No. 12132013-1

December 13, 2013

VU LTEC Technology Solutions



1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Purpose of This Request for Proposal
1.3 Timelines
1.4 Definitions / 3
2.0 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS…………………………………………………………………………………………….
2.1 Format of Proposal
2.2 Submission of Proposal
2.3 Expression of Intent
2.4 Inquiries / 5
3.0 SCOPE OF WORK…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3.1 Scope of Work
3.2 Technical Specifications / 9
4.0 SELECTION PROCESS……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4.1 Preliminary Screening
4.2 Evaluation Procedures
4.3 Final Selection / 10
5.0 PROJECT STANDARDS………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5.1 Quality Assurance
5.2 Standards
5.3 Project Work Schedules
5.4 Reporting Process and Frequency
5.5 Issue Resolution / 11
6.0 TERMS AND CONDITIONS……………………………………………………………………………………………….. / 12
Attachment A- Expression of Intent
Attachment B- Proposal Certification
Attachment C- Pricing Structure
/ 19



One of the first two-year colleges in America, Vincennes University is also Indiana's oldest college. Located in southwestern Indiana, the University is a comprehensive public institution of higher learning with an enrollment of approximately 9,900 full-time equivalents. The University offers a broad range of degrees, including its recent addition of select baccalaureate programs. Major extension sites are located in Jasper, Fort Branch and Indianapolis, Indiana. The University also offers over 420 courses through its Distance Education program and at twelve military sites across the United States. The University is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

Vincennes University Logistics Training and Education Center (VU LTEC) is the recipient of a three-year Department of Labor (DOL) Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) grant. The primary intent of the TAACCCT grant is to meet the educational and/or career training needs of workers who have lost their jobs or are threatened with job loss as a result of foreign trade. VU LTEC’s mission is to develop and deliver education and training programs that meet the ever-increasing demands of employers in the logistics industry. VU LTEC features a one-of-a-kind experience, combining classroom instruction with hands-on learning in a 40,000 square foot warehouse. Students will not only learn the material to give them the knowledge base employers are looking for, but also put in to action what they have learned, applying their knowledge using the latest equipment and technology. The use of classroom instruction and hands-on training enables VU LTEC students to graduate with certifications, degrees, and real-world experience.


VU LTEC is administering this RFP for the purpose of replicating the most common types of technology and equipment that are utilized in the industry, giving students the ability to experiment with these solutions in order to make them trained, knowledgeable and employable workers for the industry. Acquiring these technology solutions supports VU LTEC’s mission of creating a blended learning environment by combining classroom/online instruction with hands-on training in our 40,000 square foot warehouse. The federal funding received through the TAACCCT grant will be used for the purchase of the requested technology solutions.


The following timelines apply in response to this RFP:

  1. Expression of Intent: All entities intending to submit a proposal must complete Attachment A- Expression of Intent, found in the appendix of this document and submit by 2:00 P.M. EST on December 23, 2013, to Michael Morrison, Director of Procurement, at . Entities choosing not to submit a proposal are encouraged to notify the Director of Procurement.
  2. Inquiries: Questions will be accepted until 2:00 P.M. EST on January 10, 2014 regarding this RFP. Questions should be directed to Michael Morrison by emailing . All questions must be in writing.
  3. Submission: All RFPs must be received by 2:00 P. M. EST on January 17, 2014. Please refer to Section 2.0 for specific instructions for proposal submission.

Approximately four to six weeks after the deadline date for submission of this RFP, the University will contact each respondent regarding the status of its proposal and the next steps. Anticipated start date is February 2014.


As used in this RFP, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed herein unless otherwise stated or reasonably required.

  1. University: Means Vincennes University.
  2. Proposal: Means the response submitted by the respondent to the Request for Proposal.
  3. Request for Proposal (RFP): Means the document soliciting formal, sealed proposals of interested, qualified entities to provide services pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein. Also referred to as an RFP.
  4. Respondent: Means the partnership, corporations, firm, entity, or other persons submitting a proposal in response to the RFP.



