at the back of the room as an aid to stay awake. (#1 enforced rule. Exceptions for illness if informed at beginning of class)
12)Cell Phones: Leave cell phones in your pocket or backpacks–Do NOT for any reason keep your cellphone on your desk. For the first Cellphone violation, the teacher will warn the student, on the second violation, the teacher will confiscate the phone and will return it to the student at the end of the class period. On the third violation, the cell phone will be confiscated, turned over to an administrator and must be picked up by a parent after school. (Possible conference between student, parent, teacher and administrator).
- Please note: Any student who refuses to turn over their cellphone on their second and / or third violation will immediately be turned over to an Administrator for discipline. Typical hiding places that will get you caught: Side of desk, under desk, in backpack / bag, in between legs, under one leg. (In other words, I am experienced in catching students who try to be sneaky). Stress spinners are okay as long as they don’t become a distraction.
- Please note: If a student or a parent has an extreme and legitimate emergency, they may call or contact the front office. Occasionally, Mr. Moritz will give permission to a student to step out into the hall for a brief cellphone conversation for unexpected emergencies. Please, do not call my extension number during class time.
* Like so many relationships, that of teacher and student is a reciprocal one. If you follow the rules of my class you will have a positive experience and gain valuable insight and information. If you choose to deviate from these simple and reasonable rules you will have a less positive experience.