The CPI committee understands that university-community partnership projects do not always arise 1-2 semesters in advance and do not always require the funding or planning of the typical CPI grant proposal. Therefore,the Kernodle Center for Service Learning and Community Engagement now accepts proposals for more modest short-term initiativesranging from $250-$500 on a rolling deadline basis. Like regular CPI grant projects, these rolling deadline initiatives should still connect local community partners with Elon University students and faculty and assist in preparing students for active roles in their community. Like the typical CPI process, this initiative will also advance the university’s mission to engage students, faculty, and community members in “preparing students to be global citizens and informed leaders motivated by concern for the common good.” This call for proposals is made possible by the generosity of agift from the Charles A. Frueauff Foundation.
AWARDS: Grants are available to collaborative community-university partnerships that include both the community and students. Projects may be initiated by faculty members or community partners. We prefer projects that are grounded within Academic Service-Learning courses due to the structured nature of roles, relationships, schedules, reflections and outcomes in such courses. Only requests in the $250-$500 range will be considered.
Grants will supportprojects that engage in activities such as:
- Meetings between community partners, students, and/or faculty,
- Recognition or training events,
- Extending current agency programs and efforts;
- Raising awareness regarding an important issue in the community;
- Developing courses or programs that focus on community learning or civic education.
Acceptable budget items include:
- Support for gatherings of community partners, students, and/or faculty;
- Suppliesand equipment related directly to the project;
- Travel and registration for related conferences;
- Some costs for transportation.
Funds may not be used for costs regularly covered by departmental budgets, such as secretarial assistance, office supplies, or photocopying.
ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS: Successful applicants will need to:
- stay in contact with CPI administrator about progress of project;
- complete the project to the satisfaction of the community partner and provide them instructions/materials to sustain the project, if appropriate;
- submit a final summary paragraph and budget report within 45 days of the project’s conclusion.
SELECTION CRITERIA: Grants will be selected based on how well they demonstrate the following:
- Partnership quality: degree of shared involvement and benefits for all parties
- Student Impact: scope and quality of impact on Elon University student
- Community Impact: scope and quality of impact on the local community
TIMELINE and SUBMISSION: Proposals should be submitted to Mary Morrison at and will be reviewed by members of the CPI Committee. Decisions will be announced as soon as possible, usually within a week of submission. This application process is intended for projects that arise during a semester (as opposed to 1-2 semesters in advance) and will be completed during that semester.
QUESTIONSmay be directed to:
* Mary Morrison ( or x7250)* Tammy Cobb ( or x7250)
* Alexa Darby ( or x 6405)
Community Partnership Initiative Grants Application Form
Primary Grant Manager: FacultyPartner
Community Partner Contact: Title:
Agency/Organization Name:
Phone#: Email:
Faculty Member: Department:
Phone#: Email:
Faculty Rank: CB:
Total Grant Amount Requested: ($250-500 maximum)
Please attach a half-page, 1-2 paragraph overview that includes the following information:
- Purpose & Design: What is the purpose of and need for your project and how will it be implemented?
- Partnership: What roles have university and community partners played in the design of this project? What roles will they play in implementing the project?
- Outcomes: What specific outcomes do you expect for students and the community?
- Scope: Approximately how many Elon students and community members will be involved?
- Supporting Documents: please include a budget and timeline.
Partner Signature Date
Faculty Signature Date
Kernodle Center for Service Learningand Community Engagement
2999 CB, ElonUniversity, Elon, NC27244