Proposals shall be submitted legibly. Each proposal is required to be submitted in the below RFP format and it must be signed by an authorized individual (refer to Attachment B- Proposal Certification). This RFP should include the following sections:

  1. Organizational Background and Experience: This section should include the following administrative information: response date; vendor contact name and phone number; and the stipulation that the proposal is valid for a time period of 90 days from the date of submission.

Provide a brief description of the organization including a brief history, structure and organization, number of years in business, and copies of the latest independently prepared financial statements (or a current balance sheet/income statement if your organization is not subject to an audit). This section should also include a summary of qualifications and ability to meet the overall requirements of the RFP, including the technical requirements described in section 3.2 of this RFP.

If the organization is a disadvantaged, minority, women business enterprise or uses a vendor that meets these requirements, please state this in the response. If the organization has certified environmentally friendly/energy efficient products or services, please state this in the response.

B.  References: Please provide contact information for a minimum of three (3) current references in which your organization has performed similar work for. Please include the name of the organization, address, contact name, and telephone/email address.

C.  Technical Specifications: This section should address the inclusion and handling of each technical specification outlined in Section 3.2. The technical proposal should clearly state assumptions about information, material, or work. Attachments may accompany this section in addition to your responses.

D.  Issue Resolution/Quality Assurance: This section should describe the procedures the vendor will use for spotting potential issues and initiating proper corrections before issues become potential problems, keeping in mind the quality assurance standards used in this proposal (refer to Section 5.0 for additional information).

E.  Project Schedule: This section will suggest a project schedule of key events, deliverables, milestones and proposed project staff used to complete this project (refer to Section 5.0 for additional information).

F.  Cost Proposal: Located in Attachment C- Cost Proposal. The cost proposal must be separate from the technical proposal and should include all costs related to this project. Costs should be detailed. Additional attachments may accompany the cost proposal. The cost proposal must be in the format shown in Attachment C.

G.  Agreement to Proposed Terms and Conditions: Located in Attachment B- Proposal Certification. The agreement with the selected vendor will include all relevant and agreed-upon elements of the successful offer. Any offered agreement is subject to review, negotiation, and modification.


  1. Proposals are to be emailed on or before 2:00 P.M. EST on the date indicated on the front cover of this proposal (“Time and Date Set for Closing”) to Michael Morrison, Director of Procurement at . Proposals should include in the email the following information:
  2. Name of Proposer
  3. Title of Proposal
  4. RFP Number
  1. No telephone or facsimile proposals will be considered. Proposals received after the time and date for closing will be returned to the proposer.
  1. You may withdraw your proposal at any time prior to the time and date set for closing.
  1. No department, school, or office at the University has the authority to solicit or receive official proposals other than the Director of Procurement. All solicitation is performed under the direct supervision of the Director of Procurement Services and in complete accordance with University’s policies and procedures.
  1. The University reserves the right to conduct discussions with proposers, to accept revisions of proposals, and to negotiate price changes. During this discussion period, the University will not disclose any information derived from proposals submitted, or from discussions with other proposers. Once an award is made, the solicitation file, and the proposals contained therein, are in the public record and will be disclosed upon request.
  1. The award shall be made to the responsible proposer whose proposal is determined to be the most advantageous to the University based on the evaluation factors set forth in this Request for Proposal. Price, although a consideration, will not be the sole determining factor.
  1. The University is committed to the development of Small Business, Small Disadvantaged Business, and Women and Minority Business Enterprises (SB, SDB, & WMBE) suppliers. If subcontracting is necessary, the successful proposer will make every effort to use SB, SDB, & WMBE in the performance of any contract resulting from this Request for Proposal. A report may be required at each annual anniversary date and at the completion of the contract indicating the extent of SB, SDB, & WMBE participation. If applicable, a description of the proposer's expected efforts to solicit SB, SDB, & WMBE participation should be enclosed within your proposal (Section 2.1- A).
  1. Your proposal should be submitted in the format shown in Section 2.1. Proposals in any other format will be considered informal and may be rejected. Conditional proposals will not be considered. An individual authorized to extend a formal proposal must sign all proposals. Proposals that are not signed may be rejected.
  1. The University reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or any part thereof, or to accept any proposal, or any part thereof, or to withhold the award and to waive or decline to waive irregularities in any proposal when it determines that it is in its best interest to do so. The University also reserves the right to hold all proposals for a period of 90 days after the opening date and the right to accept a proposal not withdrawn before the scheduled proposal opening date.
  1. The successful proposer is expected to enter into a standard form of agreement approved by Vincennes University. Vincennes University contract terms and conditions are included in this Request for Proposal in Section 6.0. These terms and conditions are intended to be incorporated into the agreement between the University and the successful proposer. Proposals that are contingent upon any changes to these mandatory contract terms and conditions may be deemed nonresponsive and may be rejected. Special terms and conditions address subjects that are important to the University. Proposers may suggest alternatives to these special terms and conditions. However, proposals that are contingent upon any changes to these special terms and conditions will be at a competitive disadvantage in the proposal evaluation process.
  1. Unless specifically stated to the contrary, any manufacturer's names, trade names, brand names or catalog numbers used in the specifications of this Request for Proposal are for the purpose of describing and/or establishing the quality, design and performance required. Any such reference is not intended to limit or restrict an offer by any proposer and is included in order to advise the potential proposer of the requirements for the University. Any offer, which proposes like quality, design or performance, will be considered.
  1. Any person, firm, corporation or association submitting a proposal shall be deemed to have read and understood all the terms, conditions and requirements in the specifications/scope of work.
  1. All responses and accompanying documentation will become the property of the University at the time the proposals are opened.
  1. The University shall not reimburse any proposer the cost of responding to a Request for Proposal.
  1. Approximately four to six weeks after the deadline date for submission of this RFP, the University will contact each respondent regarding the status of its proposal and the next steps.


All entities intending to submit a proposal must complete Attachment A- Expression of Intent, found in the appendix of this document. The proposer must email it to the contact listed (provided in Attachment A) by the time and date indicated for the Expression of Intent deadline (see front cover). Entities choosing not to submit a proposal are encouraged to notify Michael Morrison, Director of Procurement, at .


The University will endeavor to answer all inquiries regarding this RFP to all respondents for which it has notice, and to respond in a timely manner. All respondents having a question or a request for clarification concerning the meaning or interpretation of this RFP should contact Michael Morrison, Director of Procurement, by sending an email to . Only questions sent to the Director of Procurement will be responded to. Questions must be in writing and will be accepted until the time and date indicated for the Inquiry Deadline (see front cover). Questions sent by vendors and official responses by VU will be provided in a FAQ document. The FAQ will be sent to all vendors that submit an expression of intent and will continue to be updated and disseminated to vendors as additional questions are received. Please note: the University will be closed beginning December 24, 2013 and will re-open on January 2, 2014. Inquiries sent during this time period will be addressed upon return.



This project is for the purpose of procuring technology solutions that will simulate what students will use in the industry. LTEC works with a national book bank,, to process children’s books donated from publishers. During last year, LTEC processed over 1 million children’s books. LTEC is seeking a solution that will allow students to utilize this technology while processing real product. LTEC currently has 40,000 square feet of warehouse space, including approximately 400 pallet positions, 100 case pick locations and 200 linear feet (48 sections-48”x18”x114”) of 7-level shelving. Four wireless Cisco access points are already installed to support wireless communications in the warehouse. There are no computer servers on-site. All communications are managed by VU Management Information Center (MIC) located in Vincennes, IN. Specific technology solutions needed are: Voice-pick, Pick-to-Light/Put-to-Light, RF Scanners, and a Warehouse Management System (WMS) that will fully integrate all of these technologies.